2511 Ready for recording....
October 14, 1942: Book 33
The willingness to receive is only in accordance with God's will when body and soul completely abandon themselves to the spirit, i.e. when the body remains completely unnoticed by the soul or when the body wants the same as the soul.... only to hear the voice of the spirit within itself. The less the body hinders the soul, the more clearly the soul hears what the spirit wants to convey to it. The soul then tries to come to an agreement with the spirit. This bond is incomparably valuable, the soul is in a sense free, it is no longer bound by its body but closer to its actual purpose.... it lives in the spiritual realm, although it still dwells on earth. And the body is completely inactive during this time until the soul revitalizes it. As soon as the human being can establish this degree of receptiveness it will be easy for him to receive spiritual messages and also to take a look into the kingdom which is the spirit's home. And in order to reach this degree all that is required is heartfelt prayer to God and complete devotion to Him, providing that the recipient's life is a selfless labour of love. Then the human being experiences a change in himself, he feels removed from earth, he is seized by God, and the body gives up all resistance, it bends under the will of the soul, which strives towards the spirit, and therefore no longer represents an obstacle for the latter. Often this connection can only be established with the greatest overcoming of itself, the soul does not yet completely push towards the spirit within itself, it still allows itself to be influenced by the body, i.e., it still pays too much attention to its desires.... it is not yet as ready to receive the spirit's messages as it needs to be in order to accept them effortlessly. And then the soul must struggle for firmness and endurance, it must fight against its body, it must also switch off intellectual thinking and only allow itself to be guided by the voice of the heart, it must be able to forget the world in order to find itself again in the spiritual kingdom.... And it must often practice this flight to the heights in order to be able to free itself from its physical shell at any time, in order to be able to hear the voice within itself at any time, in order to receive precious messages from the spiritual realm.... (14.10.1942) If the soul is unable to hear the voice of the spirit within itself, then its preparation is either not in accordance with divine will, i.e., the soul cannot completely separate itself from the earth and that which is earthly, or the spirit cannot express itself to it because its ability to hear is not yet developed. And the latter is the case if the soul has not yet changed to love. Then it will remain silent in it if it listens, for the voice of the spirit sounds so finely that every discordant tone which sounds in a still immature soul drowns out this voice. The soul must have shattered the shell around it, which a God-pleasing way of life brings about. Then it can hear the subtlest sound within itself and consequently also transmit it to the intellect, i.e. reproduce it as a human being. Divine wisdom is hidden in every human being, i.e. the divine spiritual spark slumbers in every human being, which, because it is part of the eternal divinity, can also penetrate divine wisdom and impart it to the human being. But whether the soul makes itself receptive to what the spirit wants to impart to it depends on the human being's will, whether he moulds himself through loving activity. The human being must therefore want to listen and be able to listen.... He must declare himself willing to receive the messages from above, but he must also be deemed worthy by God to be given spiritual messages.... So every human being can certainly strive for the divine working of the spirit, i.e. desire it, but at the same time he must fulfil the conditions that are set for the working of the spirit. The working of the spirit of God is indeed a gift of grace, yet it does not come to a person without his worthiness and God-centred will. As soon as the working of the spirit of God begins to diminish, this is only due to the human being who is slackening in his spiritual endeavour or who is too closely connected to the world, which is an obstacle to his flight of ascent. It is in the divine will that the human being constantly struggles so that he does not become slack in his striving towards Him. And therefore obstacles will often make the path impassable for him, and he then has to try to overcome these obstacles with increased effort, he has to pray for strength if he lacks the strength to do so; he has to unite himself more intimately and more often with God in thought, he has to present his adversity to Him and look forward to His help with faithful confidence. God demands a strong faith, a faith that never wavers, even though temptations approach him.... Confidence in God's help should be so strong that nothing is able to make people look to the future with worry and fear.... God's love and God's omnipotence should always be before the eyes of a person whose faith begins to waver. And such a deeply believing person will also be able to receive God's spiritual gifts; he will despise the world and live a life of closest closeness to God, and his spirit will manifest itself to the soul where and when it desires it....
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