2245 Recognizing people who are connected to God....
February 26, 1942: Book 31
Every spiritual discussion between you will enlighten you about man's relationship with God, if you are concerned with making a just judgement. You will first have to focus your attention on the motives which determine a person to seek a dialogue. A person who is closely united with God will always desire to hear the word of God, and this desire will express itself such that he will seek out the place where it is offered to him. And the word will penetrate him and make him happy, he will receive it and feel the strength of the word, i.e. he will experience the word as beneficial. He has God in himself, he lives in God and is therefore in the right relationship with Him. However, a person can also want to talk about things which are not connected to the divine word, in which case the divine word is not desired first and then the desire for God is only weakly present, and the person's attitude towards God is also not as it should be in order to achieve spiritual success through a mutual exchange of thoughts. The hunger for truth, for the word of God, must urge the human being to seek contact with people of the same spirit, but this hunger will inevitably demand to be satisfied; thus the longing human being will desire to hear what satisfies his desire, and then it will also be easy to recognize him as God-connected, who wants to speak and hear God wherever He expresses Himself. For the God-connected person senses it when God speaks to him through a person's mouth.... thus the God-connected person can only accept, for he knows very well how to distinguish the working of divine strength from deception.... the God-connected person recognizes the voice of God and listens to it. But where little attention is paid to this voice, the person still lacks an intimate connection with God, and thus even a dialogue will not result in the gracious consequences that God-connected people can draw from it....
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