Proclamations 5xxx

0xxx - 1xxx - 2xxx - 3xxx - 4xxx - 5xxx - 6xxx - 7xxx - 8xxx - 9xxx
B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Commands
5000 It concerns eternal life.... Nov 14, 1950 417
5001 God speaks again and again.... Nov 18, 1950 116
5002 Light beings embodied as human beings .... Disciples of the last days .... Nov 19, 1950 590
5003 Battle between light and darkness.... Nov 20, 1950 58
5004 A rock will be made to waver.... (Spiritual upheaval).... Nov 21, 1950 575
5005 Work in the vineyard.... seed - reaper.... harvest.... Nov 22, 1950 53
5006 Apostasy of the spiritual from God humanly represented.... Nov 24, 1950 131
5007 "What no man's eye has ever seen...." Nov 25, 1950 54
5008 Call to spiritual work in the coming time of need.... Nov 26, 1950 120
5009 The path to God through Jesus Christ.... Nov 28, 1950 57
5010 Strength of the divine Word.... Nov 29, 1950 396
5011 God's help to rise.... God’s word.... Dec 1, 1950 116
5012 Seers and prophets.... Dec 2, 1950 61
5013 Recognize yourselves and your origin.... Dec 3, 1950 63
5014 Spiritual poverty.... Dec 4, 1950 140
5015 Spiritual action.... Dec 7, 1950 373
5016 Path to perfection.... childhood of God.... Dec 8, 1950 125
5017 Eternal life.... activity.... power from God - love.... Dec 10, 1950 59
5018 Destiny according to will and resistance.... Dec 12, 1950 618
5019 Gratitude.... Dec 13, 1950 370
5020 Devils in the end time.... protection of God.... Dec 13, 1950 129
5021 He who exalts himself.... arrogance.... honour.... Dec 15, 1950 117
5022 Exhortation to vineyard work.... spreading the gospel.... Dec 17, 1950 136
5023 Characteristic of truth of the proclamations: Love, grace, mercy.... Dec 18, 1950 393
5024 ‘Whoever loves his life shall lose it....’ Dec 20, 1950 613
5025 Voluntary return in love to God.... unbreakable bond.... Dec 21, 1950 180
5026 Spiritual influences, questions - truth.... Dec 24, 1950 217
5027 Christ's descent to earth once and now.... Act of Salvation.... Dec 24, 1950 396
5028 Battle of faith - Immense adversity - Professing Christ.... Saviour.... Dec 25, 1950 388
5029 'The powers of the heavens shall be shaken....' Reversal of natural laws.... Rapture.... Dec 28, 1950 757
5030 Unusual need - unusual help.... feeding God’s word.... Dec 31, 1950 68
5031 Connection between spiritual beings and humans.... 'form'.... Jan 2, 1951 70
5032 Spiritism.... truth - error.... Jan 3, 1951 62
5033 Suitability for teaching ministry.... awakened spirit.... ability to judge.... Jan 4, 1951 65
5034 Insertion into the divine will.... will decision.... Jan 6, 1951 63
5035 Process of development to perfection.... Jesus Christ.... Jan 7, 1951 55
5036 Achieving the aim.... love.... will.... Jan 8, 1951 62
5037 Fight against the enemy of souls.... call upon Jesus Christ.... Jan 9, 1951 121
5038 Work of satan.... "I am the good shepherd...." Jan 10, 1951 133
5039 Love of the world - Satan's followers.... Love of God - Overcoming matter.... Jan 11, 1951 613
5040 Revelations.... book of fathers.... living word.... Jan 13, 1951 57
5041 Achieving beatitude - Free will.... Wolf amongst sheep.... Jan 14, 1951 392
5042a Embodiment as a human being consequence of sin.... work of redemption.... Jan 15, 1951 61
5042b Embodiment as a human being consequence of sin.... work of redemption.... Jan 16, 1951 60
5043 Revelation.... living faith.... Jan 17, 1951 71
5044 Spiritual work.... light.... knowledge.... plan of salvation.... Jan 19, 1951 57
5045 Seers and prophets.... strength of will and faith.... Jan 21, 1951 64
5046 God's promise.... earthly and spiritual.... Jan 22, 1951 54
5047 Vocation.... task.... truth bearer.... sensitivity to untruth.... Jan 23, 1951 62
5048 Explanation and reason for an arduous destiny.... Jan 24, 1951 392
5049 Many paths - One goal.... True members of the church.... Jan 25, 1951 770
5050 Volunteer God serving.... struggles of the soul.... Jan 27, 1951 56
5051 Childship to God.... grace, power.... suffering and love.... Jan 28, 1951 57
5052 Explanation of the awakening of the spirit.... hearing the inner word.... Jan 29, 1951 64
5053 Light and shadow.... truth bearers.... Jan 30, 1951 60
5054 Night - dusk – dawn - daylight.... Jan 31, 1951 59
5055 God's blessing rests on every vineyard work.... Feb 3, 1951 63
5056 "Where two or three are gathered in My name...." Feb 7, 1951 235
5057 Kind Fatherly Words of comfort.... Feb 8, 1951 389
5058 Revelation of the divine will.... love commandments.... Feb 9, 1951 59
5059 Outpouring of the spirit.... Feb 10, 1951 113
5060 Plan of salvation based on free will.... Feb 11, 1951 116
5061 Explaining the various characters of the Word-recipients.... Feb 12, 1951 397
5062 Re-incarnation.... Feb 13, 1951 391
5063 Individuality of each soul.... Feb 14, 1951 383
5064 God's joy in the love of His children.... Feb 16, 1951 126
5065 The eternal love.... reason for the revelations.... Feb 17, 1951 122
5066 Spiritual community.... elevated work.... Feb 18, 1951 132
5067 Will directed towards God.... shackles of love.... Feb 20, 1951 182
5068 Practicing love the only task on earth.... Feb 21, 1951 182
5069 Prayer in spirit and in truth.... Pious gestures.... Feb 22, 1951 375
5070 Peace of soul.... presence of God.... Feb 23, 1951 62
5071 Gifts of grace.... help to ascend.... love.... Feb 23, 1951 56
5072 Overcoming matter.... Awakening of the spirit.... Feb 24, 1951 533
5073 View in the realm beyond.... trial faith.... love.... Feb 25, 1951 63
5074 Name of Jesus shall not be led in vain.... Feb 26, 1951 124
5075 The housefather‘s care for His servants.... vineyard work.... Mar 1, 1951 62
5076 Hardship of unbelievers on entry into the beyond.... Mar 2, 1951 636
5077 The Lord's return.... Present time.... Witnesses of the new earth.... Mar 2, 1951 1581
5078 Prerequisite for truth: love - desire for truth - Free will.... Mar 3, 1951 63
5079 Serious exhortation concerning the near end.... Mar 4, 1951 122
5080 Struggle of faith.... confession only possible where there is love.... Mar 5, 1951 69
5081 "Faith moves mountains...." Mar 7, 1951 124
5082 Fellow labourers in Christ’s work of Redemption .... ‘Go ye therefore, and teach .... ’ Mar 10, 1951 400
5083 Supply of revelations proof of reality of the spiritual realm.... Mar 13, 1951 62
5084 Revelations.... truth and error.... previous knowledge.... Mar 14, 1951 64
5085 I need you .... The Custodian’s concern for His servants .... Mar 16, 1951 400
5086 Influence of spiritual beings according to the will of man.... Mar 17, 1951 121
5087 World only means for the purpose.... overcoming matter.... Mar 18, 1951 107
5088 Exhortation not to forget God.... coming need.... Mar 19, 1951 109
5089 Call of God secures divine revelations.... messengers of light - truth.... Mar 20, 1951 54
5090 Contact of people with the world of light.... Process of mediation.... Mar 21, 1951 60
5091 Spiritual community.... Working together.... Mar 22, 1951 536
5092 Christ's suffering.... Mar 23, 1951 636
5093 Resurrection.... (Easter Sunday) Mar 25, 1951 58
5094 Spiritual wealth.... "receive and eat...." work in the hereafter.... Mar 26, 1951 56
5095 Preaching the gospel.... listener - doer.... doctrine of love.... Mar 29, 1951 121
5096 Flashes of rays of light in the afterlife.... spiritual hunger.... Mar 30, 1951 122
5097 Justice of God.... long-suffering - mercy.... Mar 31, 1951 56
5098 God's leadership.... Apr 1, 1951 123
5099 Childship to God.... Conditions.... Apr 3, 1951 420
5100 Matter.... Loss of earthly possessions.... Free will.... Apr 6, 1951 625
5101 Bridge to God - Jesus Christ.... Apr 7, 1951 104
5102 School of the spirit.... Apr 9, 1951 733
5103 God speaks through the mouth of man to all people.... Apr 11, 1951 60
5104 God’s word most effective gift of grace.... Apr 13, 1951 176
5105 Connection of heaven and earth.... love.... will.... Apr 16, 1951 62
5106 Self-redemption.... only with Jesus Christ.... Apr 18, 1951 119
5107 God's language from Father to child.... Words of love.... Apr 18, 1951 578
5108 Proof of God’s word: love - wisdom - omnipotence.... Apr 20, 1951 59
5109 Love - wisdom – omnipotence characteristics for revelations.... Apr 21, 1951 57
5110 Immense storm.... sleep of death.... forces of nature.... Apr 22, 1951 65
5111 Child relationship.... love.... humility.... right prayer.... Apr 23, 1951 55
5112 Degree of love.... constant increase of bliss.... God unfathomable.... Apr 24, 1951 63
5113 Blessing of love.... aim of the human being.... Apr 25, 1951 120
5114 ‘I came to My Own and they did not accept Me....’ Apr 25, 1951 562
5115 Battle of faith.... Fulfilment of promises.... Apr 26, 1951 458
5116 God’s word truth.... living faith recognizes father's voice.... Apr 27, 1951 109
5117 Justice of God.... long-suffering - mercy.... Apr 28, 1951 53
5118 Acceptance of the divine word no compulsion.... free will.... Apr 29, 1951 58
5119 Will to work for God secures protection by beings of light.... Apr 29, 1951 64
5120 Spiritual mentor.... Apr 30, 1951 119
5121 Power of faith.... love makes faith lively.... May 1, 1951 58
5122 Spreading the gospel is a work of mercy.... May 2, 1951 58
5123 Distance from God is a wretched state.... No separation.... May 3, 1951 450
5124 God's courtship of the love of His creatures.... May 4, 1951 122
5125 Process of development.... Law of compulsion.... Stage of free will.... May 6, 1951 635
5126 Need of the last time.... many will still be recalled.... May 7, 1951 126
5127 Vineyard work.... subordinating the will.... May 9, 1951 126
5128 Strengthening the will.... receiving power through the word.... May 10, 1951 63
5129 Power of God.... outpouring of the spirit.... May 12, 1951 63
5130 Spiritual work.... disciples of the end time.... May 13, 1951 61
5131 Pillars of the church.... Vineyard work.... Labourers - instruments.... May 14, 1951 420
5132 The working of the spirit.... May 17, 1951 217
5133 Glaring light.... knowing too much.... protection of the father.... May 18, 1951 61
5134 Task of a mediator between God and humans.... May 18, 1951 62
5135 Spiritual reception or mental work?.... Serious scrutiny.... May 22, 1951 369
5136 Satan's power.... May 25, 1951 1007
5137 Joy and suffering serve to perfection.... May 27, 1951 61
5138 The servants whom the lord still late engaged.... God’s word.... truth.... May 28, 1951 58
5139 Stepping out of the eternal order requires the dissolution of creation.... May 29, 1951 61
5140 Teachability.... spiritual work.... love.... truth.... May 30, 1951 145
5141 Unjustified objection, being destined to be evil.... May 31, 1951 787
5142 Working miracles in the end time.... false christs and prophets.... Jun 1, 1951 61
5143 Hostilities.... Working in secret.... Greater activity.... Jun 3, 1951 565
5144 Development is a matter of free will and not God's arbitrary use of power.... Jun 4, 1951 430
5145 Transforming from God's creature to God's child.... Jun 6, 1951 58
5146 State of souls after death.... light - twilight - darkness.... Jun 8, 1951 135
5147 God’s word from above sufficient for mission.... Jun 9, 1951 58
5148 Jesus.... Becoming of creatures into children.... Jun 11, 1951 63
5149 Short time of elevated work for the kingdom of God.... Jun 11, 1951 125
5150 Whoever is taught by God requires no further external knowledge.... Jun 13, 1951 738
5151 Reason of natural destructions.... Jun 14, 1951 62
5152 Fulfilment of the commandments of love.... light - intercession - beyond.... Jun 16, 1951 110
5153 The souls’ redemption from the abyss through Jesus Christ.... Beyond.... Jun 17, 1951 400
5154 World people.... transience of the earthly.... conversion.... Jun 19, 1951 59
5155 The right Father-child relationship.... Free will.... Jun 21, 1951 405
5156 Beings of darkness.... new banishment.... Jun 22, 1951 136
5157 Way of salvation.... way of love.... Jesus Christ.... Jun 23, 1951 184
5158 Power of intercession.... ascension through love.... free will also in the hereafter.... Jun 24, 1951 112
5159 Notice to the near end.... judgment day.... Jun 26, 1951 183
5160 Fight with the sword of the mouth.... Jun 29, 1951 61
5161 Strength of intercession.... Jun 30, 1951 964
5162 Determining the time of the end - False prophets.... Jul 1, 1951 777
5163 Bible - spirit work.... (after lecture of Jehovah's witnesses) Jul 3, 1951 55
5164 Biblical research.... mind knowledge.... (after lecture by Jehovah's witnesses) Jul 4, 1951 56
5165 Power of God.... life.... Jul 6, 1951 57
5166 God-ordained intercourse with the spirit world.... Jul 7, 1951 136
5167 Recognize the truth and utilize in love.... Jul 8, 1951 58
5168 Prayer for grace and strength, for illumination of the spirit.... Jul 10, 1951 116
5169 Public confession.... living faith.... Jul 12, 1951 125
5170 Periods of development - duration.... matter and influence.... Jul 14, 1951 129
5171 God's blessing, i.e. help, in every spiritual work.... Jul 15, 1951 52
5172 Earthly life - illusive life.... Jul 17, 1951 741
5173 Faithless humanity.... The end is near.... Jul 18, 1951 932
5174 Characteristic of the church of Christ: The working of the spirit.... Jul 19, 1951 572
5175 Satan’s work.... Heartfelt prayer for protection.... Jul 21, 1951 566
5176 The light of truth.... Jul 22, 1951 61
5177 God speaks.... process and condition.... Jul 23, 1951 63
5178 Redeeming help for souls in the beyond through people.... Jul 25, 1951 419
5179 "Many are called, few are chosen...." disciples of the end time.... Jul 27, 1951 62
5180 Serious admonition to consider the life after death.... Jul 29, 1951 576
5181 Violation against the divine order.... sin.... confession - forgiveness.... Jul 31, 1951 131
5182 Divine Word.... Psychic messages.... Disguise.... Mark.... Aug 5, 1951 523
5183 Asking for God's blessing.... power and impact.... Aug 6, 1951 68
5184 Awakening the spiritual spark in man - love.... Aug 6, 1951 68
5185 Love - solvent.... otherworldly-help.... Aug 8, 1951 62
5186 'The gates of hell shall not prevail against it....' Aug 9, 1951 399
5187 Preaching the gospel urgently in the end time.... Aug 11, 1951 58
5188 Reincarnation.... heresy.... childhood of God.... Aug 13, 1951 123
5189 Effect of love on fellow human beings.... Aug 16, 1951 56
5190 God's love and care for His creatures.... Aug 17, 1951 68
5191 Immortality of the soul.... Aug 18, 1951 174
5192 Jesus Christ, the mediator between God and people.... Aug 19, 1951 52
5193 Working together in the vineyard of the lord.... Aug 21, 1951 139
5194 Blessing of illness and suffering.... Maturing fully.... Aug 23, 1951 389
5195 Admonition to prepare for the end.... Aug 25, 1951 729
5196 God's love.... Aug 25, 1951 56
5197 Truth.... understandable form.... Aug 26, 1951 56
5198 Particles of soul.... Process of development on earth and in the beyond.... Aug 27, 1951 809
5199 Intellectual thought.... Truth from God.... Aug 29, 1951 381
5200 Admonition to detach from transient.... spiritual good.... Aug 31, 1951 57
5201 Gift of speech.... Sep 2, 1951 67
5202 Increasing strength through work in love and prayer.... Sep 3, 1951 61
5203 Help for poor souls.... Love redeems.... Sep 4, 1951 735
5204 God of love.... Not God of wrath.... Sep 5, 1951 416
5205 Fighters for truth.... Misguided teachings.... Sep 5, 1951 420
5206 Communion.... "Behold, I stand at the door...." Sep 6, 1951 56
5207 Declaration of kinship feelings.... soul particles.... Sep 9, 1951 128
5208 Help in spiritual need - dissemination of knowledge from above.... Sep 10, 1951 63
5209 "He who keeps My commandments...." revelations.... Sep 11, 1951 55
5210 Bridge to the beyond.... thoughts of the height.... Sep 12, 1951 62
5211 Veiling unusual grace supply.... explanation.... Sep 13, 1951 57
5212 God is good and righteous.... Sep 15, 1951 933
5213 Jesus Christ.... redeemer - God-man.... Sep 16, 1951 172
5214 Mental arrogance.... greatest danger.... Sep 8, 1951 151
5215 Love has accomplished the act of salvation.... Sep 21, 1951 743
5216 Directing the will.... influence of good and bad beings.... Sep 22, 1951 76
5217 Unfathomable being of God.... Sep 23, 1951 70
5218 The Lord's visible presence.... Sep 25, 1951 57
5219 Serious reference to the end.... Sep 26, 1951 675
5220 Wrong way.... vineyard work.... steep path.... Sep 27, 1951 71
5221 Gift of grace in the end time.... God’s word.... free will.... Sep 28, 1951 60
5222 Knowledge about goal and purpose.... Childship to God.... Sep 29, 1951 402
5223 The spirit of the Antichrist.... Sep 30, 1951 571
5224 Fighting against oneself on earth.... Oct 1, 1951 394
5225 Power of the divine word in times of need.... Oct 3, 1951 413
5226 Spreading the Gospel .... Endtime disciples .... Oct 4, 1951 394
5227 Living water.... source - pure and clear.... Oct 5, 1951 57
5228 Reply to unpleasant messages from Bietigheim.... Oct 6, 1951 417
5229 Rays of light seen and followed in the beyond.... Oct 7, 1951 57
5230 Has the infinitely long path of development been in vain?.... Oct 8, 1951 397
5231 Vineyard work with the grace of God.... Oct 9, 1951 54
5232 The truth will force its way and triumph.... Oct 11, 1951 61
5233 Deifying the beings into children.... Oct 12, 1951 730
5234 Faith without love is dead.... Oct 13, 1951 187
5235 Behold, I make all things new....' Oct 14, 1951 857
5236 God's blessing to the workers in His vineyard.... Oct 17, 1951 57
5237 Making arable of the drought desert.... blessing.... Oct 19, 1951 57
5238 Submission of the will.... taking up residence of God in the heart.... Oct 21, 1951 148
5239 Awakening of God's spark.... "He who abides in love...." Oct 24, 1951 57
5240 Expression of the divine spirit.... Satan as an angel of light.... Oct 25, 1951 578
5241 Positive and negative forces.... fall of the angels.... Oct 26, 1951 64
5242 Desire for truth - love activity condition.... Oct 27, 1951 57
5243 Forgiveness.... Atonement.... Justice.... (Law of cause and effect) Oct 27, 1951 719
5244 God's never-ending effort of love.... Oct 28, 1951 59
5245 Unrestricted grant of graces.... Oct 28, 1951 61
5246 Urgent reminder to vineyard work.... Oct 29, 1951 132
5247 "You must be taught by God...." Oct 31, 1951 65
5248 Grace of inner enlightenment.... Nov 1, 1951 108
5249 Right service to God.... Nov 4, 1951 51
5250 Blessed vineyard work.... succession.... Nov 5, 1951 56
5251 Word recipient first suitable to teach.... Nov 6, 1951 55
5252 God's infinite love.... Nov 9, 1951 57
5253 Office of the word recipient.... graces and duties.... Nov 12, 1951 60
5254 Submitting the will under God's will.... Nov 13, 1951 67
5255 Promise of Jesus: eternal life.... Nov 16, 1951 229
5256 Seemingly loveless aids of God.... Nov 18, 1951 125
5257 Not inclination but love determines the will.... Nov 19, 1951 581
5258 Harmony on the new earth.... Nov 22, 1951 125
5259 God requires many labourers in the time before the end.... Nov 25, 1951 547
5260 Distributing and passing on the gift of grace - beyond.... Nov 25, 1951 56
5261 Forgiveness of sins.... Nov 27, 1951 129
5262 Forgiveness of sins.... Nov 29, 1951 122
5263 Continuation of the work of redemption.... Dec 1, 1951 70
5264 Transformation of nature.... Deification.... Dec 2, 1951 395
5265 Source of living water.... Dec 4, 1951 60
5266 World clock .... Final hours .... Dec 6, 1951 357
5267 Living faith.... power to resist.... Dec 8, 1951 120
5268 Spiritual work.... profession or appointed.... Dec 9, 1951 58
5269 Life energy - Spiritual energy.... Dec 10, 1951 196
5270 Forms of spiritual work.... healing.... speaking in tongues.... Dec 11, 1951 121
5271 Large numbers of deaths.... Recalling the weak.... Decision.... Dec 13, 1951 728
5272 Cooperation of light beings with humans.... lightbearers.... Dec 14, 1951 56
5273 Effect of the divine word.... sermon.... power.... Dec 15, 1951 112
5274 The living word.... Dec 16, 1951 54
5275 Truth.... love and faith condition.... Dec 18, 1951 59
5276 Communion.... "He who abides in love...." Dec 19, 1951 111
5277 The helping hand of Jesus Christ.... Deliverance from the abyss.... Dec 20, 1951 393
5278 End of the period of Salvation.... God's plan of Salvation.... Dec 21, 1951 536
5279 Saviour and Physician.... Dec 24, 1951 363
5280 Our Father.... Dec 25, 1951 199
5281 Power of the spirit shortly before the end.... Dec 26, 1951 61
5282 Jesus came to the weak, sick and needy.... Dec 27, 1951 1071
5283 The father leads His own by the hand.... Dec 28, 1951 129
5284 Apparently spirit work before the end.... Dec 29, 1951 59
5285 Battle of faith.... Time of adversity.... Strength of faith.... Dec 31, 1951 374
5286 To understand the coming of the lord literally.... Jan 1, 1952 64
5287 God's guidance.... Jan 1, 1952 58
5288 Will to truth also guarantees truth.... Jan 2, 1952 59
5289 Unusual aids in the end time.... Jan 4, 1952 57
5290 Love for visible God.... cause of the revelations.... Jan 6, 1952 134
5291 Last Judgment.... Prior wake-up call.... Jan 8, 1952 539
5292 Satan’s hatred and cunning to put out the light.... Jan 10, 1952 61
5293 God's protection against oppression of the enemy.... thoughts.... Jan 11, 1952 133
5294 Task: cooperation on the work of redemption.... Jan 12, 1952 123
5295 Feeding the divine word.... God always wants to give.... Jan 13, 1952 60
5296 God's dwelling in the heart of man.... Jan 15, 1952 249
5297 Watch and pray.... God's protection against evil forces.... Jan 16, 1952 155
5298 Redeemer work on souls in the afterlife.... expression of them.... Jan 17, 1952 62
5299 God's spark.... Jan 19, 1952 60
5300 Reason for lack of realization.... will.... truth.... Jan 20, 1952 59
5301 Free will is fundamental eternal law.... Attaining beatitude.... Jan 22, 1952 421
5302 Unusual gift of grace.... task of service.... Jan 25, 1952 59
5303 Purpose of earthly life: Change of will and character.... Jan 26, 1952 1112
5304 God makes demands, but also gives all the means for beatification.... Jan 27, 1952 57
5305 The last day will come suddenly and unexpected.... Jan 28, 1952 1070
5306 God’s word incomprehensible?.... precondition.... Jan 30, 1952 58
5307 New Testament and Appendix.... Jan 31, 1952 390
5308 The human being is responsible for the will.... Feb 2, 1952 117
5309 "I am the way, the truth and the life...." Feb 3, 1952 116
5310 What comes from above must radiate light.... Feb 4, 1952 57
5311 Infinite love and patience of God in the development of the spiritual.... Feb 6, 1952 125
5312 "No one can serve two masters...." Feb 8, 1952 61
5313 Change of will through intercession.... Feb 9, 1952 453
5314 Love is the key to the spiritual kingdom.... Feb 10, 1952 691
5315 Divine principle: love.... Feb 12, 1952 59
5316 God's act of mercy before the end.... bridge.... Feb 13, 1952 54
5317 Serious reminder to break away from matter.... Feb 14, 1952 140
5318 The souls' hardship in the beyond.... Intercession.... Change of will.... Feb 16, 1952 752
5319 Mental influence of spiritual beings.... connection from earth to the beyond.... Feb 17, 1952 122
5320 Scrutiny of genuine revelations.... Feb 19, 1952 434
5321 Cosmic currents.... (astrology).... Feb 21, 1952 375
5322 Consequences of unkindness in the beyond.... Feb 23, 1952 793
5323 Justice.... Recompense in the beyond.... Feb 24, 1952 420
5324 Brutal battle of faith.... Fortification of faith.... Feb 27, 1952 609
5325 Exhortation to gather spiritual treasures on earth.... Feb 29, 1952 127
5326 God's blessing rests on every redeemer's work.... Mar 1, 1952 61
5327 Faith struggle.... safest protection.... Mar 2, 1952 131
5328 God’s word gives knowledge of His will.... Mar 3, 1952 126
5329 Serious reminder to remember death.... Mar 4, 1952 136
5330 Blow of the spirit.... unusual supply of grace.... Mar 5, 1952 55
5331 Earthly knowledge in the beyond?.... Mar 7, 1952 392
5332 The state of souls in the beyond.... Misguided belief - unbelief - love.... Mar 8, 1952 576
5333 God - light - truth - life.... Mar 9, 1952 64
5334 God-focused will must be active.... Mar 11, 1952 72
5335 Special mission: Fighting for truth.... Mar 12, 1952 586
5336 My kingdom is not of this world....' Mar 14, 1952 940
5337 Fight for truth.... light.... Mar 16, 1952 61
5338 Conversion work on souls from the depths through love.... Mar 17, 1952 65
5339 Preventing the Judgment through prayer?.... Mar 18, 1952 451
5340 Remodeling the earth gives new development possibilities.... Mar 19, 1952 56
5341 Arrogance.... Mar 21, 1952 189
5342 Redemption from darkness.... loving will to help.... Mar 22, 1952 59
5343 God.... father.... Mar 24, 1952 197
5344 The spirit's efficacy.... Mar 25, 1952 55
5345 Healing process.... Free will.... Mar 26, 1952 504
5346 Work for God and His kingdom.... teachings.... Mar 29, 1952 58
5347 God's wooing of workers for His vineyard.... Mar 30, 1952 59
5348 Christ problem.... visible God.... Mar 31, 1952 114
5349 God's merciful love goes after the lost.... Apr 1, 1952 133
5350 Redeemer work.... understanding for spiritual need.... Apr 3, 1952 57
5351 Unleashing spiritual forces.... Eruptions.... Period of redemption.... Apr 4, 1952 193
5352 Darkness of the spirit.... work of love.... distance from God.... Apr 5, 1952 68
5353 Effect of atheism in the beyond.... Apr 6, 1952 361
5354 Shine of light recognizable to the souls in the beyond.... Apr 6, 1952 129
5355 "I stand at the door and knock...." revelations.... Apr 7, 1952 66
5356 Incarnation and redemptive work of Jesus.... Apr 8, 1952 59
5357 Union with God through love.... Apr 8, 1952 164
5358 Strength of love.... Healing the sick.... Performing miracles.... Apr 9, 1952 925
5359 God's help in earthly trouble.... work in the vineyard.... Apr 9, 1952 64
5360 See again in the afterlife.... maturity.... Apr 10, 1952 118
5361 Fall of the angels.... good friday message.... Apr 11, 1952 179
5362 Reason for the revelations: learning to know and love God.... Apr 12, 1952 55
5363 Easter message.... Apr 13, 1952 65
5364 Small herd fighting at the end of the earth.... Apr 14, 1952 130
5365 Reunion in the beyond in the kingdom of light.... Apr 15, 1952 716
5366 Source of life.... garden of Eden.... living water.... Apr 16, 1952 61
5367 God's Word, an inconceivable grace in the last days.... Apr 17, 1952 373
5368 Faithful prayer makes the will of God inclined.... Apr 18, 1952 116
5369 God takes care of earthly things.... Apr 19, 1952 200
5370 Tests of faith to fortify belief.... Apr 20, 1952 364
5371 Strengthening of faith through love work.... Apr 21, 1952 240
5372 God’s word.... book of the fathers.... taught by God.... Apr 22, 1952 57
5373 The heart as God's abode.... Apr 23, 1952 366
5374 Instruction for teaching ministry by God Himself.... Mission.... Apr 24, 1952 365
5375 God wants to work in man.... redeeming activity.... Apr 26, 1952 54
5376 I know Mine.... good shepherd.... Apr 27, 1952 124
5377 Tests of faith to fortify belief.... Apr 29, 1952 383
5378 The will is judged even if the deed cannot be accomplished.... Apr 29, 1952 394
5379 Merciful Fatherly love for the fallen beings.... May 2, 1952 825
5380 Immutable will of God.... plan of salvation from eternity.... May 3, 1952 55
5381 Great need through faithlessness.... May 4, 1952 67
5382 Rage of satan at the end.... May 5, 1952 56
5383 Serious admonition.... The final phase of the earth.... May 6, 1952 697
5384 Communion.... May 6, 1952 395
5385 God speaks through nature.... May 7, 1952 57
5386 Teaching ministry in end time.... difficulties.... May 8, 1952 114
5387 Urgent need for mission:.... truth.... May 8, 1952 58
5388 Transformation work of the earth is intended to create order.... May 9, 1952 57
5389 Misguided teaching about the Trinity.... May 11, 1952 600
5390 "I will take up residence in your hearts...." May 13, 1952 120
5391 God’s word can be defaced.... test of will.... May 13, 1952 58
5392 Spiritual drought.... desert.... work of the servants.... May 14, 1952 61
5393 Danger of disbelief and untruth.... May 16, 1952 69
5394 The Word (grace) recipients' advantage compared to the atheists.... May 17, 1952 374
5395 Separation between God and creatures impossible.... May 19, 1952 56
5396 Truth is not accepted without faith.... May 20, 1952 58
5397 Serious wake-up call.... May 22, 1952 859
5398 Last Judgment.... May 23, 1952 574
5399 Will to help the souls of darkness.... May 24, 1952 64
5400 Awakening the spark of God in man.... May 25, 1952 117
5401 Maturing process always requires new creations.... May 26, 1952 134
5402 Characteristic of the inner Word.... May 29, 1952 394
5403 Word-conveying to the souls on earth and in the hereafter.... May 31, 1952 57
5404 Return to God.... God's working in man.... Jun 1, 1952 62
5405 The narrow path.... Jun 4, 1952 760
5406 God's unfathomable nature can only be comprehended through love.... Jun 7, 1952 54
5407 God becomes powerful in the weak.... Jun 8, 1952 64
5408 God's infinite love, patience and mercy.... Jun 9, 1952 59
5409 Mentally blind ones cannot tolerate sudden light.... Jun 10, 1952 60
5410 Submitting one’s will to God's will.... Jun 12, 1952 57
5411 Instruction by God Himself.... Light.... Jun 13, 1952 54
5412 Source of mercy.... God's Word.... Jun 14, 1952 63
5413 Return present, which God demands: Spreading of the divine Word.... Jun 15, 1952 114
5414 The Word was in the beginning.... Jun 16, 1952 118
5415a God’s love and care.... The assistance of His servants to awaken faith.... Jun 17, 1952 42
5415b God's love and care.... The assistance of His servants to awaken faith.... Jun 19, 1952 62
5416 God's love and patience.... Mediators.... Jun 20, 1952 56
5417 Preaching the gospel to the poor souls.... Jun 21, 1952 74
5418 Resisting the truth.... Jun 22, 1952 56
5419 A free will - God's working.... Jun 23, 1952 53
5420 "My kingdom is not of this world.... " Jun 25, 1952 59
5421 The bridge from realm of light is Jesus Christ.... Jun 26, 1952 411
5422 Vineyard work is more important than earthly activity.... Jun 27, 1952 56
5423 Lawful Return.... earthly walk.... Jun 28, 1952 57
5424 Attribute of truth: Emanation of light .... Jun 29, 1952 396
5427 Satan's disguise where light is conveyed to Earth.... Jul 3, 1952 607
5428 'Forgive us our trespasses....' Jul 4, 1952 758
5429 The spirit of falsehood.... The suppressing of the truth.... Jul 5, 1952 57
5430 The effusion of the Spirit means spiritual help.... Jul 6, 1952 142
5431 The power of the living Word.... Jul 2, 1952 63
5432 Thinking and acting righteously.... Love your enemy.... Jul 8, 1952 909
5433 An early calling away.... Jul 9, 1952 169
5434 Abide in love, and you thus abide in God.... Jul 10, 1952 58
5435 "What you ask in My name.... " Answer to prayer.... Jul 11, 1952 120
5436 The Bread of life, proper food, proper drink.... Jul 12, 1952 56
5437 A stream of grace.... Faith.... Help in the beyond.... Jul 13, 1952 63
5438 The power of satan.... Deepest darkness.... Eternal light.... Jul 14, 1952 60
5439 The training of teachers by God Himself.... Servants.... Jul 15, 1952 116
5440 The Power-redirection process.... Jul 17, 1952 56
5441 Descriptions of the beyond only illustrative and comparative.... Jul 18, 1952 386
5442 Spiritual shallowness.... urgency of helping.... Jul 19, 1952 57
5443 Spiritual drought - Water of life.... Awakening of a spiritual hunger.... Jul 20, 1952 56
5444 The loving person cannot deny God by conviction.... Jul 21, 1952 64
5445 God as a mentor.... Truth - Light.... Jul 22, 1952 55
5446 Spiritual compulsion.... Doctrines.... Truth.... Jul 23, 1952 370
5447 What is the creation.... Jul 24, 1952 120
5448 The spark of the Spirit.... Life.... Jul 25, 1952 53
5449 In My Father's house are many mansions....' Jul 26, 1952 1082
5450 Charity, a guarantee of God's presence.... Jul 27, 1952 59
5451 The time of Grace.... serious reminder of the end.... Jul 29, 1952 65
5452 Distributing of the light requires a desire for it.... Jul 31, 1952 59
5453 Submitting the will to God's will.... Aug 1, 1952 109
5454 A mission to proclaim the gospel.... Aug 2, 1952 56
5455 God's will.... God's approval.... Aug 3, 1952 55
5456 The only beatifying church.... Aug 4, 1952 742
5457 Wave of awakenings during the last days.... Aug 8, 1952 504
5458 The power of light from above.... The deceptive light of satan.... Aug 10, 1952 114
5459 "Watch and pray.... " Constant temptations.... Aug 11, 1952 122
5460 God-inclined will is the passed test on earth.... Aug 12, 1952 560
5461a The inner Word.... Light.... Truth.... Aug 14, 1952 401
5461b The inner Word.... Light.... Truth.... Aug 15, 1952 192
5462 The divine law: Serving in love.... Aug 16, 1952 61
5463 The will determines one's thoughts.... Responsibility.... Aug 17, 1952 109
5464 Redemption of the souls from the depth.... A ray of light.... Jesus Christ.... Aug 18, 1952 58
5465 Spiritual hardship can only be remedied by spreading the pure Gospel.... Aug 19, 1952 389
5466 Testing the power of the divine Word in an adversity.... Aug 20, 1952 60
5467 Satan rages with increased power.... Last days.... Aug 21, 1952 554
5468 Forces of heaven are unusually active.... Help from people.... Aug 22, 1952 51
5469 Everyone can hear God's speech.... in form of thoughts.... Aug 23, 1952 571
5470 A guarantee of God's presence: Works of love.... Acceptance of the Word.... Aug 24, 1952 60
5471 Shortening of the days.... No shortage for people.... Aug 25, 1952 115
5472 An explanation of cases of possession.... Aug 26, 1952 118
5473 The saving of just one single soul.... A large mobilization.... Aug 28, 1952 123
5474 Participation in the redemption work.... Aug 29, 1952 56
5475 The assistance of human beings in the beatification of creatures.... Aug 30, 1952 48
5476 The awakening to life.... The duration of time.... 1000 years like one day.... Aug 31, 1952 62
5477 Support by forces of heaven in the redeeming work.... Sep 1, 1952 243
5478 The blood of Christ.... Guilt of sin.... Sep 2, 1952 598
5479 Works of creation are solidified thoughts of God.... Sep 4, 1952 121
5480 Behold, I am with you on all the days.... Sep 5, 1952 164
5481 God.... Father.... Sep 6, 1952 780
5482 Fatherly Words of blessing.... Sep 8, 1952 376
5483 Bread and wine.... the right food, the right drink.... Sep 9, 1952 59
5484 Thoughts are connecting-currents between the beyond and the earth.... Sep 12, 1952 56
5485 Earthly hardship is often a revelation of God's love.... Sep 13, 1952 166
5486 Transformation of the will.... the overcoming of matter.... Sep 14, 1952 112
5487 Desire for light in the beyond.... Spiritual conversations.... Sep 15, 1952 396
5488 A reminder to accept the divine Word.... Sep 16, 1952 124
5489 An awaking to life.... Sep 17, 1952 52
5490 The human being's task on earth.... Childship to God.... Sep 18, 1952 356
5491 Earthly adversity should result in contacting God.... Sep 20, 1952 377
5492 Communion.... Bread and Wine.... Sep 21, 1952 53
5493 Comforting words of the Father.... Reference to death.... Sep 24, 1952 163
5494 I am always close to you when you call Me.... Sep 25, 1952 54
5495 The divine principle - love.... A decision between God and the adversary.... Sep 27, 1952 53
5496 An unusual grant of strength in time of need through God's Word.... Sep 28, 1952 155
5497 The redemptive path of the sentenced spiritual.... Sep 30, 1952 49
5498 Bearing the burden of the cross in surrender.... Oct 2, 1952 118
5499 The earthly task: Transforming into love.... The grace of God.... Oct 4, 1952 53
5500 God as the Ruler.... Freedom of will.... The law of order.... Oct 5, 1952 53
5501 The divine attributes in man.... Proof through Jesus Christ.... Oct 6, 1952 169
5502 The lowliness of the spirit.... Humility.... Grace.... Oct 8, 1952 114
5503 Loss of earthly possessions can result in spiritual treasures.... Oct 10, 1952 566
5504 The reason for the spiritual decline.... Addiction to matter.... Oct 11, 1952 162
5505 Fighting and wrestling leads to the goal.... Oct 12, 1952 54
5506 The fountain of living water.... The key to the gate.... Oct 13, 1952 51
5507 Every day is a gift.... Oct 14, 1952 549
5508 'Come unto Me....' Oct 15, 1952 942
5509 The love of the Father for His children.... Oct 16, 1952 58
5510 God's presence.... faith without love.... Oct 18, 1952 63
5511 God's essence is love.... Oct 19, 1952 130
5512 God’s word proof of His love and mercy.... Oct 21, 1952 64
5513 Wrestling in the spiritual world.... intercession and recitation of the gospel.... Oct 22, 1952 124
5514 God's call for power.... power from below.... Oct 23, 1952 130
5515 Purification of the heart as the temple of God.... Oct 24, 1952 330
5516 Grace and will.... Oct 25, 1952 67
5517 Love of the world.... Serious admonition.... Oct 26, 1952 624
5518 Awakening spiritual hunger.... Oct 27, 1952 355
5519 Conveying the pure Gospel is necessary.... Oct 28, 1952 393
5520 Attitude determines the spiritual sphere and its work.... Oct 29, 1952 65
5521 Joint work from the spiritual and earthly realms before the end.... Oct 31, 1952 58
5522 Childhood of God only on earth.... further development in the hereafter.... Nov 1, 1952 64
5523 "He who believes in Me shall live for ever...." Nov 2, 1952 180
5524 World turn.... Nov 4, 1952 69
5525 Proclaiming the gospel in times of need.... Nov 5, 1952 63
5526 Spiritual hardship greater than earthly.... The adversary's activity.... Nov 6, 1952 732
5527 Convinced confess in the struggle of faith.... Nov 7, 1952 106
5528 Persecution of the disciples of the last days.... Nov 8, 1952 755
5529 Love and faith are missing people.... proclaiming in love of success.... Nov 9, 1952 66
5530 God Himself as teacher.... truth - light.... Nov 10, 1952 58
5531 Spiritual reception - mind work.... worker in the vineyard.... Nov 11, 1952 66
5532 Doubt.... elevated truth.... light.... shadow.... Nov 14, 1952 56
5533 Fullness of the divine power of love could be received by every human being.... Nov 14, 1952 54
5534 Participation in the redemptive work of Christ.... following Jesus.... Nov 15, 1952 64
5535 Satan's activity.... Nov 16, 1952 557
5536 Will to help and work of the beings of light.... Nov 17, 1952 391
5537 God's blessing hand over those who want to help.... Nov 20, 1952 66
5538 Wake-up call before the long night.... Nov 21, 1952 60
5539a Presence of God.... love.... Nov 22, 1952 76
5539b Power of love.... Nov 23, 1952 58
5540 Why Jesus Christ and His work of redemption must be recognized.... Nov 25, 1952 57
5541 Bridge from child to father.... Nov 26, 1952 83
5542 Relief of faith through the word from above.... Nov 27, 1952 70
5543 Redemption work.... success through love.... asking for blessing.... Nov 28, 1952 69
5544 A fair amount of measure of grace.... Nov 29, 1952 76
5545 Complete devotion to God ensures paternal care.... Nov 30, 1952 202
5546 Spiritual compulsion.... Doctrines.... Truth.... Dec 2, 1952 371
5547 True Christianity.... Dec 5, 1952 377
5548 True Christianity.... Following Jesus.... Dec 5, 1952 366
5549 Spurning the power of God.... (His word).... Dec 6, 1952 59
5550 Serious reminder to work on the soul.... Dec 7, 1952 197
5551 Miracle-work of the child Jesus.... Dec 9, 1952 562
5552 Interpretation of the words of Christ.... feeding the pure gospel.... Dec 11, 1952 140
5553 Radiance of God's love is bliss.... restriction in life.... Dec 12, 1952 59
5554 The blessing of spiritual knowledge in the beyond.... Dec 12, 1952 570
5555 Freedom of will.... Jesus Christ.... Dec 13, 1952 57
5556 Spiritual adversity: untruth.... false picture of God.... Dec 14, 1952 124
5557 Earthly task: Volition.... Wrong endeavour.... Dec 15, 1952 376
5558 Care of people by beings of light.... Dec 16, 1952 68
5559 Truth light effect.... error no bliss in the hereafter.... Dec 17, 1952 60
5560 Compulsory state.... free will decision.... Dec 19, 1952 63
5561 Serving in a state of compulsion.... and in love in free will.... Dec 20, 1952 60
5562 "Receive and eat, this is My flesh...." Dec 22, 1952 64
5563 Let there be light.... Dec 24, 1952 196
5564 The Father's voice.... Dec 25, 1952 355
5565 Confused thinking - Spiritual adversity.... Free will.... Dec 26, 1952 898
5566 God's commission to His disciples.... Dec 29, 1952 68
5567 Impending turning point .... Dec 31, 1952 376
5568 Right directed desire.... (new year) Jan 1, 1953 59
5569 When is pure truth guaranteed through the working of the spirit?.... Jan 3, 1953 389
5570 Counteracting of satan where spiritual striving is.... Jan 4, 1953 60
5571a Formalities, ceremonies.... True church service.... Jan 6, 1953 574
5571b Formalities, ceremonies.... True church service.... Jan 7, 1953 772
5572 He knows that he has not much time left.... Jan 9, 1953 533
5573 God's blessing on vineyard work.... Jan 10, 1953 62
5574 Igniting the spark of God in man.... Jan 11, 1953 59
5575 Opportunities for attaining the childship to God.... Jan 12, 1953 402
5576 Evidences of connections to the spiritual realm.... Jan 13, 1953 64
5577 God's spirit in the man Jesus.... following.... Jan 14, 1953 318
5578a Free will.... (after talking about "fasting and praying"....) Jan 16, 1953 71
5578b Free will.... (after talking about "fasting and praying"....) Jan 16, 1953 61
5579 Purpose of suffering and misery.... Jan 17, 1953 55
5580 Spiritual guidance on all paths.... Jan 18, 1953 66
5581 Nullity of earthly worries.... Jan 19, 1953 136
5582 Divine mercy.... Jan 20, 1953 58
5583 Living connection - receiving the divine word.... Jan 21, 1953 59
5584 Salvation of erring souls is the work of the servants in the vineyard.... Jan 23, 1953 145
5585 The fate in the hereafter is determined by the will of man.... Jan 24, 1953 73
5586 God Himself will appear.... Jan 25, 1953 72
5587 Humility.... Jan 27, 1953 332
5588 False gods.... divine worship.... (antichrist?) Jan 28, 1953 61
5589 Sudden end amid the ecstasy of worldly pleasure.... Jan 29, 1953 541
5590 Sudden retrieval.... Jan 30, 1953 65
5591 Distress of souls in the deep.... intercessions.... Jan 30, 1953 197
5592 "I am the light of the world...." light is truth.... Feb 1, 1953 245
5593 God does not condemn but wants to redeem.... Feb 2, 1953 736
5594 Serious admonition and warning of transience.... Feb 3, 1953 396
5595 Will determines the grant of grace.... grace.... Feb 6, 1953 135
5596 Effect of the divine word to the otherworldly beings.... Feb 8, 1953 61
5597 Love is the Christ-life in man.... "My yoke is gentle...." Feb 9, 1953 61
5598 "I am from eternity...." Lucifer's creation.... Apr 10, 1953 139
5599 Need of the secluded souls.... love of the people help.... Feb 11, 1953 128
5600 Power of the divine word.... Feb 12, 1953 66
5601 Good doctor of souls.... healing remedies.... Feb 13, 1953 131
5602 Remember the soul after death.... pitiful figures in the afterlife.... Feb 14, 1953 135
5603 Two different worlds.... Feb 15, 1953 65
5604 "Many are called, but few are chosen...." Feb 17, 1953 142
5605 Awakening the dead through God's Word.... Feb 18, 1953 953
5606 The Antichrist's influence before the end.... Feb 19, 1953 756
5607 Rapture.... Feb 20, 1953 921
5608 Offering guidance on life's way.... word of God.... Feb 21, 1953 67
5609 Effective medicine of the soul: God’s word.... Feb 22, 1953 67
5610 Satan's nature.... Fall and redemption.... Feb 26, 1953 444
5611 Slow course of development.... Feb 27, 1953 65
5612 First created being.... Light bearer.... Apostasy from God.... Feb 28, 1953 1049
5613 Condition for receiving spiritual good.... Mar 5, 1953 67
5614 Spiritual good.... lightning fast knowledge.... assistance.... Mar 7, 1953 68
5615 Harvest work.... worker in the vineyard.... Mar 8, 1953 61
5616 Comforting Fatherly Words.... Mar 8, 1953 599
5617 The Father’s house and beatitude .... Mar 9, 1953 892
5618 Disciples of the end time.... sendlings of God.... Mar 9, 1953 73
5619 Power from God.... Mar 10, 1953 75
5620 God's mercy towards people.... Mar 10, 1953 65
5621 Battle of faith.... Antichrist.... Public confession.... Mar 11, 1953 685
5622 God's gift of love.... free will.... mercy.... Mar 11, 1953 59
5623 Beingness of God visible in Jesus Christ.... Mar 13, 1953 65
5624 Blessed lot and activity in the spiritual realm.... Mar 13, 1953 134
5625 Burden of sin.... Jesus Christ saviour.... Mar 14, 1953 63
5626 Administration of the office God has given.... Mar 14, 1953 66
5627 Fight with the sword of the tongue.... Truth.... Mar 15, 1953 566
5628 World mind.... spiritual knowledge.... heart.... Mar 16, 1953 64
5629 Retreat into silence.... time of need.... Mar 18, 1953 297
5630 Spiritual turning point.... Alteration of this earth.... Mar 19, 1953 424
5631 Create and work for eternity.... Mar 20, 1953 64
5632 Surrendering the will to God.... Mar 21, 1953 416
5633 Love acknowledges Jesus Christ.... lovelessness rejects Him.... Mar 23, 1953 70
5634 God's fatherly love always hands out.... Mar 24, 1953 64
5635 All willingness to help is blessed by God.... Mar 25, 1953 391
5636 Carry out the gospel.... Mar 26, 1953 59
5637 Promise of life.... death.... powerlessness.... Mar 27, 1953 65
5638 Spreading the truth urgently needed.... Mar 28, 1953 68
5639 Reference to last rescue work.... Mar 29, 1953 74
5640 The bridge into the spiritual kingdom.... Jesus.... Mar 30, 1953 396
5641 Confusion during the last days.... Truth.... Mar 31, 1953 238
5642 Gifts of the spirit.... Apr 1, 1953 126
5643 Good Friday.... The path to Golgotha.... Apr 3, 1953 385
5644 Easter.... resurrection - overcoming death.... Apr 5, 1953 153
5645 How long Lucifer could create?.... Apr 6, 1953 432
5646 The deepest knowledge was revealed to Jesus.... following Jesus.... Apr 8, 1953 127
5647 'Whoever is loved by God....' Apr 9, 1953 936
5648 Earthly destiny corresponds to will.... Apr 11, 1953 422
5649 Heaven's food.... source of life.... (soul food) Apr 11, 1953 79
5650 Spiritual rebirth.... Apr 12, 1953 439
5651 Guiding the blind.... Apr 13, 1953 81
5652 Serious reminder to vineyard work.... Apr 15, 1953 148
5653 Prayer in spirit and in truth.... Apr 16, 1953 152
5654 Day of Salvation or Day of Judgment?.... Apr 18, 1953 762
5655 Total disintegration of Earth.... Spiritualisation.... Apr 19, 1953 400
5656 Knowledge of plan of salvation from eternity.... Apr 20, 1953 131
5657 Why the gospel teaches only love.... deeper knowledge.... (fire of love radiates light and wisdom) Apr 21, 1953 139
5658 Rejecting the truth.... fighting light and darkness.... Apr 22, 1953 69
5659 Large period between the beginning and end of an epoch.... Apr 24, 1953 135
5660 Struggle of faith.... power to confess.... Apr 26, 1953 130
5661 Transmission of spiritual messages.... love and wisdom.... humility.... Apr 28, 1953 70
5662 No God of wrath and vengeance.... love and mercy.... Apr 29, 1953 74
5663 Mental disorders - temptations.... patience.... Apr 30, 1953 146
5664 Work for the kingdom of God.... good house father.... May 1, 1953 71
5665 Will to God.... power in the last fight.... power from God.... May 2, 1953 136
5666 Bliss in the kingdom of light .... Pleasures and delights .... May 3, 1953 577
5667 Right path with Jesus Christ as leader.... May 4, 1953 333
5668 Truth - lie.... light and darkness.... May 5, 1953 78
5669 Spiritual work in all schools of thought.... right representatives.... May 6, 1953 134
5670 The works of the flesh will be revealed.... Beyond.... May 7, 1953 387
5671 Foreign Gods.... ceremonies.... bowl - core.... truth.... May 9, 1953 73
5672 Test of will on earth.... following Jesus.... connection.... May 10, 1953 180
5673 Connection with God.... blessing for proclaimers of the gospel.... May 11, 1953 66
5674 Prayer in spirit and in truth.... May 12, 1953 73
5675 Calling upon the beings of light.... Prior connection with the Father.... May 13, 1953 556
5676 Working of the light beings.... truth - error.... May 14, 1953 75
5677 False Christs and prophets.... Satan's mask.... May 16, 1953 599
5678a Fulfilment of predictions.... Preceding disaster.... May 18, 1953 378
5678b Fulfilment of predictions.... Preceding disaster.... May 18, 1953 418
5679 Using life force to love.... love power.... May 19, 1953 67
5680 Retreating into silence.... coming riots.... May 21, 1953 147
5681 Love is the highest.... May 22, 1953 141
5682 Otherworldly souls pursue spiritual work.... May 23, 1953 70
5683 Outpouring of the spirit.... healing the sick, working miracles.... May 24, 1953 70
5684 God's oversized love.... May 25, 1953 70
5685 God's blessing on redemption work.... vineyard work.... May 26, 1953 70
5686 Right prayer is the bridge to God.... Jesus Christ.... The bridge to Me is the prayer.... May 27, 1953 794
5687 Signs of the end: cooled love.... May 29, 1953 135
5688 Mediatior office.... feeding a gift of grace.... May 30, 1953 66
5689 God wants to be recognised through Creation as Love.... May 31, 1953 638
5690 Maturing only through love.... Jun 1, 1953 273
5691 Awakening the spiritual spark through love.... Jun 2, 1953 75
5692 Reduced resistance of the bound before the end.... Jun 3, 1953 65
5693 Primal law: love.... Jun 5, 1953 146
5694 Essence of God.... power.... Jun 10, 1953 71
5695 Direct your senses spiritually.... Jun 11, 1953 73
5696 Death of the body beginning of real life.... Jun 12, 1953 78
5697 Beginning.... eternity.... order.... perfection.... Jun 13, 1953 67
5698 Incentive to work in the vineyard of the lord.... Jun 14, 1953 69
5699 'You truly have a Father'.... Father and child relationship.... Jun 16, 1953 621
5700 What is truth?.... Where can it be found?.... Jun 17, 1953 372
5701 ‘Test the spirits....’ False Christs and prophets.... Jun 19, 1953 568
5702 Limits of knowledge.... Jun 20, 1953 66
5703 Purpose for creation.... Process of evolution.... Jun 21, 1953 375
5704 Own responsibility.... statement on truth.... Jun 22, 1953 64
5705 Serious admonition.... Materialistic outlook.... Jun 22, 1953 628
5706 Faith in God.... revelation.... truth.... Jun 24, 1953 278
5707 "Create and work...." endless long night.... Jun 25, 1953 77
5708 Deciding for the right lord.... Jun 26, 1953 72
5709 Free will basic law.... test of will of the spiritual.... Jun 27, 1953 68
5710 Book of Books.... God's Word.... Jun 28, 1953 429
5711 Warning to intersperse spiritual receptions with ideas.... Jun 29, 1953 155
5712 Sudden end even for the believers.... Jun 30, 1953 761
5713 Forwarding the divine word.... blessing.... Jul 1, 1953 71
5714 Help for weak souls in the afterlife.... Jul 2, 1953 135
5715 The Word of God.... Ray of light.... The door of your heart.... Guest.... Jul 3, 1953 429
5716 God speaks through the mouth of man.... Jul 5, 1953 67
5717 Thought currents correspond to will.... Jul 6, 1953 408
5718 Spiritual low.... turnaround impossible.... end.... Jul 7, 1953 71
5719 Strength of faith.... Antichrist.... Counteraction.... Jul 9, 1953 723
5720 The right kind of prayer.... Relationship of a child with the Father.... Jul 10, 1953 394
5721 Last decision.... confess before the world.... Jul 11, 1953 67
5722 Origin of matter.... electrons.... Jul 13, 1953 134
5723 Signs of the end.... Jul 14, 1953 402
5724 Salvation through Jesus Christ.... Jul 16, 1953 434
5725 Carry My Gospel into the world .... Jul 17, 1953 575
5726 Strong faith.... Following Jesus.... Jul 18, 1953 889
5727 "Perfect you shall become, as your father in...." Jul 19, 1953 200
5728 Right light in the dark of night.... right way.... Jul 20, 1953 131
5729 Utilizing the time of grace before the end.... Jul 21, 1953 776
5730 Power of the word.... weakness of will - little faith.... Jul 22, 1953 72
5731 Task of God's servants: spreading truth.... Jul 24, 1953 146
5732 Otherworldly listeners.... questions.... about Jesus Christ.... blessings.... Jul 27, 1953 64
5733 Jesus Christ, leader on the right path.... Jul 28, 1953 516
5734 Process of transmission of spiritual gifts.... power.... Jul 31, 1953 68
5735 God's love and grace pursues all people.... Aug 1, 1953 65
5736 Power of the divine word.... soul maturity.... Aug 2, 1953 115
5737 Help for the lost on earth and in the hereafter.... intercession.... Aug 3, 1953 144
5738 Spiritual progress through self-denial.... Aug 4, 1953 421
5739 God's presence.... carelessness.... Aug 5, 1953 76
5740 Salvation from the deep.... rescue work.... Aug 6, 1953 192
5741 Change of will in freedom.... Perfection.... Aug 7, 1953 589
5742 Earth life end in itself or means to an end.... nature of God.... Aug 8, 1953 69
5743 Witnesses to the end on the new earth for descendants.... Aug 9, 1953 1026
5744 God's message to rationalists.... Deniers of God.... Aug 11, 1953 556
5745 God's Word is felt as a flow of strength by the souls in the beyond.... Aug 12, 1953 384
5746 Spreading the Gospel on God's behalf.... Aug 13, 1953 409
5747 Belief in Jesus Christ's mission.... Truthful instruction.... Aug 15, 1953 393
5748 Work in the vineyard.... living faith in God and in Jesus Christ.... Aug 16, 1953 57
5749 Winning people for God.... God is love.... Aug 17, 1953 76
5750 Earth - School for the spirit.... Means to an end.... An end in itself.... Aug 19, 1953 248
5751 Free will.... God's will.... Divine order.... Aug 21, 1953 437
5752 Light of knowledge in dark night.... Aug 23, 1953 68
5753 Listening to God's voice.... Aug 24, 1953 973
5754 Attitude of intellectuals regarding spiritual gifts.... Aug 25, 1953 408
5755 At the end of the earth gate to the spiritual realm closed.... Aug 26, 1953 86
5756 Father words.... "Seek ye first the kingdom of God...." Aug 29, 1953 77
5757 Free will.... earth fate.... Aug 30, 1953 69
5758 Shaping the heart to the temple of God.... Aug 31, 1953 130
5759 Right prayer.... childlike relationship.... Sep 1, 1953 149
5760 Dulling the inner voice by rejecting the spirit.... Sep 3, 1953 559
5761 Life - death.... gifts of the spirit.... Sep 5, 1953 63
5762 Light - power - grace.... housefather.... Sep 6, 1953 66
5763 Standing up for the truth.... Sep 7, 1953 67
5764 Ignorant and misguided people's attitude regarding truth.... Sep 8, 1953 552
5765 Talents.... pound.... responsibility.... light beings.... Sep 9, 1953 68
5766 The urging of the spirit.... Discontentment.... Sep 10, 1953 385
5767 The souls' great hardship in the beyond.... Sep 11, 1953 774
5768 Occasion and meaning of the work of redemption.... Sep 13, 1953 75
5769 Satan bound.... The new earth.... Sep 14, 1953 723
5770 Serious examination with call for God.... Sep 15, 1953 60
5771 Guests at the table of the Lord.... Sep 17, 1953 216
5772 The church of Christ.... Sep 18, 1953 414
5773 Means to vineyard work.... Sep 19, 1953 72
5774 Significance of earth walk.... Sep 24, 1953 75
5775 Servants of satan.... Sep 25, 1953 127
5776 Whoever pays tribute to the world pays tribute to Satan.... Sep 26, 1953 402
5777 Divine guidance.... Sep 27, 1953 160
5778 False Christs and prophets.... Sep 28, 1953 778
5779 Battle of faith.... Oct 1, 1953 387
5780 God's merciful love.... light is truth.... Oct 4, 1953 72
5781 Subordinating the will.... Oct 6, 1953 67
5782 God's spark.... unlimited knowledge.... Oct 7, 1953 74
5783 God wants to be loved.... distorted picture.... Oct 8, 1953 67
5784 Spiritual knowledge depending on maturity level.... Oct 9, 1953 74
5785 Constant contact with God ensures success.... Oct 10, 1953 596
5786 Means of grace: prayer.... God’s word.... Oct 11, 1953 137
5787 Stimulating an unbeliever to love work.... Oct 12, 1953 143
5788 The church of Christ.... Oct 13, 1953 382
5789 Declaration required by the mission of Jesus.... Oct 14, 1953 576
5790 Declaration necessary of the mission of Jesus.... Oct 15, 1953 69
5791 Way to Golgotha.... following Jesus.... Oct 16, 1953 218
5792 Effect of the living word.... Oct 18, 1953 95
5793 Spreading the divine teaching of love needed.... Oct 19, 1953 62
5794 Deification of created beings.... Oct 22, 1953 65
5795 Purpose of the pests.... motive of the destructions.... Oct 25, 1953 63
5796 Overcoming matter.... Spiritual kingdom.... Oct 26, 1953 747
5797 The end will come without fail.... Oct 28, 1953 187
5798 Disbelief regarding the announcements.... Oct 29, 1953 734
5799 The coming of the Lord.... Rapture.... Oct 30, 1953 385
5800 Creation of the human being.... The fall of man.... Oct 31, 1953 1177
5801 Worthlessness of earthly knowledge in the beyond.... Nov 4, 1953 385
5802 Adam.... Original spirit.... Lucifer's test.... Bursting the form.... Nov 9, 1953 982
5803 Saul-experience.... grace.... Nov 12, 1953 141
5804 Taking refuge in the Father.... Nov 13, 1953 520
5805 Prayer for strength and grace.... Nov 14, 1953 543
5806 Apparitions of Mary.... Nov 15, 1953 427
5807 Turn of the world.... not world's end.... Nov 17, 1953 129
5808 Duty of distribution.... Warning of unfamiliar knowledge.... Nov 19, 1953 386
5809 Right thinking of a recipient of revelations.... Nov 21, 1953 71
5810 Final rescue work.... Callers and admonishers.... Nov 23, 1953 575
5811 Assistance of the light beings for the work of redemption.... Nov 24, 1953 62
5812 Constant connection with God.... Nov 27, 1953 202
5813 Everything only proves God's love.... Nov 27, 1953 62
5814 Serious warning before the end.... Nov 28, 1953 149
5815 Power of the word last aid before the end.... Nov 30, 1953 73
5816 God's part is in man.... presence of God.... Dec 1, 1953 68
5817 Great spiritual need calls for busy vineyard work.... Dec 2, 1953 134
5818 Favourable offer by God’s word.... Dec 4, 1953 85
5819 Gift of the spirit.... gift of wisdom.... Dec 5, 1953 74
5820 Spiritual pride.... humility is the bridge.... Dec 6, 1953 64
5821 "Who confesses to Me...." Dec 7, 1953 128
5822 Course of development.... what success?.... last graces.... Dec 8, 1953 73
5823 Help in earthly and spiritual adversity.... Reciprocated love.... Dec 9, 1953 402
5824 Light of truth.... Lamps without oil.... Used garment.... Dec 12, 1953 545
5825 No one will enter the kingdom of heaven who pays homage to the world.... Dec 13, 1953 1259
5826 Fight against truth.... protect the light bearers.... Dec 14, 1953 62
5827 Consolating and loving father words.... Dec 15, 1953 124
5828 Faith in God's revelations.... Dec 16, 1953 64
5829 God is the word.... address of God.... Dec 17, 1953 148
5830 Forerunner.... Proclaiming Jesus.... Dec 19, 1953 432
5831 Light messengers.... busy work in the last time.... Dec 20, 1953 69
5832 Birth of Jesus.... light.... (Christmas.... ) Dec 21, 1953 141
5833 Lord's day.... commandment.... ? Dec 22, 1953 145
5834 Divine guidance.... Dec 23, 1953 57
5835 The infant Jesus.... Dec 25, 1953 197
5836 Primal light from eternity radiates light.... Dec 26, 1953 123
5837 Serious reminder to accept the divine word.... Dec 27, 1953 142
5838 Asking the blessing for everything you do.... Dec 28, 1953 129
5839 Withdraw of strength from the word of God.... Dec 29, 1953 62
5840 Battle of faith.... Fighters for God.... Dec 30, 1953 580
5841 Sylvester message.... final notice.... Dec 31, 1953 74
5842 New Year's message.... light into the darkness of the night.... Jan 1, 1954 66
5843 Strength of faith.... Healing the sick.... Miracles.... Jan 2, 1954 920
5844 Acknowledgment or rejection.... Jesus Christ.... Jan 3, 1954 888
5845 Predetermined fate.... God's love and help.... Jan 5, 1954 594
5846 Divine revelation grounded in His love.... Jan 6, 1954 64
5847 Belief in Jesus Christ.... Christ's suffering.... Jan 7, 1954 548
5848 Outpouring of the spirit.... faith and love.... Jan 8, 1954 67
5849 Love commandments.... overcoming self-love.... Jan 9, 1954 133
5850 Good will recognizes revelations of God.... Jan 10, 1954 151
5851 Dead in Christ.... rapture.... Jan 11, 1954 70
5852 "Ask and it will be given to you...." - "Come to Me, all of you...." Jan 12, 1954 144
5853 Threads from beyond to earth.... Jan 14, 1954 70
5854 Acquiring the spiritual kingdom on earth.... Jan 15, 1954 124
5855 Distress of souls in the hereafter.... Jesus Christ.... Jan 16, 1954 119
5856 Doubting divine revelations.... The adversary's cunning.... Jan 18, 1954 392
5857 Responsibility.... mind and free will.... Jan 20, 1954 70
5858 Work of God's children on earth.... Jan 21, 1954 72
5859 Revelations expression of God's love.... Jan 22, 1954 158
5860 Prevalence of sin.... Battle of faith.... End.... Jan 23, 1954 1213
5861 False Christs and false prophets.... Jan 24, 1954 1173
5862 Divine guidance.... Jan 25, 1954 428
5863 Voice of the father.... God's protection of truth.... Jan 26, 1954 87
5864 The spirit of God works where He wants.... Jan 30, 1954 410
5865 Two different worlds.... voice of the good shepherd.... Jan 31, 1954 145
5866 Light sparks.... Feb 1, 1954 150
5867 Jesus found little recognition on earth.... Feb 3, 1954 163
5868 God needs workers for His vineyard.... Feb 4, 1954 80
5869 God speaks to people at every time.... Feb 5, 1954 76
5870 Promise of preservation of body and soul in time of need.... Feb 6, 1954 313
5871 Transformational work.... ability to think.... belief in continuation of life.... Feb 7, 1954 72
5872 Predictions of worldly events.... false prophets.... Feb 8, 1954 67
5873 Fulfilling the commandments of love.... Feb 9, 1954 420
5874 Unredeemed souls.... recognition of Jesus Christ.... Feb 10, 1954 69
5875 God's call for workers in the vineyard.... Feb 12, 1954 145
5876 Servants of the lord.... vineyard work.... Feb 13, 1954 82
5877 The short phase of earthly life decides the fate in the beyond.... Feb 15, 1954 619
5878 Door to the kingdom of light is Jesus Christ.... Feb 16, 1954 210
5879 The raging of natural forces.... Feb 17, 1954 457
5880 God's love follows the unbelievers.... Feb 18, 1954 144
5881 "I know Mine...." Feb 19, 1954 71
5882 Great measure of grace at the end.... Feb 20, 1954 82
5883 Clarification of God on contexts.... blind faith.... Feb 21, 1954 73
5884 Jesus Christ.... His holy name.... Feb 22, 1954 194
5885 God’s word always remains the same gospel.... Feb 23, 1954 72
5886 "What you do to the least of My brothers...." Feb 24, 1954 212
5887 Mentally blind.... rays of light.... Feb 25, 1954 71
5888 Spiritual or earthly goods.... better part.... Feb 26, 1954 73
5889 Healing the sick in the name of Jesus.... Feb 27, 1954 813
5890 Living or dead knowledge.... Feb 28, 1954 82
5891 Forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ.... Mar 1, 1954 141
5892 God's blessing for vineyard work.... Mar 2, 1954 79
5893 Incomprehensible gift of grace.... counter gift: love.... Mar 3, 1954 79
5894 Willingness to accept gifts of grace.... Mar 4, 1954 91
5895 Living christianity.... Mar 5, 1954 78
5896 Compulsion law.... free will trial.... purpose.... Mar 6, 1954 74
5897 Earthly life is the path but not the goal.... Mar 7, 1954 999
5898 "The kingdom of heaven suffers force...." "My yoke is gentle...." Mar 9, 1954 70
5899 Prayer for good success.... Mar 10, 1954 230
5900 Value of the divine word.... Mar 11, 1954 74
5901 Bringing the Gospel to souls in the beyond.... Love.... Mar 13, 1954 753
5902 Acknowledging God as a primordial power.... enlightenment.... Mar 14, 1954 80
5903 Blessing of spiritual work.... Mar 15, 1954 78
5904 Blessing of suffering.... Mar 16, 1954 703
5905 'The measure you give....' Mar 17, 1954 545
5906 Simultaneous teaching of the souls in the hereafter.... Mar 17, 1954 141
5907 Table of the lord.... Mar 18, 1954 72
5908 Right child relationship.... become like children.... Mar 19, 1954 72
5909 Light in the darkness.... no compulsion.... Mar 20, 1954 88
5910 God’s word is power.... letters without life.... Mar 21, 1954 71
5911 Faithlessness of the world's people.... Mar 22, 1954 135
5912 Efforts of God to achieve the change of will.... Mar 23, 1954 77
5913 Fighting or helping.... Mar 24, 1954 617
5914 Help from light beings only in the will of God.... Calling 'saints'.... Mar 26, 1954 204
5915 Maturity level ensures right thinking.... spirit work.... Mar 27, 1954 74
5916 Swing up of the soul into spiritual spheres.... Mar 28, 1954 77
5917 Bridging the distance from God.... Mar 29, 1954 68
5918 Only the willing listener has blessing.... Mar 30, 1954 71
5919 Voluntary deeds of love.... fulfillment of the law.... Mar 31, 1954 77
5920 God's love can also be found in suffering.... Apr 1, 1954 990
5921 Striving for the aim in free will.... Apr 4, 1954 82
5922 The Word from above.... Outpouring of the spirit.... Apr 5, 1954 573
5923 The church of Christ.... Living faith.... Apr 6, 1954 411
5924 Quick end.... world clock.... Apr 7, 1954 71
5925 In My name you should ask the father.... Apr 9, 1954 212
5926 Serious reminder to remember the purpose of life on earth.... Apr 11, 1954 243
5927 Following Jesus.... Living a life of love.... Apr 12, 1954 965
5928 God's return in the word.... great spiritual need.... Apr 13, 1954 222
5929 Redemption of hell.... ray of light in the form of a cross.... Apr 13, 1954 187
5930 Power of the divine word Apr 14, 1954 67
5931 Jesus Christ is the gate to the kingdom of light.... Apr 15, 1954 255
5932 Death on the cross.... Apr 16, 1954 159
5933 Covenant with God.... Apr 17, 1954 78
5934 Resurrection.... Apr 18, 1954 546
5935 Power of the spirit in the end time.... Apr 19, 1954 82
5936 Near end.... time calculation of God.... Apr 20, 1954 214
5937 God-spirit spark.... connection with God condition.... Apr 21, 1954 76
5938 Connection with God.... earth task.... Apr 22, 1954 77
5939 Decision for the right lord.... Apr 23, 1954 75
5940 Faithful trust ensures God's help.... Apr 24, 1954 592
5941 Faith in Jesus Christ .... Doubting Thomas .... Apr 25, 1954 444
5942 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God...." free will.... Apr 26, 1954 78
5943 Mercy.... Apr 28, 1954 137
5944 Reference to the justice of God.... Apr 29, 1954 79
5945 God's help in every need.... Apr 30, 1954 201
5946 God's care for the least - lowest.... May 1, 1954 153
5947 Work of God needed.... presence of God.... May 2, 1954 76
5948 Proclaiming Jesus Christ.... reason for refusal.... May 4, 1954 73
5949 Afflictions of the righteous.... May 5, 1954 154
5950 God does not condemn, people condemn themselves.... May 6, 1954 387
5951 The endtime disciples’ faith without proof .... May 7, 1954 577
5952 "No one comes to the father except through Me...." May 9, 1954 386
5953 Bonding with God.... May 10, 1954 79
5954 Trials of faith should produce strong faith.... May 11, 1954 167
5955 Convinced preachers.... May 12, 1954 60
5956 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God...." May 13, 1954 78
5957 The letter kills.... the spirit makes alive.... May 14, 1954 143
5958 The last judgement is also an act of God's love.... May 15, 1954 70
5959 "I know Mine...." May 16, 1954 85
5960 God is waiting for the return to the father's house.... May 18, 1954 76
5961 God’s bond of love.... May 19, 1954 405
5962 Supply of the divine word unmerited gift of grace.... May 20, 1954 78
5963 Love 'He who remains in love remains in Me....' May 21, 1954 927
5964 Redeeming work for souls in the beyond in God's will.... May 22, 1954 630
5965 Awakened preachers.... May 23, 1954 219
5966 Healing the sick.... Signs and miracles.... Evidence of faith.... May 25, 1954 450
5967 Hereditary sin.... May 29, 1954 1369
5968 God's sure help in coming distress.... May 31, 1954 260
5969 God's grace to come into divine order.... Jun 5, 1954 68
5970 The love of God.... Jun 6, 1954 73
5971 Sin against the spirit.... Jun 7, 1954 81
5972 Apparent calm.... Exceptional strength.... The coming of the Lord.... Jun 8, 1954 563
5973 Caller on the path of life.... way to the height or the depth.... Jun 9, 1954 65
5974 Gift of distinction of spirits.... Jun 12, 1954 68
5975 Gift of distinction of spirits.... Jun 14, 1954 69
5976 Proclaim My Word to the world.... Jun 15, 1954 425
5977 Important mission.... Spreading the Gospel.... Jun 15, 1954 203
5978 Right instruction.... right will.... love commandment.... Jun 16, 1954 68
5979 Request for the divine spirit.... Jun 17, 1954 175
5980 God's blessing on redemptive work.... souls in the afterlife.... Jun 19, 1954 74
5981 Closing the gates to the spiritual realm.... Jun 21, 1954 182
5982 Change of the true Gospel.... Followers?.... Jun 22, 1954 1307
5983 Last Judgment is an act of divine love.... Jun 23, 1954 1099
5984 Guide and companion.... God's blessing.... Jun 25, 1954 136
5985 "I am the way, the truth and the life...." Jun 26, 1954 67
5986 Redeemer work of Jesus Christ.... Jun 27, 1954 61
5987 Warning against false prophets.... Jun 28, 1954 134
5988 Promise of life.... Jesus Christ.... Jun 29, 1954 127
5989 Love radiance.... decision reminder.... will.... Jun 30, 1954 140
5990 Establishing divine order.... Jul 1, 1954 59
5991 Concept of hell and its torments.... Jul 3, 1954 69
5992 Effect of a striving person on otherworldly souls.... Jul 4, 1954 72
5993 God Himself declares: Jesus Christ.... Jul 5, 1954 63
5994 Distribution of spiritual goods by messengers of God.... Jul 6, 1954 63
5995 Afflictions of the body.... suffering for the soul.... Jul 7, 1954 256
5996 Loosening the bond with God danger.... Jul 8, 1954 52
5997 Thoughts on the meaning and purpose of life on earth.... address of God.... Jul 9, 1954 66
5998 Power of the will through Jesus' death on the cross.... Sep 10, 1954 59
5999 God's help to the trusting supplicant.... Jul 11, 1954 177