2103 Love solvent....
October 8, 1941: Book 30
The adversary fights with all available means to separate man from God once and for all, but he is powerless against one thing.... against love.... Wherever this weapon is used in battle, the adversary fails and man has defeated him. This is understandable, because where there is love, there is God. Trying to fight against God will always be unsuccessful. And so evil can only be overcome through love. If bad instincts break through in a person and he endeavours to be lovingly active, he will suppress the bad in himself, it will be easy for him to master his desires, because the love in him is more powerful. It is the most effective antidote for bad habits and vices of all kinds.... it banishes bad thoughts and desires and triumphs over every influence of the adversary. And therefore his work will always come to an end when love becomes active in a person. Love must therefore be practiced first if the human being wants to break free from the shackles of the enemy. Even the will cannot do as much as love can, for love is the power which redeems the human being, which sets him free from bondage; love is the power which is stronger than the adversary, thus it must also liberate the human being from his control and therefore be the most effective means of release which God has entrusted to people so that they make use of this means in order to finally become free....
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