
2173 God's intervention necessary for the mature and undeveloped spiritual....

December 3, 1941: Book 31

In His infinite love God has decided to stop humanity's spiritual decline and for this purpose He makes use of people's wrong will, i.e. what people do under the adversary's influence allows God to become the cause of unspeakable suffering and bitter adversity in order to influence people's spiritual state. Humanity can no longer find its way back to God and is in great danger of being completely dominated by the adversary. And this determines God to intervene on His part, which has extremely serious consequences on earth but can be beneficial for humanity in a spiritual respect. Where there is suffering, God's love is always expressed, even if this is incomprehensible to people. Earth is supposed to be the educational centre of the spirit, and it is, as long as the earthly experience helps to bring the soul to the degree of maturity it needs for life in eternity. But people can also remain completely spiritually unimpressed by earthly experiences, and this is the case if they have no faith in life after death, if they only regard earthly life as an end in itself and completely neglect the work on the soul. Then their earthly life has been lived in vain and this unused time on earth can never be made up for or compensated for, and the consequences of such an earthly life are so serious that God has mercy on these souls and wants to help them before it is too late. And His assistance is seemingly a work of cruelty and yet determined by His greater than great love since eternity. God seemingly destroys in order to save. He lets happen what people regard as a work of destruction but which in reality aims at a spiritual development, a spiritual progress, which indeed depends on the free will of man.... but is certain for countless beings who are still undeveloped, i.e. who are at the beginning of their earthly career. For they are thereby given the opportunity for higher development and therefore joyfully welcome God's intervention, as they will be redeemed from endless captivity in the solid form. God's love wants to help all beings, both those still in the beginning of development as well as the already more mature spiritual beings, which are in greatest danger of not passing their test of earthly life. And that is why the coming event is inevitable, however sorrowful it may be, for there is still the possibility that people will come to realize and be saved from eternal downfall. For God's love struggles for every soul as long as it remains on earth so that it will be spared unspeakable suffering in the beyond....


Translated by Doris Boekers