2036 Resistance hinders the power of cognition....
August 18, 1941: Book 30
Whatever man resists remains incomprehensible to him until he has given up his inner resistance. He can only recognize the truth when the power of knowledge comes to him, which is again the result of the desire for truth. However, a desire for the truth presupposes a certain willingness, i.e. the opposite of resistance. Willfulness will always trigger a humble feeling, while resistance is paired with arrogance. Humility earns man grace, but arrogance keeps it from him, and without grace man cannot mature his soul. Without grace, however, he remains blind in spirit, ignorant and without light. But where divine grace flows to man, he becomes seeing, knowing and radiant with light. Resistance is therefore wrong will, which must be corrected. If the human being gives up resistance, i.e. if his will is turned towards God, then many things will appear acceptable to him which he had previously rejected as unacceptable, and this is brought about by divine grace which then flows to the human being when his will consciously acknowledges God. This is why people raise objections against divine revelations until they have declared their will for enlightenment. For then they are ready to listen for the answer and their intellect grasps it from the moment the desire for the answer is aroused in them. Without a question the truth cannot be given to him; and if it were offered to him the human being would not be able to receive it and therefore he will walk along in the darkness of the spirit as long as he does not desire the light....
Translated by Doris Boekers