2071 Refuting objections and teaching with God's help....
September 14, 1941: Book 30
Every objection must be refuted with God's help. Man must always be ready to call upon God in his heart, he must never rely on his own strength, he must start everything with God, i.e. ask Him for His blessing and thus also let the teachings of his fellow human beings be preceded by heartfelt prayer. Then he will feel equal to every objection, he will, driven by the spirit of God, use the right words, realize in a flash what is still unclear to him and now be able to answer or explain every question in an understandable way. Intellectual thought alone will not suffice to clarify questions concerning spiritual life. However, since the opponent whose objections are to be refuted only raises them intellectually, every objection can be refuted with the help of spiritual strength, for spiritual activity is stronger and renders all intellectual acuity weak and inadequate. A person who lacks spiritual knowledge will always dispute the truth. Since he still belongs to the world it is unacceptable to him and his will resists it because the truth would determine him to a different way of life. And that is why it is an extremely difficult beginning to introduce people to the truth. And all means are used by the one who is the lie in order to prevent people from accepting the truth. In the same way, however, God's love is constantly intent on conveying the truth to earth and spreading it. But anyone who undertakes this task will always be in a struggle. Nevertheless, he will have great strength at his disposal, provided that he utilizes it extensively.... He must commend to God the soul of the one to whom he wants to impart the truth, he must pray for this soul, he must ask God for grace so that He will make it easy for him to recognize the truth, that He will impart the power of knowledge to him. For prayer for the souls of fellow human beings, for their spiritual need, is unspeakably blessed. And even if the human being resists and tries to refute everything, his resistance will become weaker and weaker the more selflessly the light bearer endeavours to illuminate his fellow human beings' spiritual night. For God now stands by him.... He speaks to people Himself, so to speak, and if the heart is not completely hardened the listener feels the strength of what he now hears and it is no longer difficult for him to accept what is offered to him...., i.e. he moves it in his thoughts, and now the spiritual forces have access to the person's heart and continue the spiritual work they have started by trying to influence him mentally. The resistance subsides, the thirst for knowledge and the desire for truth grow, and the ground is now well prepared for the forces in the beyond, which are responsible for the care of these people. How these beings struggle for the souls entrusted to them on earth.... And how difficult it is sometimes to gain access to those who are still too attached to the world or have been pushed into wrong thinking by worldly influences. The spiritual hardship of the time is overwhelming and the will to reject spiritual truths is strong and almost unbending.... But a loving person sometimes succeeds in changing the thinking of his fellow human being with ease if he sincerely asks God to bless his endeavour and now approaches a task with increased strength, which is certainly difficult but extremely urgent, because only in the pure truth can the path be found that leads upwards. God allows the truth to come to earth in order to make it accessible to the whole of humanity; consequently, He will also bless every endeavour which is aimed at spreading the pure truth among fellow human beings....
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