2463 Word of God - most precious gift of grace....

September 1, 1942: Book 33

You go through a school of the spirit when the divine word is made accessible to you and you take it in and try to benefit from it, for then you will inevitably have to mature, you will have to increase in realization and it must become light and clear in you.... You will understand what was previously incomprehensible to you, you will realize God's infinite love, which leans towards you and offers itself to you in the word. And no matter what wisdom you possess, nothing is equal to the word which reaches you directly, for it is the strength from God which flows to you directly and which therefore also has an extraordinary effect. And as soon as you believe that God Himself speaks to you, you also desire His word, and only then can you receive it, for God wants to be consciously desired in order to be able to express Himself; He wants to be recognized as a loving father Who always and constantly bestows His gift of grace upon His children; and He wants His children to also desire His expression of love, His word. For it is the most delicious thing He can offer you as long as you still dwell on earth. The divine word enables you to fulfil your earthly task, it makes you wise and educates you to love, it shows you the path to God, it helps your soul to ascend, for it helps you to shape your soul in accordance with God's will. And that is why you cannot successfully cover the earthly path without the word of God, you need it for your spiritual development. God's love, however, knows what you lack and it comes to meet you, offering everyone that which will help him to ascend. It descends to you itself; it shows itself quite obviously, so that your faith becomes a deeper and more intimate one, for you will use it in the time to come. You will hunger for His word and thirst for His grace, and you will be allowed to refresh yourselves at the spring from which the living water flows.... you will be allowed to draw incessantly, and you will be refreshed and strengthened if you take the divine drink; you will be satisfied by the word of God, by the bread of heaven, which is offered to all those who ardently desire it, who love God with all their heart and prove this love to Him through unselfish love for their neighbour.... God Himself draws near to them in the word, as He has promised....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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