2820 Suffering of the end times last resort....
July 21, 1943: Book 37
This battle in the last days has been foreseen since eternity, and the divine will, which guides (governs) everything that happens in the universe with wisdom and love, has been in force since eternity. And thus God also knows the only means that are still successful in these end times.... And no matter how cruel they may seem, He nevertheless applies them so that a part of humanity will still be saved from the final downfall. It is a time of horrors, a time of extreme unkindness and most terrible events, but also a time of grace.... For grace is every suffering, no matter how severe, that brings man to recognize his own helplessness, that allows him to find and walk the path to God and pulls him back from the abyss of complete faithlessness. God's merciful love does not let go of His creatures and He applies what can bring them salvation, even if it is not recognized by people as God's act of love. And thus there is still no end to the suffering and it increases from day to day, for disinherited humanity itself is the instigator and cause of this suffering on earth. Since eternity God foresaw the will and the lack of love of men, and since eternity the rescue plan for the souls still to be saved is based on it. For God does not prevent what people want, what they inflict on themselves, but He still allows the effect to be a blessing for those people who have not completely fallen prey to God's adversary. These are in great distress and can only be saved through extreme suffering, which is hardly bearable for them and yet it can be a blessing.... The end times are a time of purification, a final testing period in which man can prove himself once again if he has previously failed. The end times are a time of dissolution and separation, and spirits will part from one another. And those who recognize the end times as such are no longer in danger, because they have already found the path to God.... But anyone who still only sees world events and sees no divine guidance in them, his soul is still very worldly minded and his distance from God still very great, otherwise he would have to recognize the last days by their cruelty.... For people are raging against each other and are under the control of those forces which are completely distant from God and without love, which want to destroy everything and make use of people's will because they themselves do not possess the power and strength to have a destructive effect on that which God's love has allowed to arise in order to help the spiritual beings which have become apostate from Him. These works of destruction betray satanic influence, thus the will of those who carry them out will have to answer to God for their thoughts and actions. And yet God also allows this because His love and wisdom has already prepared the following possibilities of development, because He also gives the spiritual, which is bound in form, new opportunities again to develop upwards. Yet the released, still completely immature spiritual substance still contributes towards people's tribulation, and thus people's suffering and hardship will become ever greater; it will assume unimaginable proportions and yet be permitted by God again as a means of education for humanity, for the last time of grace will only last for a short time.... Then the gates to eternity will close for a long time, and therefore God will use all means beforehand because His merciful love wants to save what can still be saved....
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