2020 |
Inner voice .... Thought .... Deed ....
Aug 8, 1941 |
539 |
2029 |
Compassion for the great need....
Aug 14, 1941 |
28 |
2030 |
Faith and love necessary to recognize....
Aug 14, 1941 |
26 |
2031 |
Love protection against evil....
Aug 15, 1941 |
35 |
2032 |
Preparation to receive.... intimate contact with God....
Aug 16, 1941 |
27 |
2033 |
Catastrophe.... Fulfilment of the Scriptures.... God's love for humanity....
Aug 17, 1941 |
737 |
2034 |
Teaching of predestination....
Aug 18, 1941 |
564 |
2035 |
Protection for his own....
Aug 18, 1941 |
23 |
2036 |
Resistance hinders the power of cognition....
Aug 18, 1941 |
29 |
2037 |
Living beings - power stations....
Aug 19, 1941 |
28 |
2038 |
Living beings.... togetherness.... activity....
Aug 20, 1941 |
26 |
2039a |
Mental activity....
Aug 21, 1941 |
561 |
2039b |
Mental activity....
Aug 21, 1941 |
558 |
2040 |
Proximity to God - application of strength.... image of God....
Aug 22, 1941 |
26 |
2041 |
The living word.... controversial issues.... occasion....
Aug 23, 1941 |
29 |
2042 |
power of the divine word.... resistance....
Aug 24, 1941 |
26 |
2043 |
Abuse of the power of the strongest.... unkindness....
Aug 26, 1941 |
43 |
2044 |
God's permission.... Human free will....
Aug 26, 1941 |
299 |
2045 |
Lauheit.... weakness of will.... slackness in prayer....
Aug 27, 1941 |
92 |
2046 |
The pure in heart.... truth....
Aug 28, 1941 |
58 |
2047 |
Spiritual bondage or subordination of the will....
Aug 28, 1941 |
35 |
2048 |
Fearless proclamation of the divine word.... extraordinary power....
Aug 29, 1941 |
53 |
2049 |
Indifferent or demanding acceptance of the divine gift....
Aug 29, 1941 |
34 |
2050 |
Right relationship and living connection.... externalities....
Aug 30, 1941 |
29 |
2051 |
Requiring spiritual strength or increased activity of love....
Aug 30, 1941 |
37 |
2052 |
Belief - unbelief.... intellectual thinking - knowledge....
Aug 31, 1941 |
34 |
2053 |
Spiritual darkness cause of severe suffering on earth.... light....
Sep 1, 1941 |
36 |
2054 |
Distance from God.... cooling of love.... resistance to the doctrine of love....
Sep 2, 1941 |
37 |
2055 |
Humble prayer a prerequisite for the transmission of knowledge....
Sep 2, 1941 |
34 |
2056 |
Sep 3, 1941 |
89 |
2057 |
Spiritual exchange - questions of eternity....
Sep 3, 1941 |
32 |
2058 |
Knowledge or increased activity of love necessary for union with God....
Sep 4, 1941 |
33 |
2059 |
Violation of divine commandments.... sin.... bondage....
Sep 6, 1941 |
58 |
2060 |
Partition.... spiritual battle.... temptations....
Sep 7, 1941 |
34 |
2061 |
Right prayer.... fulfilment.... "Father, Thy will be done...."
Sep 8, 1941 |
48 |
2062 |
Fight.... willpower.... knowledge.... power.... otherworldly work....
Sep 9, 1941 |
45 |
2063 |
Inward prayer.... outside impressions.... God everywhere....
Sep 10, 1941 |
41 |
2064 |
State of death on earth and in the afterlife.... inactivity....
Sep 10, 1941 |
34 |
2065 |
Reasons for the fight against the spiritual.... weakness and strength....
Sep 11, 1941 |
41 |
2066 |
Protection of the pure word of God against earthly measures....
Sep 11, 1941 |
35 |
2067 |
Recognizing God through the wonders of creation....
Sep 12, 1941 |
31 |
2068 |
Earth life - probationary period.... spiritual riches....
Sep 12, 1941 |
43 |
2069 |
Spiritual reorganization....
Sep 13, 1941 |
37 |
2070 |
Light-filled or lightless and powerless state in the afterlife....
Sep 14, 1941 |
52 |
2071 |
Refuting objections and teaching with God's help....
Sep 14, 1941 |
32 |
2072 |
Work of redemption....
Sep 16, 1941 |
40 |
2073 |
The inner voice....
Sep 16, 1941 |
31 |
2074 |
Objects without purpose.... reshaping them....
Sep 17, 1941 |
29 |
2075 |
Souls of the deceased close to earth....
Sep 17, 1941 |
508 |
2076 |
Overcoming oneself.... refinement of the being....
Sep 18, 1941 |
26 |
2077 |
Consciously turning to God.... circle of light of the radiance of love....
Sep 18, 1941 |
26 |
2078 |
Heredity theory....
Sep 19, 1941 |
65 |
2079 |
Prayer bridge over the gulf to God....
Sep 19, 1941 |
25 |
2080 |
Earthly measures.... followers....
Sep 20, 1941 |
30 |
2081 |
Divine guidance....
Sep 20, 1941 |
35 |
2082 |
Spiritual freedom....
Sep 21, 1941 |
30 |
2083 |
Misuse of the gifts which distinguish the human being from the animal....
Sep 22, 1941 |
585 |
2084 |
Redemption through serving in love.... mandatory state and free will....
Sep 23, 1941 |
53 |
2085 |
Spiritual communion....
Sep 24, 1941 |
40 |
2086 |
Purpose of natural disasters....
Sep 25, 1941 |
1273 |
2087 |
Divine grace is an aid....
Sep 27, 1941 |
32 |
2088 |
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock...."
Sep 28, 1941 |
36 |
2089 |
Cognitive power and truth....
Sep 29, 1941 |
30 |
2090 |
Switch off earthly experience....
Sep 30, 1941 |
24 |
2091 |
Danger of accepting established traditions.... Examination....
Sep 30, 1941 |
554 |
2092 |
World affairs.... action and will.... impact....
Oct 2, 1941 |
28 |
2093 |
Knowledge of Christ's teaching obliges us to accept.... grace....
Oct 2, 1941 |
24 |
2094 |
Need for intervention from above.... disaster....
Oct 3, 1941 |
36 |
2095 |
Collecting intellectual property....
Oct 3, 1941 |
24 |
2096 |
Mission.... defenders of the kingdom of God.... earthly measures....
Oct 4, 1941 |
27 |
2097 |
Spiritual nourishment.... grace of God....
Oct 4, 1941 |
27 |
2098 |
Imperishability of what God allows to come to earth....
Oct 5, 1941 |
25 |
2099 |
God's call to service.... Inner voice....
Oct 5, 1941 |
513 |
2100 |
Creation of the beings.... Wrong will....
Oct 6, 1941 |
285 |
2101 |
Graces of the work of redemption....
Oct 7, 1941 |
39 |
2102 |
Strength and power of love.... perfection....
Oct 8, 1941 |
25 |
2103 |
Love solvent....
Oct 8, 1941 |
24 |
2104 |
Innermost feeling guiding principle for way of life....
Oct 9, 1941 |
795 |
2105 |
Process of transmission is an act of spiritual emanation of strength....
Oct 9, 1941 |
538 |
2106 |
Apostasy from God.... return to the elemental force....
Oct 10, 1941 |
49 |
2107 |
‘Where two or three are gathered together in My name....’
Oct 10, 1941 |
773 |
2108 |
Mediator between God and man.... willingness - grace....
Oct 11, 1941 |
26 |
2109 |
Worlds will pass away, but God's word will remain....
Oct 11, 1941 |
22 |
2110 |
Violation of free will by fellow human beings....
Oct 12, 1941 |
272 |
2111 |
Origin of thought in the heart of man....
Oct 13, 1941 |
43 |
2112 |
Fight against the spiritual.... intervention of God....
Oct 13, 1941 |
28 |
2113 |
Belief in a continuation of life.... Consequences of earthly life in the beyond....
Oct 14, 1941 |
789 |
2114 |
Prayer in Jesus' name.... strong faith.... doubt....
Oct 14, 1941 |
27 |
2115 |
Work of the light bearers.... unlimited ascension....
Oct 15, 1941 |
25 |
2116 |
Earthly and spiritual upheavals....
Oct 15, 1941 |
23 |
2117 |
Divine providence.... Misguided will....
Oct 16, 1941 |
537 |
2118 |
Vitality.... free will.... spiritual power requirement....
Oct 16, 1941 |
31 |
2119 |
Radiance of love....wrestling of the beings of light for souls....
Oct 17, 1941 |
65 |
2120 |
Word of God food of heaven.... rejecting people....
Oct 17, 1941 |
30 |
2121 |
Incarnation of Christ....
Oct 18, 1941 |
34 |
2122 |
"Take and eat.... Do this in remembrance of Me...."
Oct 19, 1941 |
33 |
2123 |
Powerless state in the afterlife....
Oct 21, 1941 |
31 |
2124 |
Spiritual knowledge is the result of the right walk before God....
Oct 23, 1941 |
35 |
2125 |
The path to eternal home with God.... prayer....
Oct 24, 1941 |
36 |
2126 |
Earthly light and spiritual light....
Oct 25, 1941 |
35 |
2127 |
Earth task conscious striving.... unused time....
Oct 25, 1941 |
32 |
2128 |
State of the soul in the afterlife.... explanation for suffering....
Oct 26, 1941 |
33 |
2129 |
Prayer - union with God.... significant process....
Oct 26, 1941 |
73 |
2130 |
Path to recognition.... new teaching.... imperishability of the teaching of God....
Oct 27, 1941 |
29 |
2131 |
Belief in survival.... working of love.... recognize....
Oct 28, 1941 |
34 |
2132 |
Announcement of the upcoming event....
Oct 28, 1941 |
30 |
2133 |
Divine spiritual work....
Oct 29, 1941 |
55 |
2134 |
Desire for God.... willpower.... power current....
Oct 30, 1941 |
23 |
2135 |
Divine teachings in the spiritual realm....
Oct 31, 1941 |
20 |
2136 |
"Man can do nothing without divine grace...." (danger)
Nov 1, 1941 |
38 |
2137 |
Inner humility.... fight against spiritual arrogance....
Nov 2, 1941 |
37 |
2138 |
Request of the suffering souls for prayer....
Nov 2, 1941 |
50 |
2139 |
Activity of the beings of light....
Nov 3, 1941 |
23 |
2140 |
Desire of the good forces.... Resisting the bad forces....
Nov 4, 1941 |
23 |
2141 |
Give in order to receive.... make an offering....
Nov 5, 1941 |
22 |
2142a |
Heavenly bodies.... Spiritual and earthly substance....
Nov 6, 1941 |
523 |
2142b |
Heavenly bodies.... Spiritual and earthly substance....
Nov 7, 1941 |
554 |
2143 |
Heavenly bodies.... Spiritual and earthly substance....
Nov 7, 1941 |
585 |
2144 |
Transformation of the external shape after physical death.... Being spiritually dead.... Activity - Inactivity....
Nov 8, 1941 |
553 |
2145 |
Fear of death.... moment of parting agony or happiness....
Nov 9, 1941 |
31 |
2146 |
Fight against Christ.... God's help.... doubt.... tool....
Nov 10, 1941 |
38 |
2147 |
‘He who remains in love remains in Me and I in him....’
Nov 11, 1941 |
969 |
2148 |
Forbearance towards the weakness of others....
Nov 11, 1941 |
24 |
2149 |
Ignorance and its effects.... wrong way of life....
Nov 12, 1941 |
21 |
2150 |
Activity of the spiritual spark in man....
Nov 13, 1941 |
21 |
2151 |
Unusual task.... unusual strength.... constant submission of will....
Nov 14, 1941 |
22 |
2152 |
Spiritual exchange necessary for the maturing of the soul....
Nov 16, 1941 |
22 |
2153 |
Passing on the truth.... influx of power and grace....
Nov 16, 1941 |
22 |
2154 |
Divine spiritual activity requires undoubted faith....
Nov 18, 1941 |
39 |
2155 |
Appreciation of the divine gift prerequisite for receiving....
Nov 18, 1941 |
37 |
2156 |
Power current from the realm of light....
Nov 19, 1941 |
19 |
2157 |
Unification of soul and spirit through love....
Nov 19, 1941 |
22 |
2158 |
Earth test.... submission of the will....
Nov 20, 1941 |
20 |
2159 |
Power of the divine word....
Nov 21, 1941 |
22 |
2160 |
God as an 'entity' or 'force of nature'....
Nov 22, 1941 |
19 |
2161 |
Significance of the divine word.... elements....
Nov 22, 1941 |
18 |
2162 |
Accepting the word of truth requires faith and labour of love....
Nov 23, 1941 |
20 |
2163 |
Connection from the beyond to earth.... mediate in love....
Nov 23, 1941 |
19 |
2164 |
Rejection of spiritual truths proves man's distance from God....
Nov 24, 1941 |
21 |
2165 |
Prayers for souls in the beyond which had not acquired love on earth....
Nov 24, 1941 |
1262 |
2166 |
God's word - doctrine of love.... following Jesus....
Nov 25, 1941 |
19 |
2167 |
Knowledge of those who want to serve God.... contradiction....
Nov 26, 1941 |
21 |
2168a |
christianity - doctrine of love.... recognizing the deity of Jesus....
Nov 27, 1941 |
24 |
2168b |
christianity - doctrine of love.... recognizing the deity of Jesus....
Nov 28, 1941 |
23 |
2169 |
Loosening of the solid form through God's will....
Nov 29, 1941 |
35 |
2170 |
Devotion of the divine word....
Nov 30, 1941 |
24 |
2171 |
God's omnipotence, love and wisdom....
Dec 1, 1941 |
24 |
2172 |
Intercession for people distanced from God....
Dec 2, 1941 |
593 |
2173 |
God's intervention necessary for the mature and undeveloped spiritual....
Dec 3, 1941 |
20 |
2174 |
Gratitude of the souls redeemed by prayer in the hereafter....
Dec 4, 1941 |
51 |
2175 |
Eruptions are an act of liberation for the spiritual substances bound in the solid form....
Dec 5, 1941 |
521 |
2176 |
Spiritual connection with God antidote for the world....
Dec 6, 1941 |
36 |
2177 |
Dec 6, 1941 |
23 |
2178 |
Struggling for souls in the afterlife.... God's mercy....
Dec 7, 1941 |
22 |
2179 |
The effect of a bad deed can be transformed by God....
Dec 8, 1941 |
24 |
2180 |
Teaching activity of the otherworldly beings through thought transmission....
Dec 9, 1941 |
22 |
2181 |
Light.... labour of love in the hereafter.... work of redemption....
Dec 11, 1941 |
50 |
2182 |
State of light or darkness in the afterlife.... condition for improvement....
Dec 11, 1941 |
20 |
2183 |
Exhortation to speak fearlessly.... (catastrophe)
Dec 12, 1941 |
22 |
2184 |
Audible word.... earth task.... precondition....
Dec 13, 1941 |
21 |
2185 |
Just thinking.... educational resources....
Dec 14, 1941 |
19 |
2186 |
Spiritual experience fulfilment of longing....
Dec 15, 1941 |
18 |
2187 |
Spiritual death.... lifeless state in the afterlife....
Dec 16, 1941 |
20 |
2188 |
Dec 17, 1941 |
23 |
2189 |
Work of the spirit.... father's words....
Dec 18, 1941 |
21 |
2190 |
Pure word of God....
Dec 19, 1941 |
19 |
2191 |
Truth from above....
Dec 20, 1941 |
23 |
2192 |
Spiritual connectedness.... conducive to the exchange of thoughts....
Dec 22, 1941 |
20 |
2193 |
Harshest measures.... Fearless speaking.... Strong will....
Dec 24, 1941 |
298 |
2194 |
Wisdom, light and strength are as one....
Dec 25, 1941 |
269 |
2195 |
Spiritual communications must be related to christian teaching....
Dec 27, 1941 |
21 |
2196 |
Fountain of wisdom.... fountain of grace.... refreshing drink....
Dec 28, 1941 |
20 |
2197 |
Disaster and hardship after....
Dec 29, 1941 |
31 |
2198 |
Unification of the soul with the spirit act of grace....
Dec 30, 1941 |
21 |
2199 |
Effect of the God-opposing will....
Dec 31, 1941 |
22 |
2200 |
The conscious will to serve God....
Jan 1, 1942 |
34 |
2201 |
Signs and wonders (false saviours)....
Jan 3, 1942 |
20 |
2202 |
Arbitrary return to earth not appropriate....
Jan 4, 1942 |
20 |
2203 |
Book of Books.... Lamp without oil....
Jan 5, 1942 |
542 |
2204 |
Satan’s work of deception.... Mask.... Matter....
Jan 6, 1942 |
547 |
2205 |
Questions answered by otherworldly knowing beings....
Jan 7, 1942 |
35 |
2206 |
Coming into being and passing away....
Jan 8, 1942 |
539 |
2207 |
Truth - Desire for God....
Jan 9, 1942 |
21 |
2208 |
Spiritual teachings require prayer for God's grace....
Jan 10, 1942 |
36 |
2209 |
True wisdom of life - receiving the divine word....
Jan 11, 1942 |
23 |
2210 |
Decrease in the power to resist.... Faith in God's help....
Jan 12, 1942 |
22 |
2211 |
Last Judgment.... Rapture....
Jan 14, 1942 |
1024 |
2212 |
Spiritual decline....
Jan 15, 1942 |
41 |
2213 |
father's words.... Fearless Fighters....
Jan 16, 1942 |
22 |
2214 |
father's words.... Compelling necessity....
Jan 17, 1942 |
22 |
2215 |
Voluntary surrender is a prerequisite for receiving the truth....
Jan 18, 1942 |
20 |
2216 |
Earthly environment, skills and knowledge irrelevant to the maturing of the soul....
Jan 19, 1942 |
35 |
2217 |
Necessity of suffering....
Jan 20, 1942 |
32 |
2218 |
Love is the key to truth....
Jan 21, 1942 |
799 |
2219 |
Teaching in truth requires faith in God....
Jan 22, 1942 |
45 |
2220 |
Working in the kingdom of light.... Truth.... Messengers of God....
Jan 23, 1942 |
30 |
2221 |
Peter’s successors.... Ecclesiastical-secular power....
Jan 27, 1942 |
1116 |
2222 |
The limits of knowledge are set by man, not God....
Jan 28, 1942 |
21 |
2223 |
Selfishness.... God's intervention is the last resort....
Jan 29, 1942 |
980 |
2224 |
Spreading the revelations of God's will....
Jan 30, 1942 |
39 |
2225 |
Mental teaching Activity of light beings....
Jan 31, 1942 |
24 |
2226 |
Walk through the works of creation - transformation from death to life....
Feb 1, 1942 |
21 |
2227 |
Desire for God - Union - Grace - Knowledge....
Feb 2, 1942 |
21 |
2228a |
Jesus Christ Bearer of Truth.... Apostle....
Feb 3, 1942 |
23 |
2228b |
Jesus Christ Bearer of Truth.... Apostle....
Feb 4, 1942 |
22 |
2229 |
Thought statement on doctrines of faith....
Feb 5, 1942 |
20 |
2230 |
The battle of light against darkness....
Feb 7, 1942 |
26 |
2231 |
The spirit of lies and its instruments....
Feb 8, 1942 |
787 |
2232 |
Lies and truth and their origin....
Feb 11, 1942 |
22 |
2233 |
Heavenly bliss ....
Feb 12, 1942 |
751 |
2234 |
The struggle for existence.... Struggle in the preliminary stages.... Struggle as a human being....
Feb 13, 1942 |
21 |
2235 |
The word of God is blessed with His power....
Feb 14, 1942 |
17 |
2236 |
Spiritual freedom.... Uninfluenced decision-making....
Feb 15, 1942 |
21 |
2237 |
Soul work.... Overcoming Self....
Feb 17, 1942 |
31 |
2238 |
father's words - Truth.... Defence against untruth....
Feb 19, 1942 |
21 |
2239 |
father's words - Love-Teaching.... Outer Forms....
Feb 20, 1942 |
20 |
2240 |
Servant of God....
Feb 21, 1942 |
19 |
2241 |
Overcoming resistance.... power supply - good or evil....
Feb 22, 1942 |
18 |
2242 |
Last judgement....
Feb 23, 1942 |
18 |
2243 |
Last judgement.... end of an epoch of redemption....
Feb 24, 1942 |
21 |
2244 |
Spiritual good - own knowledge.... battle of light with darkness....
Feb 25, 1942 |
22 |
2245 |
Recognizing people who are connected to God....
Feb 26, 1942 |
23 |
2246 |
Feb 28, 1942 |
1462 |
2247 |
Recognising the truth is a duty to advocate it....
Mar 1, 1942 |
725 |
2248 |
Messages from the spiritual realm.... earthbound beings....
Mar 3, 1942 |
30 |
2249 |
Spiritual knowledge.... study.... work on the soul....
Mar 3, 1942 |
26 |
2250 |
Father's words.... voice of God.... listening inwards....
Mar 5, 1942 |
49 |
2251 |
Suffering and tribulation proof of God's love....
Mar 6, 1942 |
40 |
2252 |
Refutation of the objection of the "action of evil forces...."
Mar 7, 1942 |
26 |
2253 |
Bridge to the beyond....
Mar 8, 1942 |
29 |
2254 |
Traditional faith.... obedience.... free choice....
Mar 9, 1942 |
40 |
2255 |
Spiritual flight to the heights.... conveying the spiritual good of the soul....
Mar 10, 1942 |
25 |
2256 |
Reminder to utilize the time for redemptive activity....
Mar 11, 1942 |
39 |
2257 |
Higher development and failure....
Mar 12, 1942 |
24 |
2258 |
Higher development and failure.... ending the redemption era....
Mar 13, 1942 |
24 |
2259 |
God-like will of the perfect spiritual and activity.... create and revitalize....
Mar 14, 1942 |
35 |
2260 |
Army of fighters.... "Do not be afraid...."
Mar 14, 1942 |
40 |
2261 |
Another walk through creation.... solid form....
Mar 15, 1942 |
25 |
2262 |
Spiritual connectedness....
Mar 15, 1942 |
25 |
2263 |
Need for faith and God's help....
Mar 16, 1942 |
38 |
2264 |
Consciously lived life on earth....
Mar 16, 1942 |
40 |
2265 |
Serious reminder to prioritize intellectual work....
Mar 17, 1942 |
36 |
2266 |
Need for spiritual cooperation....
Mar 17, 1942 |
42 |
2267 |
Voluntary kind-hearted service ....
Mar 18, 1942 |
525 |
2268 |
Selfish love.... Not much willingness for redemptive work....
Mar 18, 1942 |
989 |
2269 |
Faith in the work of salvation, grace, strengthened will....
Mar 19, 1942 |
19 |
2270 |
Ruling power according to the people....
Mar 20, 1942 |
21 |
2271 |
Rejecting the word of God is turning to the enemy of God....
Mar 21, 1942 |
22 |
2272 |
Refuting opposing views.... teaching activity on earth....
Mar 22, 1942 |
20 |
2273 |
Different schools of thought.... truth depending on the degree of love....
Mar 23, 1942 |
21 |
2274 |
Fight for Jesus Christ.... army of God's warriors....
Mar 24, 1942 |
20 |
2275 |
The teachings of Christ and faith on the new earth....
Mar 25, 1942 |
23 |
2276 |
Contact with the spiritual world.... call for help....
Mar 26, 1942 |
19 |
2277 |
Rejecting the love of God.... complete numbness consequence....
Mar 27, 1942 |
20 |
2278 |
Good seed.... field.... weeds....
Mar 27, 1942 |
22 |
2279 |
Imperishable treasures.... barren life on earth....
Mar 29, 1942 |
25 |
2280 |
Shaping the soul to receive light and power.... redemptive activity....
Mar 29, 1942 |
28 |
2281 |
Work of the beings of light on willing earthlings....
Mar 29, 1942 |
23 |
2282 |
Cooperation with the beings of light for redemption....
Mar 30, 1942 |
25 |
2283 |
Father's words.... heavenly delights....
Mar 31, 1942 |
24 |
2284 |
Heavenly glory .... Spiritual vision ....
Apr 1, 1942 |
569 |
2285 |
Distance from God - cause of not recognizing....
Apr 1, 1942 |
20 |
2286 |
Possibility of higher development in the hereafter.... help....
Apr 2, 1942 |
22 |
2287 |
Divine spark of love.... right and wrong love....
Apr 2, 1942 |
37 |
2288 |
The nature of the eternal deity....
Apr 3, 1942 |
47 |
2289 |
God is Love.... The mystery of love....
Apr 4, 1942 |
1290 |
2290 |
God's protection for the recipient of the revelations....
Apr 6, 1942 |
22 |
2291 |
Different schools of thought.... checking the sources....
Apr 7, 1942 |
23 |
2292 |
Christianity.... Formalities.... Fight against schools of thought permitted....
Apr 8, 1942 |
568 |
2293 |
Urge for truth and justice....
Apr 9, 1942 |
35 |
2294 |
Announcement of the final judgement.... paradisiacal state....
Apr 9, 1942 |
21 |
2295 |
Teaching after the disaster.... signs and wonders....
Apr 10, 1942 |
43 |
2296 |
Divine intervention.... destruction of property....
Apr 10, 1942 |
44 |
2297 |
Freedom of the will.... last grace period.... proclaiming the divine word....
Apr 11, 1942 |
19 |
2298 |
Idleness.... regulated activity....
Apr 11, 1942 |
21 |
2299 |
Serving.... vice of idleness....
Apr 12, 1942 |
25 |
2300 |
Living faith....
Apr 13, 1942 |
33 |
2301 |
Battle for spiritual supremacy....
Apr 13, 1942 |
516 |
2302 |
Emotional and intellectual thinking.... Truth....
Apr 14, 1942 |
795 |
2303 |
Spiritual direction without truth neither light nor power....
Apr 15, 1942 |
21 |
2304 |
Philosophy of life with Jesus Christ....
Apr 16, 1942 |
485 |
2305 |
Words or lifestyle.... judgement....
Apr 17, 1942 |
25 |
2306 |
Meaning of the words "My church...."
Apr 19, 1942 |
20 |
2307 |
Promises.... spirit.... truth....
Apr 20, 1942 |
21 |
2308 |
Instruction from God or from men.... spiritual arrogance....
Apr 21, 1942 |
21 |
2309 |
God's protection.... right thinking.... truth or error....
Apr 22, 1942 |
20 |
2310 |
Weakness of will - shortcoming.... responsibility.... word....
Apr 22, 1942 |
20 |
2311 |
Word of God.... act of God's mercy....
Apr 23, 1942 |
23 |
2312 |
Times of need - times of grace....
Apr 24, 1942 |
19 |
2313 |
Premature destruction and consequences....
Apr 25, 1942 |
83 |
2314 |
Awakening the spark of the spirit....
Apr 26, 1942 |
20 |
2315 |
Gifts of the spirit.... purest truth....
Apr 26, 1942 |
25 |
2316 |
Jesus Christ recognized the greatness of human guilt....
Apr 28, 1942 |
36 |
2317 |
Relationship of man to God as of child to father....
Apr 29, 1942 |
39 |
2318 |
Contact with the spiritual world....
Apr 29, 1942 |
22 |
2319 |
Temple of the lord....
Apr 30, 1942 |
23 |
2320 |
Pure truth.... deviations.... disfigurement....
May 2, 1942 |
22 |
2321 |
Disposition.... Instincts of preliminary stages....
May 3, 1942 |
791 |
2322 |
The work of the spirit requires a conscious state....
May 3, 1942 |
42 |
2323 |
Ordered thoughts.... teaching activity.... God's protection....
May 4, 1942 |
20 |
2324 |
Spiritual currents.... raging of the dark forces against light....
May 5, 1942 |
21 |
2325 |
Spiritual activity more important than earthly activity....
May 6, 1942 |
19 |
2326 |
The will of the being indirectly determines its form.... activity....
May 7, 1942 |
19 |
2327 |
God's will or permission.... free will....
May 8, 1942 |
19 |
2328 |
Sphere of light.... light - knowledge - love....
May 9, 1942 |
22 |
2329 |
Light.... love activity.... higher development....
May 10, 1942 |
20 |
2330 |
Living conditions according to the maturity of the soul.... knowledge of the being beforehand....
May 10, 1942 |
47 |
2331 |
Jesus Christ overcame death.... bound beings....
May 11, 1942 |
20 |
2332 |
Blessing of spiritual work.... participation in the hereafter....
May 11, 1942 |
20 |
2333 |
Reshaping matter.... serve.... activity.... higher development....
May 12, 1942 |
28 |
2334 |
Teaching activity....
May 13, 1942 |
31 |
2335 |
Reminder.... free will.... faith without proof....
May 13, 1942 |
20 |
2336 |
Wrestling in the afterlife.... re-embodiment on earth?....
May 14, 1942 |
39 |
2337 |
"Watch and pray...."
May 14, 1942 |
20 |
2338 |
God Himself shakes the thinking of people who strive for Him and yet reject His word....
May 16, 1942 |
21 |
2339 |
Earthly violence.... fiasco.... lawlessness and persecution....
May 17, 1942 |
29 |
2340 |
Divine justice.... Intervention.... Disaster....
May 19, 1942 |
992 |
2341 |
Suffering and tribulation after.... power of faith....
May 20, 1942 |
35 |
2342 |
Jesus' suffering and death on the cross.... atonement....
May 21, 1942 |
30 |
2343 |
Activity of the beings of light.... imparting knowledge....
May 23, 1942 |
20 |
2344 |
The soul - Carrier of all works of creation....
May 24, 1942 |
1043 |
2345 |
Jesus Christ was dedicated to God body and soul....
May 24, 1942 |
509 |
2346 |
Work of the spirit.... gift of grace....
May 24, 1942 |
19 |
2347 |
Will to spiritual activity.... power supply....
May 25, 1942 |
21 |
2348 |
Hour of death....
May 27, 1942 |
1029 |
2349 |
Thought transference.... work of the beings of light....
May 27, 1942 |
24 |
2350 |
Wrong thinking.... work of the antipole of God....
May 28, 1942 |
22 |
2351 |
Trust in God.... promise: "Ask and you shall receive...."
May 29, 1942 |
37 |
2352 |
The power of evil does not extend to creations....
May 30, 1942 |
19 |
2353 |
False Christs.... Signs and miracles....
May 31, 1942 |
530 |
2354 |
Right followers of Christ.... love life....
May 31, 1942 |
20 |
2355 |
God feeds his own in times of need.... grace....
Jun 1, 1942 |
20 |
2356 |
Spiritual downfall.... help from fellow human beings....
Jun 2, 1942 |
19 |
2357 |
With faith in spiritual power, man can do anything....
Jun 3, 1942 |
23 |
2358 |
Divine word.... source.... love.... knowledge.... light....
Jun 5, 1942 |
18 |
2359 |
Responsibility.... mental transmission of the word of God....
Aug 7, 1942 |
19 |
2360 |
Spiritual rebirth....
Jun 7, 1942 |
572 |
2361 |
Ending the struggle between the nations....
Jun 6, 1942 |
571 |
2362 |
Bread of heaven food for the soul.... "Seek ye first the kingdom of God...."
Jun 8, 1942 |
46 |
2363 |
Thinking apparatus.... Influx of good or evil strength....
Jun 9, 1942 |
568 |
2372 |
Misguided teachings are barriers for the seeker of God....
Jun 17, 1942 |
767 |
2375 |
'The wisdom of the wise will be destroyed....'
Jun 20, 1942 |
559 |
2381 |
Needy souls beg for prayers....
Jun 24, 1942 |
1287 |
2383a |
Infallibility of the head of church....
Jun 25, 1942 |
821 |
2383b |
Infallibility of the head of church....
Jun 25, 1942 |
1014 |
2388a |
Forthcoming event.... God's intervention.... Time of adversity....
Jun 29, 1942 |
529 |
2388b |
Forthcoming event.... God's intervention.... Time of adversity....
Jun 29, 1942 |
507 |
2390 |
Retribution - Atonement and educational means.... Approval of committing an evil deed is sin....
Jun 30, 1942 |
804 |
2401 |
Contact with the deceased .... Souls close to Earth ....
Jul 8, 1942 |
782 |
2409 |
Why prayer is necessary....
Jul 15, 1942 |
733 |
2412 |
Spiritual coercion.... Human commandments.... Fighting the teaching of Christ....
Jul 17, 1942 |
583 |
2415 |
‘Eye has not seen .... ’
Jul 19, 1942 |
751 |
2420 |
Distance from God.... powerlessness.... downfall....
Jul 22, 1942 |
74 |
2421 |
True community of souls from an inner drive....
Jul 27, 1942 |
37 |
2422 |
Redemptive activity requires God-like will....
Jul 25, 1942 |
41 |
2423 |
God's love and mercy....
Jul 27, 1942 |
44 |
2424 |
Anti-God forces.... intervention of God....
Jul 28, 1942 |
45 |
2425 |
Rebelliousness against God delayed embodiment as a human being.... lovelessness.... new earth.... new epochs of redemption....
Jul 29, 1942 |
41 |
2426 |
Rebelliousness against God delayed embodiment as a human being.... lovelessness.... new earth.... new epochs of redemption....
Jul 30, 1942 |
41 |
2427 |
Granting of grace through the directly received word of God....
Jul 30, 1942 |
44 |
2428 |
The right faith can do a lot....
Jul 31, 1942 |
43 |
2429 |
Graces of the work of redemption.... living faith in it....
Jul 31, 1942 |
42 |
2430 |
Working of the spirit - coherent knowledge.... no piecemeal work....
Aug 1, 1942 |
46 |
2431 |
Distance from God - powerlessness.... prayer and help....
Aug 2, 1942 |
46 |
2432 |
Divine grace.... gift of love.... state of repentance and disuse....
Aug 2, 1942 |
42 |
2433 |
Love of God.... mystery of divine love....
Aug 3, 1942 |
39 |
2434 |
Wisdom.... connecting the spirit with the beings of light....
Aug 3, 1942 |
48 |
2435 |
Formulation of the thought....
Aug 3, 1942 |
46 |
2436 |
Enlightenment of the mind.... examining the teachings....
Aug 4, 1942 |
41 |
2437 |
Indications of natural event.... Jesus’ reference on earth....
Aug 5, 1942 |
1241 |
2438 |
Divine wisdom.... world knowledge....
Aug 6, 1942 |
39 |
2439 |
The blessing of being free.... the agony of being bound....
Aug 7, 1942 |
47 |
2440 |
Concept for time and space as a free or unfree being....
Aug 7, 1942 |
43 |
2441 |
Path of life predetermined by God.... Free will.... Deed and effect....
Aug 8, 1942 |
767 |
2442 |
Passing on the spiritual food.... charity....
Aug 8, 1942 |
48 |
2443 |
Raising a child to believe or God's help....
Aug 9, 1942 |
76 |
2444 |
Failure to recognize injustice.... standing up for justice....
Aug 9, 1942 |
99 |
2445 |
Heartlessness.... The world's battle against the teaching of love....
Aug 10, 1942 |
1723 |
2446a |
Wisdom without love is unthinkable .... Everlasting knowledge ....
Aug 11, 1942 |
300 |
2446b |
Wisdom unthinkable without love.... imperishable knowledge....
Aug 12, 1942 |
46 |
2447 |
Announcement of divine judgement....
Aug 12, 1942 |
69 |
2448 |
Inner Earth activity .... Eruptions ....
Aug 13, 1942 |
758 |
2449 |
Disasters in nature and their spiritual explanation....
Aug 14, 1942 |
775 |
2450 |
Acquiring graces in the afterlife.... activity in spheres of light....
Aug 16, 1942 |
95 |
2451 |
God's protection of His tools.... spreading the divine word....
Aug 18, 1942 |
40 |
2452 |
Jesus Christ.... son of God....
Aug 20, 1942 |
104 |
2453 |
Revelations of God through creation and directly....
Aug 21, 1942 |
37 |
2454 |
Most basic way of life in the coming time.... The individual person's fate....
Aug 22, 1942 |
762 |
2455 |
Challenges from the underworld and battle....
Aug 23, 1942 |
43 |
2456 |
Spiritual vision.... upcoming and past events....
Aug 25, 1942 |
49 |
2457 |
Value of the directly received word compared to the viewed word....
Aug 25, 1942 |
45 |
2458 |
God's protection for the light bearers.... earthly hardship to strengthen faith....
Aug 27, 1942 |
42 |
2459 |
A brief guide for life....
Aug 28, 1942 |
41 |
2460 |
Greatness and nature of the eternal deity....
Aug 29, 1942 |
42 |
2461 |
Immorality.... Unwritten laws....
Aug 30, 1942 |
2278 |
2462 |
Trials to strengthen faith....
Aug 31, 1942 |
43 |
2463 |
Word of God - most precious gift of grace....
Sep 1, 1942 |
46 |
2464 |
Psychic.... good or bad powers....
Sep 3, 1942 |
51 |
2465 |
"Blessed are the poor in spirit...." failure to recognize the divine gift....
Sep 4, 1942 |
72 |
2466 |
Willingness to sacrifice.... royal reward - taking up residence with the lord....
Sep 6, 1942 |
105 |
2467 |
Working of the spirit.... outpouring of the holy spirit....
Sep 8, 1942 |
45 |
2468 |
Will and grace.... (Which comes first?....)
Sep 9, 1942 |
551 |
2469 |
Gift of grace.... aids.... will.... prayer....
Sep 10, 1942 |
40 |
2470 |
Credibility of the traditions.... will to the truth....
Sep 11, 1942 |
37 |
2471 |
Divine will determines the effect of human will....
Sep 12, 1942 |
37 |
2472 |
Put to the test....
Sep 13, 1942 |
39 |
2473 |
Carnal desires.... earthly desires.... love activity....
Sep 14, 1942 |
83 |
2474 |
Lie.... truth.... fighting error....
Sep 15, 1942 |
39 |
2475 |
Unification of the spirit with the soul....
Sep 16, 1942 |
46 |
2476 |
Spiritual upheaval.... reshaping.... fight against the teachings of Christ....
Sep 17, 1942 |
39 |
2477 |
Reshaping the soul.... view of God....
Sep 19, 1942 |
50 |
2478 |
Diminished work of the spirit....
Sep 19, 1942 |
38 |
2479a |
Spiritual teachings.... purest truth....
Sep 20, 1942 |
42 |
2479b |
Spiritual teachings.... purest truth....
Sep 20, 1942 |
41 |
2480 |
Worldly attitude.... only love redeems....
Sep 21, 1942 |
79 |
2481 |
Fall of the angels.... essence.... will and power.... free decision....
Sep 23, 1942 |
45 |
2482 |
Effects of a God-pleasing lifestyle....
Sep 24, 1942 |
37 |
2483 |
Earthly task of the servants of God....
Sep 25, 1942 |
40 |
2484 |
Distorted doctrine.... spiritual flattening....
Sep 26, 1942 |
37 |
2485 |
Love - God's wisdom and omnipotence is the reason for everything extraordinary....
Sep 27, 1942 |
38 |
2486 |
Luminosity of the beings of light.... veiling....
Sep 30, 1942 |
40 |
2487 |
Gift of eloquence.... champion of God....
Sep 30, 1942 |
43 |
2488 |
Misfortunes of life are graces....
Oct 1, 1942 |
69 |
2489 |
Will and deed.... Responsibility....
Oct 1, 1942 |
515 |
2490 |
Proof.... sample.... fulfilment of predictions....
Oct 2, 1942 |
41 |
2491 |
Mental answers to spiritual questions....
Oct 2, 1942 |
39 |
2492 |
God's word, the source of eternal life....
Oct 3, 1942 |
34 |
2493 |
Source of grace.... help for the earth traveller....
Oct 3, 1942 |
35 |
2494 |
Matter and Spirit....
Oct 4, 1942 |
813 |
2495 |
Matter and spirit.... visible and invisible creations....
Oct 4, 1942 |
78 |
2496 |
Contact with the beyond .... Willingness to give .... (Spiritualism) ....
Oct 5, 1942 |
546 |
2497 |
Working of the spirit.... partition.... forces of the underworld....
Oct 6, 1942 |
42 |
2498 |
Education for forbearance.... work in the hereafter....
Oct 6, 1942 |
68 |
2499 |
Striving for light out of free will.... further development....
Oct 7, 1942 |
40 |
2500 |
Announcement of the catastrophe....
Oct 8, 1942 |
41 |
2501 |
The spiritual low is recognizable in times of need....
Oct 8, 1942 |
98 |
2502 |
The task of the one through whom the spirit of God obviously works....
Oct 10, 1942 |
39 |
2503 |
Form of divine revelations different.... justification....
Oct 10, 1942 |
37 |
2504 |
Fight of faith.... extraordinary work of the faithful....
Oct 11, 1942 |
38 |
2505 |
"I stand at the door and knock...."
Oct 11, 1942 |
68 |
2506 |
God's love and mercy come to meet people....
Oct 11, 1942 |
37 |
2507 |
God's will.... Commandments.... Peace and order.... Consequences....
Oct 12, 1942 |
780 |
2508 |
Arrogance.... darkness.... ray of light.... truth....
Oct 12, 1942 |
38 |
2509 |
Activity in the afterlife and possibility of ascent....
Oct 13, 1942 |
41 |
2510 |
Three ways of imparting the divine Word....
Oct 13, 1942 |
880 |
2511 |
Ready for recording....
Oct 14, 1942 |
39 |
2512 |
.... Out of whose loins shall flow rivers of living water....
Oct 15, 1942 |
41 |
2513 |
Pre-historic human beings.... Responsibility....
Oct 16, 1942 |
782 |
2514 |
Present-day human being.... Abilities....
Oct 16, 1942 |
527 |
2515 |
Abilities.... Task.... Regression.... New earth....
Oct 17, 1942 |
535 |
2516 |
Fatherly Words.... 'Ask, and it shall be given to you....'
Oct 17, 1942 |
540 |
2517 |
The word of God most precious gift of grace....
Oct 18, 1942 |
41 |
2518 |
Love.... truth.... wisdom.... teacher....
Oct 18, 1942 |
40 |
2519 |
Spiritual work.... instrument of God....
Oct 19, 1942 |
44 |
2520 |
Konnersreuth.... piety....
Oct 21, 1942 |
39 |
2521 |
Notice of an event.... Spiritual transformation.... (Rome?)
Oct 22, 1942 |
510 |
2522 |
The will is valued in ceremonial acts....
Oct 24, 1942 |
73 |
2523 |
Prayer in spirit and in truth....
Oct 25, 1942 |
42 |
2524 |
Wrong interpretation of the Holy Scriptures.... Misguided teachings....
Oct 26, 1942 |
526 |
2525 |
Mission.... execute with divine power....
Oct 28, 1942 |
38 |
2526 |
Catastrophe.... divine intervention....
Oct 29, 1942 |
40 |
2527 |
Another walk through creation.... banishing again in the form....
Oct 29, 1942 |
46 |
2528 |
Imperishability.... power from God.... creation....
Oct 30, 1942 |
48 |
2529 |
Religions.... dispute.... different schools of thought....
Oct 30, 1942 |
37 |
2530 |
Depths of divine wisdom.... rays of eternal light....
Oct 31, 1942 |
42 |
2531 |
Spiritual question.... answer.... souls in the afterlife....
Oct 31, 1942 |
38 |
2532 |
Mind and body seek to win the soul....
Nov 1, 1942 |
79 |
2533 |
Self-knowledge.... arrogance - humility....
Nov 1, 1942 |
39 |
2534 |
'I will come like a thief in the night....'
Nov 2, 1942 |
1579 |
2535 |
Battle .... Works of destruction .... Against God’s will ....
Nov 3, 1942 |
304 |
2536 |
Responsibility of educators.... love of truth....
Nov 3, 1942 |
94 |
2537 |
God's goodness and love endures forever....
Nov 4, 1942 |
44 |
2538 |
God's goodness.... God's power of love....
Nov 5, 1942 |
47 |
2539 |
Love - wisdom - will and power.... essence of God....
Nov 5, 1942 |
73 |
2540 |
Purpose of creation alignment with God....
Nov 6, 1942 |
91 |
2541 |
Revelation of God through creation....
Nov 7, 1942 |
45 |
2542 |
Rejecting the divine word danger....
Nov 7, 1942 |
43 |
2543 |
Gift of foresight.... intervention of God....
Nov 9, 1942 |
44 |
2544 |
Belief in the immortality of the soul necessary to work on oneself....
Nov 10, 1942 |
78 |
2545 |
Spiritual gift gateway to the spiritual realm....
Nov 11, 1942 |
51 |
2546 |
Upheaval on earth.... call for help.... new earth....
Nov 12, 1942 |
45 |
2547 |
Preparing God's servants to work for Him....
Nov 13, 1942 |
49 |
2548 |
Renunciation of earthly goods.... equalization of spiritual goods....
Nov 13, 1942 |
75 |
2549 |
Redeeming activity on earth - important task....
Nov 14, 1942 |
49 |
2550 |
No spiritual progress without struggle....
Nov 14, 1942 |
52 |
2551 |
Detachment from earthly goods.... deprivations....
Nov 15, 1942 |
121 |
2552 |
Activity of the beings in the beyond.... transmission of knowledge....
Nov 15, 1942 |
78 |
2553 |
Are the dead resting?....
Nov 16, 1942 |
554 |
2554 |
Becoming and passing away.... death.... entry into the spiritual realm....
Nov 17, 1942 |
75 |
2555 |
Lack of understanding for the prophecies.... Necessity....
Nov 18, 1942 |
555 |
2556 |
Preconditions for entering the realm of light....
Nov 20, 1942 |
80 |
2557 |
Time after the catastrophe.... strength and help from God....
Nov 21, 1942 |
69 |
2558 |
Creation - power receiver....
Nov 23, 1942 |
51 |
2559 |
Spiritual food.... God's word....
Nov 24, 1942 |
47 |
2560 |
Word dispute and its consequences....
Nov 24, 1942 |
52 |
2561 |
Heart ready to receive.... good shepherd....
Nov 26, 1942 |
74 |
2562 |
Love of matter regression (spiritual)....
Nov 26, 1942 |
49 |
2563 |
Faith and love....
Nov 27, 1942 |
47 |
2564 |
Redemption period comes to an end....
Nov 28, 1942 |
49 |
2565 |
God's love and goodness endures forever....
Nov 28, 1942 |
45 |
2566 |
False prophets.... Test the spirits....
Nov 29, 1942 |
546 |
2567 |
Man's attitude towards God and right relationship....
Nov 29, 1942 |
44 |
2568 |
Divine intervention....
Dec 1, 1942 |
46 |
2569 |
Unsurpassable wisdom of God....
Dec 2, 1942 |
53 |
2570 |
Power supply and willpower....
Dec 2, 1942 |
45 |
2571 |
Upcoming suffering last chance....
Dec 3, 1942 |
53 |
2572 |
The task of God's servants.... strength of faith before....
Dec 3, 1942 |
76 |
2573 |
Belief in the workings of spiritual forces.... living on....
Dec 4, 1942 |
50 |
2574 |
Freedom of belief.... what is faith....
Dec 4, 1942 |
44 |
2575 |
Time and space law in eternity....
Dec 5, 1942 |
80 |
2576 |
Divine power current....
Dec 6, 1942 |
40 |
2733 |
Lawfulness.... God-ordained order.... perfection....
May 11, 1943 |
45 |
2734 |
Visible appearance of the lord.... "Where two or three are gathered in My name...."
May 12, 1943 |
84 |
2735 |
Grace of embodiment as a human being....
May 12, 1943 |
44 |
2736 |
Thought transmission from the kingdom of light to earth....
May 13, 1943 |
83 |
2737 |
God reveals Himself to people and is not recognized....
May 13, 1943 |
40 |
2738 |
Comforting encouragement....
May 14, 1943 |
48 |
2739 |
Faith in the power and might of God....
May 15, 1943 |
44 |
2740 |
Fight against various schools of thought authorized by God....
May 15, 1943 |
102 |
2741 |
Failed earth walk.... another course of development.... God's help....
May 16, 1943 |
41 |
2742 |
Religious organizations.... transience....
May 16, 1943 |
66 |
2743 |
Spiritual low.... denier of God.... teaching them....
May 17, 1943 |
46 |
2744 |
Unexplored forces of nature.... elementary effects of these....
May 17, 1943 |
80 |
2745 |
God's help.... grace.... benefits of free will....
May 18, 1943 |
43 |
2746 |
Becoming a child of God.... their activity in the hereafter....
May 19, 1943 |
76 |
2747 |
Exhortation to love.... need of the time....
May 20, 1943 |
77 |
2748 |
Spiritual dependence.... doctrines of faith in compulsion.... reward or punishment....
May 21, 1943 |
41 |
2749 |
God's ways are often incomprehensible....
May 22, 1943 |
77 |
2750 |
Means of grace love and prayer....
May 23, 1943 |
42 |
2751 |
Love and truth.... word of God....
May 23, 1943 |
42 |
2752 |
Fatherly Words of love....
May 24, 1943 |
1322 |
2753 |
Spiritual treasures.... thoughts.... beyond....
May 25, 1943 |
37 |
2754 |
Remodelling the earth.... new earth.... time law....
May 26, 1943 |
36 |
2755 |
New era of redemption.... paradisiacal state.... renewed struggle....
May 27, 1943 |
41 |
2756 |
The power of the spirit....
May 28, 1943 |
38 |
2757 |
God's will and God's permission....
May 28, 1943 |
71 |
2758 |
Supplying the power of God in the battle of faith....
May 29, 1943 |
73 |
2759 |
Inner reflections and self-knowledge....
May 29, 1943 |
70 |
2760 |
Purpose of the divine commandments.... eternal bliss....
May 31, 1943 |
41 |
2761 |
Right knowledge means higher development....
May 31, 1943 |
46 |
2762 |
"Open your hearts...."
Jun 1, 1943 |
143 |
2763 |
Impermanence of earthly goods.... their destruction....
Jun 1, 1943 |
37 |
2764 |
The original substance of creation is love....
Jun 4, 1943 |
87 |
2765 |
Jun 5, 1943 |
40 |
2766 |
Father's words.... God's word....
Jun 6, 1943 |
38 |
2767 |
Belief in the soul’s life after death.... God’s mercy....
Jun 7, 1943 |
542 |
2768 |
Significance of Jesus’ crucifixion and consequences of rejection....
Jun 8, 1943 |
276 |
2769 |
Request for power.... grace - prayer....
Jun 9, 1943 |
43 |
2770 |
God's connection with His creatures and creations....
Jun 10, 1943 |
45 |
2771 |
Belief in God as the origin of creation....
Jun 12, 1943 |
78 |
2772 |
Preconditions for inner enlightenment....
Jun 13, 1943 |
42 |
2773 |
Impact of lifestyle on the whole nation....
Jun 14, 1943 |
40 |
2774 |
Regression.... spiritual and earthly decay....
Jun 14, 1943 |
38 |
2775 |
Incarnation.... Instincts.... Preliminary stages....
Jun 15, 1943 |
791 |
2776 |
The will to live.... Fear of death
Jun 16, 1943 |
809 |
2777 |
Teaching in the hereafter and on earth....
Jun 17, 1943 |
59 |
2778 |
Temptation in form of earthly amusements....
Jun 18, 1943 |
825 |
2779 |
Weakened will of man.... Meaning of the work of redemption....
Jun 19, 1943 |
55 |
2780 |
God's radiance of love.... His word....
Jun 19, 1943 |
35 |
2781 |
God as teacher.... power of cognition....
Jun 20, 1943 |
36 |
2782 |
Establishing the right relationship with God....
Jun 21, 1943 |
40 |
2783 |
Sacrificial love....
Jun 22, 1943 |
793 |
2784 |
Lack of spiritual knowledge....
Jun 22, 1943 |
277 |
2785 |
Destruction by human will....
Jun 24, 1943 |
63 |
2786 |
Every activity generates new power.... increase the power....
Jun 24, 1943 |
37 |
2787 |
Listening within.... Gifts from above.... Everything that is good is divine....
Jun 25, 1943 |
817 |
2788 |
Decision between two worlds.... spiritual seeing and hearing....
Jun 26, 1943 |
37 |
2789 |
Matter.... change - upward development.... serve....
Jun 27, 1943 |
67 |
2790 |
Thought - dependent on the will....
Jun 28, 1943 |
32 |
2791 |
Living water....
Jun 29, 1943 |
30 |
2792 |
Restriction of freedom.... schools of thought....
Jun 29, 1943 |
37 |
2793 |
Right cognition and knowledge - peace and happiness....
Jun 30, 1943 |
35 |
2794 |
Desire for truth guarantees pure truth and right thinking....
Jul 1, 1943 |
35 |
2795 |
Will for descendants.... Waiting souls....
Jul 3, 1943 |
830 |
2796 |
Thunderous voice of God.... divine intervention....
Jul 3, 1943 |
32 |
2797 |
Strength of the divine Word.... Prophet.... The Lord's return....
Jul 4, 1943 |
580 |
2798 |
Total destruction and dissolution of the earth....
Jul 4, 1943 |
33 |
2799 |
State and activity in the hereafter mystery....
Jul 5, 1943 |
29 |
2800 |
Professional missionaries.... Academic knowledge....
Jul 6, 1943 |
493 |
2801 |
Jesus' promise: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God...."
Jul 6, 1943 |
32 |
2802 |
"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak...."
Jul 7, 1943 |
53 |
2803 |
End of the world conflagration.... Establishing divine order....
Jul 8, 1943 |
1022 |
2804 |
Passing on what comes from above....
Jul 8, 1943 |
50 |
2805 |
Labourer in the vineyard.... instrument of God....
Jul 9, 1943 |
47 |
2806 |
Researching the mind.... working of the spirit.... heart....
Jul 10, 1943 |
82 |
2807 |
Spiritual turnaround....
Jul 10, 1943 |
41 |
2808 |
Leading father's hand....
Jul 11, 1943 |
42 |
2809 |
The heart shaped for love as the dwelling place of God....
Jul 11, 1943 |
54 |
2810 |
Hatred and its consequences....
Jul 12, 1943 |
1269 |
2811 |
The raging of natural forces .... Total changes of living conditions ....
Jul 14, 1943 |
507 |
2812 |
Gracious end time....
Jul 15, 1943 |
55 |
2813 |
Importance of establishing a connection with God while still on earth....
Jul 16, 1943 |
59 |
2814 |
Spark of divine love....
Jul 18, 1943 |
41 |
2815 |
Branding injustice.... disregarding the divine commandments....
Jul 18, 1943 |
58 |
2816 |
Invincible fighters of God.... unshakable faith....
Jul 18, 1943 |
60 |
2817 |
Incarnation of Christ....
Jul 19, 1943 |
41 |
2818 |
Incarnation of Christ....
Jul 20, 1943 |
34 |
2819 |
Spiritual progress - constant struggle and fight....
Jul 20, 1943 |
62 |
2820 |
Suffering of the end times last resort....
Jul 21, 1943 |
41 |
2821 |
Secret of divine love.... power....
Jul 22, 1943 |
37 |
2822 |
God's mercy and justice.... satan's work....
Jul 23, 1943 |
37 |
2823 |
Researching the mind.... connectedness to God....
Jul 24, 1943 |
43 |
2824 |
Knowledge of the connection between spiritual forces and people....
Jul 25, 1943 |
41 |
2825 |
Success or failure of the teachers....
Jul 25, 1943 |
39 |
2826 |
Instructive activity on earth and in the hereafter difficult....
Jul 26, 1943 |
40 |
2827 |
Warning against action against this work....
Jul 27, 1943 |
75 |
2828 |
Size of the work of destruction.... natural disaster....
Jul 28, 1943 |
69 |
2829 |
Conditions for receiving the divine Word....
Jul 28, 1943 |
537 |
2830 |
Fusion through love....
Jul 29, 1943 |
52 |
2831 |
Mission of those who want to serve God.... spreading the truth....
Jul 30, 1943 |
37 |
2832 |
Recognizing the supernatural....
Jul 31, 1943 |
39 |
2833 |
God's demands on man.... power supply....
Aug 1, 1943 |
68 |
2834 |
Language of nature - Creation and Creator....
Aug 1, 1943 |
510 |
2835 |
Increased level of suffering and hardship....
Aug 3, 1943 |
116 |
2836 |
Latest educational tool.... new development course....
Aug 4, 1943 |
72 |
2837 |
Banishing the spiritual in the new creation....
Aug 4, 1943 |
114 |
2838 |
Knowledge about the primordial beginning and final destination....
Aug 6, 1943 |
74 |
2839 |
Suffering and tribulations through divine intervention....
Aug 6, 1943 |
183 |
2840 |
God's protection for the despondented and fainthearted....
Aug 7, 1943 |
58 |
2841 |
Surrender of the will only requirement....
Aug 7, 1943 |
107 |
2842 |
Passing on the spiritual goods received condition....
Aug 8, 1943 |
61 |
2843 |
Acknowledging the work of redemption.... wrestling with dark forces....
Aug 8, 1943 |
58 |
2844 |
Inner enlightenment.... truth and error....
Aug 9, 1943 |
68 |
2845 |
New banishment.... death before ascension in the afterlife....
Aug 10, 1943 |
107 |
2846 |
Proximity to God.... view of God....
Aug 10, 1943 |
56 |
2847 |
Redeeming activity extremely important....
Aug 12, 1943 |
77 |
2848 |
Characteristic of truth.... working of love.... enlightenment....
Aug 12, 1943 |
60 |
2849 |
Characteristic of truth.... Meaning of the letter.... Scrutiny and ability....
Aug 13, 1943 |
530 |
2850 |
God demands faith in predictions....
Aug 15, 1943 |
145 |
2851 |
Truth - conviction.... limitation of knowledge....
Aug 15, 1943 |
61 |
2852 |
Agonizing state in solid form....
Aug 16, 1943 |
109 |
2853 |
Works of destruction.... uninhibited expression of the forces released....
Aug 18, 1943 |
90 |
2854 |
Maturity at death.... becoming a child of God....
Aug 19, 1943 |
60 |
2855 |
Admonition to His servants on earth to be diligent....
Aug 20, 1943 |
91 |
2856 |
The work of the adversary and its binding....
Aug 21, 1943 |
115 |
2857 |
Value of knowledge over the state of ignorance....
Aug 22, 1943 |
59 |
2858 |
Who has my word....
Aug 23, 1943 |
63 |
2859 |
"Come to Me, all of you...." promise of Jesus....
Aug 24, 1943 |
60 |
2860 |
Imperishability.... soul.....
Aug 25, 1943 |
138 |
2861 |
Termination of world events through divine action....
Aug 26, 1943 |
65 |
2862 |
Mediation of the word of God - act of grace....
Aug 27, 1943 |
58 |
2863 |
love and grace and guidance in free will....
Aug 28, 1943 |
66 |
2864 |
Purpose of the disclosures and evaluation....
Aug 29, 1943 |
71 |
2865 |
God directs the will, intention and accomplishment of those who voluntarily surrender to Him....
Aug 30, 1943 |
57 |
2866 |
Spiritual decline.... teaching of Christ.... additions....
Sep 1, 1943 |
74 |
2867 |
Intercession and answering....
Sep 2, 1943 |
115 |
2868 |
The power of intercession....
Sep 3, 1943 |
105 |
2869 |
Submission of the will to God's will....
Sep 4, 1943 |
69 |
2870 |
Becoming a child of God....
Sep 6, 1943 |
76 |
2871 |
Good and bad forces.... conscious or unconscious reception....
Sep 6, 1943 |
76 |
2872 |
Working of the spirit.... listening inwards consciously....
Sep 7, 1943 |
111 |
2873 |
Teaching of re-incarnation is misguided.... Law....
Sep 7, 1943 |
799 |
2874 |
Delusions.... Spiritual working group....
Sep 8, 1943 |
559 |
2875 |
Phase of development unique during a period of salvation.... Incarnation of beings of light.... Mission - Child of God....
Sep 9, 1943 |
563 |
2876 |
Maturity and destination.... form and depth of the gifts....
Sep 9, 1943 |
56 |
2877 |
The working of the spirit.... Guarantee for pure truth....
Sep 10, 1943 |
523 |
2878 |
Knowledge of the spirit’s work in a person.... Exceptional opportunity for God to reveal Himself....
Sep 11, 1943 |
498 |
2879 |
Forbearance and humility....
Sep 12, 1943 |
103 |
2880 |
Reminder to inform people of the battle of faith....
Sep 13, 1943 |
1089 |
2881 |
Embodiment of the beings of light.... mission....
Sep 13, 1943 |
105 |
2882 |
Childship to God.... Severe trials....
Sep 14, 1943 |
545 |
2883 |
Thoughts.... power from the spiritual realm....
Sep 15, 1943 |
57 |
2884 |
divine love....
Sep 16, 1943 |
60 |
2885 |
Lie and error.... low point.... blossom or decline....
Sep 17, 1943 |
123 |
2886 |
Christ's teaching on love.... right representatives.... fight of faith....
Sep 18, 1943 |
91 |
2887 |
Blessing of divine revelations....
Sep 19, 1943 |
82 |
2888 |
Beneficial consequences of spiritual exchange....
Sep 19, 1943 |
60 |
2889 |
Serious testing in impartiality....
Sep 21, 1943 |
62 |
2890 |
Spiritual vision....
Sep 22, 1943 |
60 |
2891 |
Duration of a redemption period....
Sep 22, 1943 |
102 |
2892 |
Spiritual sun.... lightning from rising to setting....
Sep 23, 1943 |
118 |
2893 |
Unselfish labor of love.... right walk before God....
Sep 24, 1943 |
115 |
2894 |
Suitability for scrutinising spiritual gifts....
Sep 24, 1943 |
491 |
2895 |
Temptations, inner struggles.... testing the will....
Sep 25, 1943 |
149 |
2896 |
Spiritual co-workers on earth.... fight....
Sep 25, 1943 |
102 |
2897 |
Divorce of the spirits.... last judgment....
Sep 26, 1943 |
164 |
2898 |
Spiritual freedom.... new teaching in compulsion....
Sep 26, 1943 |
69 |
2899 |
Will to do good - influence of the beings of light.... mask of the adversary....
Sep 27, 1943 |
90 |
2900 |
The path to eternal bliss....
Sep 28, 1943 |
59 |
2901 |
Cruelty.... end times.... last judgment....
Sep 28, 1943 |
141 |
2902 |
Grace of the work of redemption.... strengthened will....
Sep 29, 1943 |
117 |
2903 |
Higher development in the hereafter.... working of love....
Sep 29, 1943 |
104 |
2904 |
The opponent's mask.... 'By their fruits ye shall know them....'
Sep 30, 1943 |
568 |
2905 |
Proof of faith love - wisdom and omnipotence....
Oct 1, 1943 |
56 |
2906 |
God's love and mercy is eternal for His creatures....
Oct 2, 1943 |
59 |
2907 |
Bliss.... degrees of light.... radiance of power in the hereafter....
Oct 3, 1943 |
57 |
2908 |
Will to the truth....
Oct 4, 1943 |
56 |
2909 |
Influence of light beings on willing people....
Oct 4, 1943 |
64 |
2910 |
Reshaping matter.... dissolve.... development process....
Oct 5, 1943 |
161 |
2911 |
Signs and wonders.... power of faith.... strong will....
Oct 6, 1943 |
65 |
2912 |
Keep death in mind....
Oct 6, 1943 |
778 |
2913 |
The immortality of Christ's teaching as God's work....
Oct 8, 1943 |
61 |
2914 |
Self-love in the afterlife prolongs the state of suffering.... willingness to help....
Oct 8, 1943 |
147 |
2915 |
Destruction of the solid form.... start of the development process....
Oct 9, 1943 |
105 |
2916 |
Fulfilling the divine commandments.... temptations of the world....
Oct 9, 1943 |
59 |
2917 |
Will to do good.... increased power....
Oct 10, 1943 |
104 |
2918 |
Change in living conditions.... end time....
Oct 10, 1943 |
74 |
2919 |
Power of prayer....
Oct 11, 1943 |
131 |
2920 |
Consolation.... source of strength.... leader in battle....
Oct 11, 1943 |
55 |
2921 |
Transformation of the outer form.... new development process....
Oct 12, 1943 |
62 |
2922 |
Willing acceptance of divine gifts.... adversary....
Oct 13, 1943 |
79 |
2923 |
Fight or serve.... arrogance.... humility....
Oct 13, 1943 |
127 |
2924 |
The living word.... power supply....
Oct 14, 1943 |
60 |
2925 |
Overcoming mistakes and shortcomings.... struggle and victory....
Oct 14, 1943 |
63 |
2926 |
Divine intervention in world affairs....
Oct 15, 1943 |
63 |
2927 |
Challenges to the adversary and weapons....
Oct 16, 1943 |
59 |
2928 |
Striving for perfection....
Oct 16, 1943 |
105 |
2929 |
Atonement of guilt without Christ’s act of Salvation....
Oct 17, 1943 |
568 |
2930 |
Living word.... work of man....
Oct 18, 1943 |
63 |
2931a |
Fight against the workers in the vineyard....
Oct 19, 1943 |
60 |
2931b |
Light bearer.... word of God....
Oct 20, 1943 |
57 |
2932 |
Signal to work for God and His kingdom....
Oct 21, 1943 |
122 |