2343 Activity of the beings of light.... imparting knowledge....
May 23, 1942: Book 32
In the world of light, loving activity is perpetual, for the beings of light undertake any spiritual work that promises them the slightest success. They are constantly willing to help, for in their love they always want to give, to make happy and to stimulate happy activity. And since their love does not diminish but deepens more and more, their activity must also increase. And their activity consists of spreading light, i.e. knowledge.... Consequently, knowledge has to be constantly conveyed to earth through the world full of light, which has the effect that people everywhere are taught the truth by receptive and willing earthly children, that it is offered to them from above, thus without earthly help or contact with earthly-knowing people. And what the beings of light impart to people goes far beyond the framework of book knowledge, for this wisdom touches upon problems which a human being would never be able to solve correctly, and the givers of this wisdom, the beings of light, impart their gifts to people such that they can fully penetrate the truth from God if the will becomes active in them. And the beings of light try to influence this will such that people only want what they receive from divine wisdom. And since the beings of light are constantly active the body will soon feel this insofar as that it will no longer desire earthly possessions but that the spiritual knowledge it has gained will appear so desirable to it that its willingness and ability to receive will become ever greater and consequently ever more profound divine wisdom can be conveyed to earth. People who endeavour to live according to God's will will also be mentally guided into the complete truth, and when the battle against spiritual striving and faith breaks out many people will defend their faith in accordance with the truths they have received, for the beings of light will proclaim the same truth everywhere. As a result, it will spread amongst humanity.... People will be of the same mind and thus spread the same, for they will not want to communicate anything to their fellow human beings other than what is conveyed to earth in direct teachings from the beyond.... humanity, if it is willing, will be guided into right thinking by those beings of light who take care of those who are willing to accept the truth with profound love.
Translated by Doris Boekers