2062 Fight.... willpower.... knowledge.... power.... otherworldly work....
September 9, 1941: Book 30
The person who gives himself to God has nothing to fear of spiritual decline, he will always develop upwards, but this can only be achieved through constant struggle, since struggle increases strength of will and a strong will is absolutely necessary for someone who wants to serve God, i.e. fight for Him. Demands are placed on him that can only be fulfilled with a strong will. It is necessary to resist, because the world's desire will always be in opposition to what God demands of people. And so man must not only be able to resist his own desires, but also the desires of those who belong to the world. To give himself to God means to want to remain completely in His will, and this willingness earns him God's love and grace, and thus God Himself will always be active where the human being's will threatens to become weak. Then He will stand by him and strengthen his will through the transmission of His strength. But the influx of divine strength also signifies progress upwards, it signifies the helpfulness of beings in the beyond who likewise take care of the human being and protect him in every adversity and danger. Spiritual regression is only to be feared with open resistance, with open rebellion against God. But striving for God excludes such a state of innermost rebellion against God, for the striving human being is in the state of realization, and thus he also knows that God is the most perfect and lovable being, and he recognizes his own lowliness, and this lets him become deeply humble and submit to God's will in everything. Rebellion, however, is the result of spiritual arrogance, arrogance the effect of spiritual darkness, thus ignorance of the nature of God....
By recognizing his smallness, man becomes great, for he receives the most precious gift from God, His grace, and this makes him abundant.... for to be allowed to live in God's grace means to mature spiritually, i.e. to be able to receive light and knowledge and thus come closer to God; he who stands in the light is in the realm of divine love's radiance, and his share is light and strength from Him. To be able to receive divine power is bliss already on earth. It is something spiritual that can never pass away, which the human being retains as his property for all eternity. On earth, this power expresses itself in a vast knowledge.... in a knowledge of things that are otherwise hidden from earthly man. Knowledge is the basic condition for happiness in the spiritual kingdom, for without knowledge a person cannot become blessed. Without knowledge his stay in the beyond is without light, and without knowledge it is also impossible for him to be active in love. Before he starts his redeeming activity on earth as well as in the beyond he has to receive knowledge, and blessed is he who already strives for it on earth.... who desires to be informed and does not resist the influence of beings of light in the beyond to want to transfer their light onto the human being. Those who give to him are in the knowledge and always want to be lovingly active; yet the human being is not always willing to accept the precious gift. Those who believe themselves to possess do not ask for this gift. His arrogance prevents him from doing so. But he who feels poor in spirit will be considered without reservation. What he thinks he lacks, he will desire and also receive, and his spiritual treasures will increase, and there will never be a decline, for he who has become knowledgeable has overcome. He no longer has a desire for the world and earthly goods.... He only has a longing to be allowed to enter the spiritual kingdom and to be active with God and for God.... to give what he has received and to be happy in giving and receiving....
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