2081 Divine guidance....
September 20, 1941: Book 30
The path to the heights is easy and carefree when God Himself is man's companion. Then there are no obstacles, for God leads His protégés past all dangers, He leads them through thorns and undergrowth without them paying attention to them, He does not let them go astray, but He leads them safely and quickly to their goal. The path to the heights is only arduous when man wants to walk it alone. Then he is often in danger of stumbling or straying from the right path. But as soon as he abandons himself to divine guidance, he can walk on earth without hesitation, his path will be the right one, because if God is called upon as a guide, He is also ready to lead. Invisible to the physical eye indeed, but constantly effective and perceptible to the human being's heart, who now walks so safely because he knows that God is always with him. And wherever he now directs his steps, wherever he sets his feet.... God Himself has guided him and therefore everything he undertakes is right. It will correspond to divine will, for if he surrenders to God without resistance, God's will will be transferred to him and he will have to carry out God's will. And the human being no longer needs to worry, for God determines today and tomorrow, He determines the day and the hour when what is intended in His wise plan will come to pass. He determines the people who are to fulfil their mission, He influences all those who joyfully submit their will to Him; He does not determine them against their will, yet those who are willing to serve Him feel the divine will in their heart and willingly fulfil it. Thus He can make use of those people for His work on earth. They continue on their path undeterred because they know they are under divine guidance and are courageous and powerful.... They also guide their fellow human beings onto the right path, because those who are under divine guidance know their task. They seek to help their fellow human beings and likewise move them to choose God as their leader. And whoever walks upwards guided by God must lead to the goal.... to the eternal home, to the father's house.... to the kingdom that God has prepared for His children in all its glory....
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