2277 Rejecting the love of God.... complete numbness consequence....
March 27, 1942: Book 32
God is love, and He will be full of mercy towards all beings which still carry a spark of love within themselves, because this spark of love is His share from eternity and God will not let anything get lost which is from Him. And therefore His care is eternally directed towards this spiritual substance, which He tries to guide into the circuit of His love so that the spark of love will increase and long for Him, for its place of origin, of its own accord. However, the increase of this divine spark of love is an act of the spiritual being's expression of will, i.e. its will has to become active in order to receive God's emanation of love and to let it take effect in itself. But if this will fails then the beingness rejects God's love; it does not use what is offered to it in love. The spiritual rejects God's love and thus God Himself, and then divine love ceases to work.... it withdraws from the being, and that means complete solidification of that which was still able to live under the influence of divine love, i.e. could be active. This solidification of the spiritual thus occurs through the will of the spiritual itself, which is devoid of all love and thus no longer has any connection with God. And yet God does not let it fall completely, i.e., after an infinitely long time He gives it the opportunity anew to make itself worthy of God's love and to re-establish the connection with God. For His love lasts forever, and even the time of complete darkness and banishment in hardest matter is an act of God's love, because thereby the desire for light and freedom is to be awakened in the being, which is the first condition in order to ever reach it. But light and freedom is the state of happiness which must be desired, i.e. striven for, in order to one day be the fullest happiness of this being. A forced being would never be able to attain the degree of bliss, for complete freedom of will is the prerequisite for supreme bliss. But God in His love wants to grant this bliss to the being, and if the being itself, in lack of realization, resists the granting of this bliss, then its will can only be changed through the millennia-long captivity, which again only has God's love as its reason. For God cannot but be full of love for that which is of Him, for if His love ceased, the created would also cease to be. Consequently, God's love for His creatures can never be denied as long as this beingness can still embody itself in creation, even if for the time being in the hardest rock. For His love always seeks to promote the ascent of the spiritual, and He truly knows when and how this is possible and when the possibilities remain unutilized in the stage as a human being. And then His infinite love determines Him again to destroy that which has become futile due to human will.... For the being then has to suffer the hardest captivity again in order to be able to reach bliss in fullest freedom one day....
Translated by Doris Boekers