2171 God's omnipotence, love and wisdom....
December 1, 1941: Book 31
The omnipotence, wisdom and love of God are expressed in every work of creation, but this is only recognized by people who believe and are introduced to the knowledge of His reign and activity through faith. God's love brought the works of creation into being in order to redeem the beingness. God's love for the beingness determined His will to help this beingness in an adversity which it certainly caused itself but which it could not end without His help. And His omnipotence and wisdom formed things whose purpose is to reduce the hardship of the beingness. And so God created heaven and earth.... creations that testify to His love, wisdom and omnipotence, for these creations are unimaginable in their nature and diversity, and man can only see a tiny part of the whole creation and therefore only judge a tiny part. However, there is no work of creation, no matter how small and unsightly, that does not have its purpose and is closely connected to another work of creation. Everything is well thought out by His wisdom and His omnipotence realizes what His love and wisdom wanted to bring into being. Love remains the power from which everything that exists has emerged. Love is the divine creative power, but without wisdom it could not create anything perfect. But God is perfect, therefore His wisdom must be unsurpassable, and therefore what has emerged from the divine creative power must also be unsurpassable, therefore need no improvement. And anyone who observes God's creations attentively must worship the divine creator with the deepest humility and reverence, for what He has created bears witness to God's perfection, and there is nothing that could be wiser and more perfect than it is. The infinite love of God has given the being unlimited possibilities.... His wisdom did not allow anything incoherent to come into being, for the coherence of all things enables the beingness to constantly develop upwards, and God's omnipotence allowed that which His love and His wisdom recognized as a possibility of development for the beingness to become form....
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