Proclamations 2xxx

0xxx - 1xxx - 2xxx - 3xxx - 4xxx - 5xxx - 6xxx - 7xxx - 8xxx - 9xxx
B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Commands
2020 Inner voice .... Thought .... Deed .... Aug 8, 1941 408
2033 Catastrophe.... Fulfilment of the Scriptures.... God's love for humanity.... Aug 17, 1941 582
2034 Teaching of predestination.... Aug 18, 1941 439
2039a Mental activity.... Aug 21, 1941 438
2039b Mental activity.... Aug 21, 1941 434
2044 God's permission.... Human free will.... Aug 26, 1941 238
2075 Souls of the deceased close to earth.... Sep 17, 1941 379
2083 Misuse of the gifts which distinguish the human being from the animal.... Sep 22, 1941 448
2086 Purpose of natural disasters.... Sep 25, 1941 984
2091 Danger of accepting established traditions.... Examination.... Sep 30, 1941 445
2099 God's call to service.... Inner voice.... Oct 5, 1941 391
2100 Creation of the beings.... Wrong will.... Oct 6, 1941 216
2104 Innermost feeling guiding principle for way of life.... Oct 9, 1941 583
2105 Process of transmission is an act of spiritual emanation of strength.... Oct 9, 1941 419
2107 ‘Where two or three are gathered together in My name....’ Oct 10, 1941 599
2110 Violation of free will by fellow human beings.... Oct 12, 1941 212
2113 Belief in a continuation of life.... Consequences of earthly life in the beyond.... Oct 14, 1941 610
2117 Divine providence.... Misguided will.... Oct 16, 1941 413
2142a Heavenly bodies.... Spiritual and earthly substance.... Nov 6, 1941 412
2142b Heavenly bodies.... Spiritual and earthly substance.... Nov 7, 1941 424
2143 Heavenly bodies.... Spiritual and earthly substance.... Nov 7, 1941 451
2144 Transformation of the external shape after physical death.... Being spiritually dead.... Activity - Inactivity.... Nov 8, 1941 430
2147 ‘He who remains in love remains in Me and I in him....’ Nov 11, 1941 746
2165 Prayers for souls in the beyond which had not acquired love on earth.... Nov 24, 1941 943
2172 Intercession for people distanced from God.... Dec 2, 1941 447
2175 Eruptions are an act of liberation for the spiritual substances bound in the solid form.... Dec 5, 1941 412
2193 Harshest measures.... Fearless speaking.... Strong will.... Dec 24, 1941 228
2194 Wisdom, light and strength are as one.... Dec 25, 1941 214
2203 Book of Books.... Lamp without oil.... Jan 5, 1942 431
2204 Satan’s work of deception.... Mask.... Matter.... Jan 6, 1942 438
2206 Coming into being and passing away.... Jan 8, 1942 408
2211 Last Judgment.... Rapture.... Jan 14, 1942 782
2218 Love is the key to truth.... Jan 21, 1942 602
2221 Peter’s successors.... Ecclesiastical-secular power.... Jan 27, 1942 845
2223 Selfishness.... God's intervention is the last resort.... Jan 29, 1942 759
2231 The spirit of lies and its instruments.... Feb 8, 1942 611
2233 Heavenly bliss .... Feb 12, 1942 555
2246 Catastrophe.... Feb 28, 1942 1122
2247 Recognising the truth is a duty to advocate it.... Mar 1, 1942 529
2267 Voluntary kind-hearted service .... Mar 18, 1942 387
2268 Selfish love.... Not much willingness for redemptive work.... Mar 18, 1942 753
2284 Heavenly glory .... Spiritual vision .... Apr 1, 1942 451
2289 God is Love.... The mystery of love.... Apr 4, 1942 978
2292 Christianity.... Formalities.... Fight against schools of thought permitted.... Apr 8, 1942 433
2301 Battle for spiritual supremacy.... Apr 13, 1942 395
2302 Emotional and intellectual thinking.... Truth.... Apr 14, 1942 601
2304 Philosophy of life with Jesus Christ.... Apr 16, 1942 366
2321 Disposition.... Instincts of preliminary stages.... May 3, 1942 606
2340 Divine justice.... Intervention.... Disaster.... May 19, 1942 774
2344 The soul - Carrier of all works of creation.... May 24, 1942 791
2345 Jesus Christ was dedicated to God body and soul.... May 24, 1942 388
2348 Hour of death.... May 27, 1942 780
2353 False Christs.... Signs and miracles.... May 31, 1942 415
2360 Spiritual rebirth.... Jun 7, 1942 450
2361 Ending the struggle between the nations.... Jun 6, 1942 431
2363 Thinking apparatus.... Influx of good or evil strength.... Jun 9, 1942 422
2372 Misguided teachings are barriers for the seeker of God.... Jun 17, 1942 591
2375 'The wisdom of the wise will be destroyed....' Jun 20, 1942 406
2381 Needy souls beg for prayers.... Jun 24, 1942 977
2383a Infallibility of the head of church.... Jun 25, 1942 598
2383b Infallibility of the head of church.... Jun 25, 1942 752
2388a Forthcoming event.... God's intervention.... Time of adversity.... Jun 29, 1942 406
2388b Forthcoming event.... God's intervention.... Time of adversity.... Jun 29, 1942 393
2390 Retribution - Atonement and educational means.... Approval of committing an evil deed is sin.... Jun 30, 1942 610
2401 Contact with the deceased .... Souls close to Earth .... Jul 8, 1942 589
2409 Why prayer is necessary.... Jul 15, 1942 561
2412 Spiritual coercion.... Human commandments.... Fighting the teaching of Christ.... Jul 17, 1942 442
2415 ‘Eye has not seen .... ’ Jul 19, 1942 563
2437 Indications of natural event.... Jesus’ reference on earth.... Aug 5, 1942 947
2441 Path of life predetermined by God.... Free will.... Deed and effect.... Aug 8, 1942 593
2445 Heartlessness.... The world's battle against the teaching of love.... Aug 10, 1942 1343
2446a Wisdom without love is unthinkable .... Everlasting knowledge .... Aug 11, 1942 222
2448 Inner Earth activity .... Eruptions .... Aug 13, 1942 563
2449 Disasters in nature and their spiritual explanation.... Aug 14, 1942 595
2454 Most basic way of life in the coming time.... The individual person's fate.... Aug 22, 1942 594
2461 Immorality.... Unwritten laws.... Aug 30, 1942 1751
2468 Will and grace.... (Which comes first?....) Sep 9, 1942 434
2489 Will and deed.... Responsibility.... Oct 1, 1942 396
2494 Matter and Spirit.... Oct 4, 1942 635
2496 Contact with the beyond .... Willingness to give .... (Spiritualism) .... Oct 5, 1942 424
2507 God's will.... Commandments.... Peace and order.... Consequences.... Oct 12, 1942 616
2510 Three ways of imparting the divine Word.... Oct 13, 1942 687
2513 Pre-historic human beings.... Responsibility.... Oct 16, 1942 601
2514 Present-day human being.... Abilities.... Oct 16, 1942 407
2515 Abilities.... Task.... Regression.... New earth.... Oct 17, 1942 408
2516 Fatherly Words.... 'Ask, and it shall be given to you....' Oct 17, 1942 406
2521 Notice of an event.... Spiritual transformation.... (Rome?) Oct 22, 1942 397
2524 Wrong interpretation of the Holy Scriptures.... Misguided teachings.... Oct 26, 1942 418
2534 'I will come like a thief in the night....' Nov 2, 1942 1221
2535 Battle .... Works of destruction .... Against God’s will .... Nov 3, 1942 247
2553 Are the dead resting?.... Nov 16, 1942 446
2555 Lack of understanding for the prophecies.... Necessity.... Nov 18, 1942 436
2566 False prophets.... Test the spirits.... Nov 29, 1942 431
2752 Fatherly Words of love.... May 24, 1943 998
2767 Belief in the soul’s life after death.... God’s mercy.... Jun 7, 1943 407
2768 Significance of Jesus’ crucifixion and consequences of rejection.... Jun 8, 1943 208
2775 Incarnation.... Instincts.... Preliminary stages.... Jun 15, 1943 617
2776 The will to live.... Fear of death Jun 16, 1943 612
2778 Temptation in form of earthly amusements.... Jun 18, 1943 635
2783 Sacrificial love.... Jun 22, 1943 607
2784 Lack of spiritual knowledge.... Jun 22, 1943 214
2787 Listening within.... Gifts from above.... Everything that is good is divine.... Jun 25, 1943 601
2795 Will for descendants.... Waiting souls.... Jul 3, 1943 635
2797 Strength of the divine Word.... Prophet.... The Lord's return.... Jul 4, 1943 435
2800 Professional missionaries.... Academic knowledge.... Jul 6, 1943 378
2803 End of the world conflagration.... Establishing divine order.... Jul 8, 1943 775
2810 Hatred and its consequences.... Jul 12, 1943 953
2811 The raging of natural forces .... Total changes of living conditions .... Jul 14, 1943 396
2829 Conditions for receiving the divine Word.... Jul 28, 1943 403
2834 Language of nature - Creation and Creator.... Aug 1, 1943 376
2849 Characteristic of truth.... Meaning of the letter.... Scrutiny and ability.... Aug 13, 1943 400
2873 Teaching of re-incarnation is misguided.... Law.... Sep 7, 1943 602
2874 Delusions.... Spiritual working group.... Sep 8, 1943 422
2875 Phase of development unique during a period of salvation.... Incarnation of beings of light.... Mission - Child of God.... Sep 9, 1943 413
2877 The working of the spirit.... Guarantee for pure truth.... Sep 10, 1943 396
2878 Knowledge of the spirit’s work in a person.... Exceptional opportunity for God to reveal Himself.... Sep 11, 1943 379
2880 Reminder to inform people of the battle of faith.... Sep 13, 1943 833
2882 Childship to God.... Severe trials.... Sep 14, 1943 397
2894 Suitability for scrutinising spiritual gifts.... Sep 24, 1943 359
2904 The opponent's mask.... 'By their fruits ye shall know them....' Sep 30, 1943 409
2912 Keep death in mind.... Oct 6, 1943 605
2929 Atonement of guilt without Christ’s act of Salvation.... Oct 17, 1943 429