2474 Lie.... truth.... fighting error....
September 15, 1942: Book 33
We must fight against error, for it has been brought into the world by those who want to suppress the truth. But the truth is God, and he who is in favour of God must also stand in the truth and abhor falsehood. A lie is everything that is directed against the truth; a lie is the work of the one who is furthest away from God and who also wants to distance people from God. The lie is the product of darkness, it shuns the light because it cannot exist where the truth, the brightest light from the heavens, shines. And that is why the lie must be fought, because the lie is deliberate error that cannot be abhorred enough. He who walks in truth will also recognize error and fight against it, for truth does not tolerate error walking alongside it. The prince of lies, however, uses all means to prevent the truth from breaking through. He cloaks the lie in such a form that it is difficult to recognize by those who do not exclusively seek the truth.... For to them the lie presents itself as truth. And man does not recognize it for what it is because he does not yet have a deep desire for truth. And so error breaks through and asserts itself until a truth fanatic declares war on it.... For the latter recognizes error as the work of the adversary and detests it.... And since he fights for God, he can also expect support from God, since God wants the truth to be spread in the world. For where there is untruth, there is darkness, and darkness is ignorance, and the darkness is to be displaced by the light; the knowledge of the pure truth is to be spread. All the error scattered by the adversary among men shall give way to the pure truth, and the truth shall lead to God, Who is truth in Himself.... And every person who serves God should stand up for the truth, he should have an enlightening effect, he should expose error and instruct people where alone the pure truth can be sought and found.... For only through the truth can man come to recognize, only through the truth can he come to the right faith, and only through the truth can the soul develop upwards. But where the lie dominates a person's thinking, the person himself is also misguided, for the lie never points to God but rather distances the person ever more from the one to Whom he should return. And thus error prevents the human being from reaching his destiny, he can never reach the goal which is set for him on earth, for he will never strive for that which is the purpose and goal of earthly life since he lacks the knowledge of it. Where there is a lie, there the adversary has the upper hand and the soul is endangered. And this is why God trains His fighters so that they take up arms against the lie, so that they stand up for the truth and ruthlessly denounce error as a product of the adversary. For only in this way can the truth be spread by displacing the lie with the truth.... But he who stands in the truth should not be afraid to stand up against the lie, for it is his task to lead his fellow human beings out of the darkness of the spirit into the bright light.... And to stand in the light means to know the pure truth, because only the truth can lead people towards God....
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