2794 Desire for truth guarantees pure truth and right thinking....

July 1, 1943: Book 37

Anyone who tries with all his might to free himself from erroneous views, i.e., who is willing to give up his previous thoughts in the desire for truth if they contradict the pure truth, will also clearly recognize what is error and what is truth. The human being then no longer needs to fear falling into erroneous thinking again, nor does he need to doubt what is offered to him as truth, for his desire for the pure truth enables him both to receive it and to recognize it as truth. The truth-desiring person also strives towards God at the same time, and he also fulfils the condition that God has set for receiving the truth.... he lives in love.... The desire for pure truth does not arise from his intellectual thinking, but is born in his heart precisely as a result of his activity of love. A person who lives without love will never have a desire for the pure truth; on the contrary, he shuns it, just as he avoids every opportunity that could convey it to him. He is rather uncomfortable with the thought of being enlightened about everything, which is why he prefers ignorance to the state of knowledge. It is only possible to bring brightness of spirit to such a person if he strives for it himself. In contrast, the willing person who strives for God and the truth has penetrated the truth in a very short time and is also firmly convinced that he is standing in the truth. And that is the characteristic of those who stand in the truth, that they no longer ponder and doubt but are firmly convinced that they are on the right track.... That they do not allow themselves to be put off when they are offered other teachings that contradict their own thinking. God Himself guides their thoughts and therefore they can only move within the truth, since He Himself is the truth. Anyone who desires the truth will therefore also strive towards God, and every will towards Him will be rewarded with His love, and His love will truly not let the person striving towards Him walk in error.... God wants people to know the truth, He wants them to become knowledgeable, thus He instructs them Himself if they entrust themselves to Him, thus ask Him for enlightenment and confess themselves as ignorant before God. The knowledge assumed by people offers them no certainty of the pure truth and therefore they take the direct path to God, Who is the truth Himself.... And God will not let their faith be put to shame, He will enlighten their spirit, He will teach them to think correctly and give them the gifts of realization so that they accept with conviction as truth what is imparted to them through God's grace and love mentally or through the inner word. Only the desire for truth demands God, and this desire for pure truth also earns the human being complete knowledge, which makes him happy because he recognizes it as pure truth....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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