2272 Refuting opposing views.... teaching activity on earth....
March 22, 1942: Book 31
Every opposing view stimulates reflection and can therefore be an advantage for a serious researcher, for only reflection creates intellectual property, in that only now does a mental result remain and the person, once he has taken a stand on it, can now also talk about it. Intellectual property can only be called that which has penetrated so deeply that it cannot be arbitrarily eliminated from the memory.... and which is acceptable and fully understandable to man. It is this spiritual good that is imperishable, but which can also be handed out again without being diminished. And the distribution of such good will be done with full conviction, for what appears understandable and acceptable to the human being himself will understandably also want to pass it on to those who are still untouched by it. And this is a blessed endeavour which will always result in God's grace. There are only a few teaching powers on earth, but these must be able to believe what they say themselves; and where faith is not yet very strong, the person must be led to strong faith. And this is why opposition is often placed in his path in the form of contradictions which the person tries to refute and thereby strengthens his views. The fact that he is in the truth will often be denied to him. But the human being will recognize it himself if his thinking is still going the wrong way. God transmits the truth to earth for the purpose that it is passed on, unadulterated as God Himself has taught man. Different views suggest that not all people are in the truth, and the latter again depends on the extent to which people desire God, for they alone are in possession of the truth. But the exchange of the different views is therefore advantageous because people can detach themselves and now get a clear picture which gives them information about truth and untruth. And if a person thinks rightly, he will also have the right feeling about the value of the disputed opinion and, depending on its importance, defend its content towards his fellow human beings and thus be active in spreading the truth and in the fight against lies........
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