2770 God's connection with His creatures and creations....

June 10, 1943: Book 34/35/36

The spirit, Who is from eternity, takes part in the smallest events in the entire universe. He is infinitely great, and yet the smallest is close to Him, He is unimaginable in His love and goodness, in His power and might.... He is perfect, and perfection leans towards the tiniest, otherwise it would be a lack of love and every lack proves imperfection. For even the tiniest thing is His creation, even the tiniest thing has emerged from His eternal power of love and also remains eternally in His love. And it is this immense love of His that allows no separation and.... if this is striven for by His created being itself, He lets the latter, seemingly standing isolated in creation...., recognize the lack of strength and power which the separation from God entails, so that it now tries to rejoin God of its own accord.... Nevertheless, the connection with God always and forever remains, only not recognized by the being that wants to separate itself. And this is already a sign that the human being, that is, the being in the state of free will, no longer has any connection with God of its own accord. This is a state of complete ignorance, a state of imperfection, for the more perfect the human being is the more God-affiliated he feels.... affiliation with God is undoubtedly his because he is also in realization. And as soon as he feels that he belongs to God, he also understands the connection of every work of creation with God, for he sees everything as God's will having become form, Who did not arbitrarily let something come into being but created and shaped it in the most wisely planned manner and gave it purpose and destiny. Consequently, He will constantly look after His creations and creatures, He will collect the tiniest creations buzzing around in the universe and bring them back together to their final destination, He will not leave the tiniest creature unnoticed, otherwise He could not be called perfect, otherwise He would not be love. But people who are distant from God neither recognize God's love and wisdom nor His perfection, because these would have to be related to a being and they lack faith in a supremely perfect being. They believe themselves to be distant from God, they deny any connection and now also try to explain everything with their opinion. And consequently, as people who are distant from God they will also be distant from knowledge, from realization, for God and truth are one, and the human being can only be guided into realization if the pure truth is imparted to him. He therefore does not know the purpose and goal of what creation harbours, and consequently he sees everything as standing completely isolated in the universe, which is not subject to any higher will.... In other words, he does not recognize any connection between the creator and the created works. And thus they also lack any belief in an essential creative power, because a being that is attributed will and wisdom would also have to be recognized as having a planned, purposeful creation, which, however, also requires constant contact between the created being and its creator. For even the creative, active human being will seek to improve his creations until they fulfil the purpose for which they are intended. And until then, the creator cannot isolate himself from the created. All visible creations in the universe are shells of imperfect beings which strived away from God, were banished in their individual substances in matter, in solid form, and now have to cover the earthly path in order to attain liberation from this form, i.e. to strive towards God again, from Whom they believed they could distance themselves. And God looks after each of these bound beings with infinite care on this endlessly long earthly path of life. Nothing is too small and too insignificant for Him not to be seized by His love. But He cares all the more for every person.... He directs every single destiny, His will precedes every event, and without His will or His permission nothing can happen, without His will or His permission nothing can dissolve or be lost as long as its course of development is not yet finished....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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