2458 God's protection for the light bearers.... earthly hardship to strengthen faith....
August 27, 1942: Book 33
A bright light falls into the darkness on earth.... And the light spreads a bright glow, it penetrates the darkness, disperses it and will finally displace it completely. The bright morning will dawn, the spiritual night will disappear and with it the suffering and sorrow, which are only the consequences of spiritual darkness. And that is why the earth will still have to endure suffering and sorrow as long as it does not yet desire the light. But to whom the light shines, his mind is also turned towards it and he only needs suffering and sorrow to a small extent. However, once a person has become a bearer of light, his soul is a receptacle for the divine spirit, which radiates the light to people who are hungry for light and especially to those whose will it is to instruct their fellow human beings in the pure truth. They can go through earthly life in peace, they will always be guided correctly if their will is directed towards spreading the extraordinary light. Earthly adversity, which the human being can avert through intimate union with God in prayer or by reading His divine word, is only permitted for the purpose of strengthening the human being's faith, so that he always takes refuge in God and thus an intimate relationship is established between the human being and God. For only in this way can the human being become a bearer of light and thus a disseminator of the divine word. If the human being establishes this intimate connection of his own accord, he no longer needs earthly hardships and plagues, for he has become light within himself, he cannot help but spread the light everywhere, he feels the urge within himself to pass it on to his fellow human beings and to lead them to profound faith. And he now helps to dispel the darkness and will be blessed by God, he will be protected by Him and guided safely to the heights. Man is in great need of light, of wisdom from God, precisely because of his lightless state. God will therefore protect the bearers of light from spiritual and physical destruction. He will also not send such earthly events upon him which could hinder him in his soul's work of spreading the teachings of light, i.e. which could prevent all spiritual work. God knows about every human being's soul and He also knows about people's spiritual hardship on earth, and He will do everything in His power to remedy the spiritual hardship in order to convey the pure truth. He will grant very special protection to those whom His will has chosen to become bearers of light and who have declared themselves willing to take on this task of their own accord for the benefit of their fellow human beings....
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