2541 Revelation of God through creation....

November 7, 1942: Book 33

The wonders of creation should constantly stimulate man's thoughts and direct his mind towards God, for it is God Himself Who speaks to him through creation if he wants to hear His voice. Wherever the human eye looks, God's activity can be recognized, for no human being is able to create the same thing on his own which creation constantly brings before his eyes. And when man thinks about it, he listens to the language of God, for the results of his thinking are His answer. God Himself reveals Himself to people through creation, i.e., in all works of creation the working of a power can be clearly recognized, Which is supremely wise and therefore is to be thought of as a supremely perfect being. Thus, as soon as creation awakens or strengthens faith in the eternal deity, the human being has listened to God's revelations; he has gained the firm conviction that the creator is a being of supreme perfection Which is in the closest connection with creation. And this conviction is faith.... Creation is therefore suitable to make man deeply faithful, but he must let it speak to him. He must look at every work of creation with the will to affirm the one Who brought it into being. And this will helps him to recognize, information is given to him, and thus the eternal deity expresses Himself and informs him of His reign and activity. This can happen mentally as soon as the human being turns his thoughts questioningly towards creation.... But he can also be instructed by a fellow human being to whom God reveals Himself in direct form for the purpose of spreading the truth among his fellow human beings. But God speaks to all people through creation, and all people can understand this language if they are seriously willing to listen to the creator.... It is therefore always dependent on the will of man as to whether he recognizes God or not. The possibility is constantly given to him, for God's love, wisdom and omnipotence are revealed in all things. However, His revelations need not be heeded because God does not force the human being's will to seriously concern himself with something he does not desire. But then his knowledge of God will also be deficient, he will not be able to affirm God with conviction because he has never taken a stand on it. It is therefore never a rejection on God's part if a person finds it more difficult to believe, but always only human fault, for he disregards the opportunities available to him to become a believer because he does not want to see God where He reveals Himself.... in creation, which is an obvious testimony of a creative, loving and wise power....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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