2249 Spiritual knowledge.... study.... work on the soul....

March 3, 1942: Book 31

It is by no means divine will that people should be content with the knowledge offered to them by human beings. Rather, they should endeavour to enrich themselves with spiritual knowledge and receive this spiritual knowledge directly from the realm of the spiritual, from where it is offered to them unadulterated, as soon as they desire the pure truth. For only this knowledge signifies spiritual wealth for them, whereas all earthly knowledge is worthless when the human being concludes his earthly life. Consequently, he should not believe that spiritual knowledge is unattainable for him and yet be satisfied with what he is taught in school, for then he can never mature spiritually. The purpose of earthly life, however, is to mature spiritually, and God also gives him enough opportunities for this which he only needs to utilize. One such possibility is the reception of spiritual truths by way of a purely spiritual exchange of thoughts with the world beyond. This grace is available to every human being, but it is rarely desired and can therefore only rarely be given out. However, there is no other way which leads to the same spiritual success, and this is truly the most merciful possibility when God Himself imparts the truth to the earthly child through His messengers, through His spirit beings full of light, who are of the same will as Him and therefore only carry out His will. These therefore instruct the human being and teach him everything that is useful for his higher spiritual development, they make him knowledgeable and therefore also able to pass on this received knowledge. And spiritual knowledge will fill in all gaps, for the teachers in the beyond truly possess supreme wisdom and are therefore also able to impart it to earthly people, whereas the worldly wise can only impart inadequate knowledge since they only possess such knowledge themselves. For worldly wisdom will remain inadequate even if people deem themselves superior and want to reject spiritual knowledge as unimportant and unproven. Spiritual knowledge can only be received and understood by people who mould their souls accordingly. If this work on the soul does not precede it, then they will lack all understanding for it, and no matter how diligently they study they will not be able to replace the work on the soul. However, the human being should not be content with earthly or worldly knowledge but strive for spiritual knowledge, because this alone is of value for eternity. For only spiritual knowledge will bring him spiritual wealth, without which the soul cannot exist in eternity, i.e. cannot enter eternal life....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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