2486 Luminosity of the beings of light.... veiling....
September 30, 1942: Book 33
In the spiritual world the being's knowledge corresponds to its state of maturity, i.e., as soon as the being has moulded itself to perfection through loving activity on earth or in the beyond, divine wisdom has flowed to it in the form of spiritual strength. He is aware of everything in creation, of God's reign and activity in the spiritual kingdom and of the purpose of all beings.... He has become knowledgeable and his state is therefore a state of light. But since the degree of perfection can vary, the beings will also be in different fullness of light; thus the spheres in the spiritual kingdom are not the same either, i.e., the light radiation emanating from the beings is of varying degrees of radiance, consequently the effect on the beings without light is also different. This effect can be so strong that the beings without light cannot tolerate the abundance of light, i.e. the spiritual substances could be completely dissolved by it and this therefore makes an unhindered working of these beings of light impossible. The work of the beings of light consists of teaching those who are completely without knowledge. The being of light therefore has to try to adapt itself to the state of the beings without light, it is not allowed to come close to this being with all its luminosity but it has to dampen its light as it were so that the being without light is not blinded and now becomes completely unsuitable for receiving the light, i.e. the knowledge. The adjustment to the state of darkness is necessary for the time being so that all shyness is removed from the being and it can express itself without inhibition, for only then can the being of light work successfully....
(30.9.1942) They have to dampen their fullness of light, they have to hide it under a cover so that they can approach the souls in need of light without endangering them. Nevertheless, they are in a brighter light than those souls in order to let the blessing of light flow out on them. As soon as the lightless soul feels the benefit, which also depends on its will to receive light, it will also listen to the ideas of the beings of light and repeatedly desire their proximity. It will allow their teachings to have an effect on it and then likewise make use of them by passing on the knowledge it has gained to souls which are likewise in need of light and thus suffering. For the lack of light is a state of suffering, a state of lack and discomfort which the soul feels agonizingly. The more the soul concerns itself with helping the suffering souls, the more willing are the beings of light, which now approach those who want to receive ever more brightly and radiantly and impart light and strength, i.e. divine wisdom, to them. Depending on this knowledge, the soul's degree of light has now also increased, for knowledge is light which expresses itself in the beyond, in the spiritual kingdom, in radiant brightness and luminosity....
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