2066 Protection of the pure word of God against earthly measures....
September 11, 1941: Book 30
The desire for spiritual food is a condition for receiving it, and if you offer yourselves, you will hunger and thirst for it. Consider this when worldly measures are directed against you and you seem to lose everything that has so far offered you spiritual nourishment. Consider that the word of God is offered to you more precious than you have ever possessed.... consider that they want to take human work from you and that the pure divine word from above is offered to you in return; that you therefore lose nothing but receive far more precious things, but that you first have to feel a deep longing for it before God Himself feeds you. You will still be put to great tests so that you will have to decide which spiritual direction you want to follow. And then it will not be easy to profess Christ and His word.... in view of the fact that His word will be made inaccessible to people, and even the believers will start to doubt because God allows His word to be denigrated. But He knows why He allows it.... for you lose nothing but gain infinitely more, He gives you the unadulterated word in all purity and with the word also His blessing. And anyone who longs for the food of heaven will be allowed to savour it, for God Himself is in the word with those who long for Him. And He will protect this word and not abandon it to the evil will of those who want to destroy everything that betrays christian thinking. The word that comes from above gives knowledge of His will again; it will be comfort and strength for people in the most difficult times, it will spread from mouth to mouth and it will be greedily received by those who have had to give up everything that was previously precious to them. God knows about this time of need and takes precautions by quietly allowing what the world is planning to destroy to come into being.... What comes down to earth is of divine origin, it is spiritual good that the world and its followers can never destroy.... But what they destroy can no longer claim to be unadulterated and pure truth. That is why God does not hinder their plan, for before this plan was conceived, God foresaw the will of mankind. And He provides people with His word anew so that they need not live in want if earthly power deprives them of it in the time to come....
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