2234 The struggle for existence.... Struggle in the preliminary stages.... Struggle as a human being....
February 13, 1942: Book 31
Every struggle for existence contributes to the higher development of the soul if the human being overcomes the resistance, i.e. unfolds his strength in order to remain victorious in the struggle. Fighting is a utilization of the strength that flows to every living being from God.... The life force to which every human being is entitled is used correctly when it is needed to defeat all resistance. A life without resistance would not demand any development of strength, thus it would not require any utilization of the life force, and then the soul would not be able to make any progress either, for the latter can only be possible with God's support.... i.e. through the influx of divine strength. At every stage of development before the embodiment as a human being the being has to endure this battle, it has to defend itself, for it will always be pressurised in a way which results in its development of strength. And it will always defeat the weaker one, and this is permitted by God's wisdom because it creates new opportunities for higher development. Thus it is also God's will that the weaker one succumbs in this battle, because every creature only develops higher and never reaches the degree of maturity on earth which would make a new deformation superfluous. So the creature will continue to fight with the stronger one until it has passed into its final form as a human being. Then, however, its battle is no longer a purely external one, i.e., one person is not allowed to destroy or defeat the other by virtue of his strength so that ultimately only the strong could still assert itself on earth, but the strong must use its strength in a different way.... it must support the weak, it must help the strong to overcome resistance so that it serves the weak. Then the human being uses his strength well, he utilizes it according to divine will, in that he certainly fights the resistance but does not want to completely defeat the weak, for otherwise he misuses the strength from God, he then uses this strength for a work that goes against God's order and against His divine love. He sins insofar as he treats something striving upwards like him unlovingly by wanting to deprive it of the opportunity to develop higher.... and he uses his strength to dominate the weaker. The human being should try to become master of the oppositions, but he should not try to overcome what opposes him as if outwardly, for it is truly an act of greatest development of strength if he tries to recognize everything in love, even the weak, as also a creature of God and he now only fights against that which harms his spiritual higher development and thus overcomes it....
Translated by Doris Boekers