2139 Activity of the beings of light....
November 3, 1941: Book 31
The unredeemed being constantly needs help because it is powerless of its own accord. Consequently, beings must again constantly be ready to help these powerless beings, and this is the activity of all those beings who have placed themselves into a certain state of maturity through loving activity. These beings are now active in a redeeming way, for they help the unfree to become free from their bound state. The activity in the beyond is therefore a redemption of the spiritual from bondage.... And thus the work of redemption, which was not carried out on earth, is started or continued in the beyond, and countless beings participate in it, namely all spiritual beings which already receive light by distributing light again. The bearers of light in the beyond give their love to immature beings in the beyond as well as to those on earth, for their only endeavour is to impart light to them, that is, to guide them into knowledge.... For only he who is in the light is free.... he who is knowledgeable is also free of every shackle, because knowledge, light and love cannot be thought of without each other and always signify a state of freedom. For knowledge, light and love are synonymous with power, but power also presupposes freedom, just as powerlessness and lack of freedom are also synonymous. power must therefore join powerlessness, or else the bearers of light and knowledge, because they are full of love, must grant their support to the powerless beings, they must supply them with what they lack. This puts the beings in a state to utilize the power imparted to them and to free themselves as well. And this liberation of the unfree spiritual substance from the state of complete powerlessness and bondage is a constant activity in the beyond.... But it is also the most beautiful task of man on earth, which brings him highest spiritual advantage. For the sooner the work of redemption is tackled, the greater the successes will be. The supply of strength from beings of light on the other side has the effect that the human being on earth can already cast off the shackle, that he becomes free from the oppressive force and thus can likewise shape himself into a bearer of light through the transmission of light, knowledge and love, thus becoming a recipient of strength who can again be active in a redeeming way in earthly life or also in the beyond when he leaves earthly life. Everything that is redeemed should assist the unredeemed, and as soon as the being undergoes this task it is free itself and joins the kingdom of light. The task in the beyond is extremely gratifying for the beings of light, for in their love they know of no other more satisfying activity than to help those who have to suffer because they are still unfree, thus to redeem them from their agonizing state. Thus the work of redemption which Jesus Christ accomplished on earth with His death on the cross was the beginning, and all beings which follow Jesus.... which therefore, like Jesus, live a life of love and help the beings which need their help, participate in this work of redemption.... it shares light and knowledge by virtue of its love and thus liberates that which is still bound from its bondage....
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