2170 Devotion of the divine word....
November 30, 1941: Book 31
Let My spirit work in you so that you may be guided into all truth. Only a few people have the right realization and these are enlightened by My spirit. They are on earth and yet their spirit is with Me because they endeavour to live a life of love and I will always be where love is. Spiritual strength illuminates them and thus they are flooded with light, and light signifies knowledge........ And when I speak to people I choose a mediator for Myself, a person who places himself at My disposal in order to help his fellow human beings. I recognize this work of love for one's neighbour and speak through this person to all those who want to hear Me. And those who listen to My words and are in love themselves also recognize Me in the word.... For My word is spiritual strength and penetrates the spirit in them, and this recognizes its father. And with My word I bring love to My children and this love makes them happy. Whatever form My word is offered in, it is clear and understandable to everyone who accepts it, for this is the power of My word, that the human being is guided into realization as soon as he abandons himself to the working of God's word. And thus the divine word is constantly conveyed to earth because without it humanity cannot attain the truth. The truth needs willing listeners in order to be recognized as truth, yet it is mostly rejected and I have to let this happen because I do not force the human being's will.... but he deprives himself of the grace to stand in the light, for light and truth are one; but only I Myself, as eternal truth, can convey the truth to earth. But anyone who accepts My word also recognizes Me, for the light flows to him, and standing in the light he is so close to the original light and he knows that truth can only be where this light shines.... where My love sends My word to earth so that it shall make people happy....
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