2080 Earthly measures.... followers....

September 20, 1941: Book 30

It is something purely external that people take offence at as soon as they condemn earthly dispositions simply because they complicate or impair earthly life. As long as it does not jeopardize a person's spiritual life, such dispositions are irrelevant and can even contribute to its advancement. Thus, all measures need only be considered and considered in the right attitude towards God and it will be recognizable that God wants to remove another grievance by doing so, even if something else is being striven for on the human side. The will of man is directed towards the destruction of the existing. As soon as the decrees are directed against spiritual endeavour, this intention cannot be approved.... God, however, uses such measures to simultaneously remedy a spiritual deficiency. He does not prevent the human will from carrying out such measures so that those people will now find the right attitude towards God who previously joined a spiritual direction purely mechanically, who were, so to speak, followers without any deep thought of their own. Now they are faced with the decision and have to take a stand towards God in their hearts, and only now something comes to life which until then was mere form.... And thus even decisions that are born of evil will can mean a spiritual advantage for the human being, as soon as they cause him to reflect in the first place. Consequently, God does not prevent the human being's will from such endeavours which seemingly destroy something spiritual but in reality result in increased spiritual activity in those who seriously seek God or were in danger of becoming lukewarm and careless. For what a person wants to do is permitted by God, only weakened in its effect if people who are faithful to Him are put in danger as a result. Or the right path is shown to those who are in danger of losing God. And if the human being's inner life is thereby deepened, even the harshest earthly measure can be a blessing for him....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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