2092 World affairs.... action and will.... impact....
October 2, 1941: Book 30
God's will reigns in heaven and on earth, and His love and wisdom determine what happens on earth and in the hereafter. Everything is predetermined, but conditioned by the will of people as far as earthly events are concerned. It is therefore wrong to assume that human arbitrariness could overturn divine laws.... it is wrong for people to believe that they have influence over earthly events. For God's will must first give its consent before human will can take effect. And God also gives His consent and does not hinder human will. But He then directs every event according to His will. And so people are completely free to think and act.... but what God does not want does not happen because His will is decisive. Man must have this realization in order to surrender himself to God completely carefree.... he must know that nothing can come upon him if it is not the will of God.... he must know that what comes upon him finds its explanation in God's omnipotence, love and wisdom and can be a blessing to him and that the will of his fellow human beings can certainly be an indirect cause for shaping his earthly life but that it nevertheless remains up to God what effect this human will has....
(2.10.1941) If the will is good, then it will also conform to the divine will, for then it is good forces which influence the human being, and indeed in such a way as it is God's will. Then the human being's will will always express itself in such a way that it corresponds to what God has decided in His wisdom. For all good is divine, it is the expression of the divine will. The evil will, on the other hand, strives for that which is directed against God. However, in order to be able to carry it out, man must utilize a power that comes to him from God.... the life force that enables him to carry out his will in the first place. Consequently, even a bad deed can only be carried out if God allows it, otherwise He would have to end the life of the person if He wanted to prevent it.... or else He directs other events in such a way that carrying out a bad deed becomes impossible. But the human being's will will then be judged equal to the accomplished deed. However, if God allows man to turn his will into action, then this action is an event.... an event in human life which again serves the souls for higher development.... For evil is not always recognized; it can also have good educational consequences by provoking disgust and favouring the pursuit of good actions and thoughts. And God knows the effect of every bad deed and therefore allows it because His love and wisdom are constantly directed towards the still imperfect souls, which need the most diverse means of education in order to mature.... He certainly allows the bad, but He never calls it good.... He cannot approve of what is born out of evil will, but since He gave man free will for the time of his earthly existence, he cannot be hindered in this will. But it would be a hindrance if the power to carry out his will were taken away from him. On the other hand, world events have been determined since eternity, for God directs the consequences of every evil deed in such a way that He, in His wisdom, recognizes it as beneficial for the souls. And human will gives rise to this, but God arranges it according to His wise judgement. And man is completely uninvolved in the effect, although it appears as if people themselves determine world events. God's wisdom never allows this to happen, and in the realization of this the human being should accept everything because it is necessary for his spiritual state. He should not rebel against his fate.... He must abhor what he recognizes as wrong, he must never approve of what evil human will has caused. But whatever happens, he must regard it as God's providence, who allows the evil will of man, i.e. its effect, to become a school of the spirit. If a person is good, i.e., if he detests bad deeds, then he will not need any painful means of education, and then everything difficult and seemingly insurmountable will pass him by without affecting him in any extraordinary way. However, very few people are so perfect that they are completely free of guilt. This awareness should also allow them to endure the fate that is bestowed upon them. Only when a person completely surrenders his will to God, when he has become silent in God.... then he no longer needs such means of education, and then suffering and sorrow will pass him by and he will hardly pay attention to what is happening in the world....
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