2252 Refutation of the objection of the "action of evil forces...."

March 7, 1942: Book 31

Where the eternal deity expresses Itself so obviously, it is impossible to conclude that evil forces are at work; and yet this objection will be raised so often because it is the last weapon of God's adversary. And precisely this objection is so easily refuted by the fact that no force opposed to God will teach people love and thus lead them to God. The teaching of love is always and forever God's word.... thus anyone who preaches love, whether on earth or in the beyond, will always be in God's service but will never be influenced by evil forces. People create their own confusion by speaking without thinking.... They try to mislead their fellow human beings, consciously and unconsciously. They themselves have too little power of judgement or do not use it, but even the slightest will to recognize what is right and to act correctly would give them clarity. Where God is at work, love will always apply as a principle, whereas the adversary's work aims to displace love on earth. Where God works there will also be wisdom, i.e., something will be offered to people clearly and comprehensibly which again can only trigger love for God, and where God works there will also be strength and light, for these are the effects of what God's love and wisdom lets flow to people. God's love tries to educate people to love, but the unkindness of God's adversary tries to destroy love. What now points to love cannot possibly be from the one who fights love. God's love seeks to guide people into the truth, but God's adversary also fights the truth. Everything that is commanded is clearly understandable and acceptable for every person who seriously strives for the truth. Consequently, there cannot be a power at work that endeavours to spread error in the world.... But he who scrutinizes will hardly be able to find an erroneous teaching, but his heart will affirm everything if he is not in bondage to the opposing power itself. And furthermore, a power expresses itself that cannot be denied. However, only He Who is the original source of power can radiate power.... God's adversary also has power at his disposal, as he himself is also a recipient of power from God. However, he uses it to work against God, but never to work for Him, otherwise he would no longer be God's adversary. And this is decisive for every expression of power, which spirit speaks from it.... Divine activity can always be inferred where love is recognizable, because love comes from God and leads to God, whereas evil forces refrain from any indication of love and their activity is directed against God and against everything good....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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