2456 Spiritual vision.... upcoming and past events....

August 25, 1942: Book 33

The spiritual eye sees through all earthly shells and is therefore also able to see the activity in the spiritual kingdom, which also includes the spiritual activity of all beings which are still bound on earth. Everything that is not visible to the human eye can be seen with the spiritual eye, and time and space is no obstacle, but beyond time and space the human being, who is able to see spiritually, sees the things that were there, that are now and that are still to come. He sees the activity in the spiritual kingdom, but he also sees earthly events which must result from this spiritual activity as it is determined in the plan of divine wisdom. Yet only a few people have the gift of spiritual vision, God only reveals the future to a few people, for general knowledge of it would jeopardize people's higher development, i.e. it would leave them idly awaiting what is to come. Those few people, however, have the task of informing their fellow human beings of what presents itself to their spiritual eye so that they familiarize themselves with it. The gift of foresight is to a certain extent the right of those who establish a spiritual connection with the forces from the spiritual kingdom. This connection can be a conscious, but also an unconscious one; the human being can open his heart to the currents from the spiritual kingdom through his will, thus declare himself willing to receive mental instructions, and these people will then also be given the second sight.... to see with spiritual eyes events that lie in the future. But people are also unconsciously recipients of spiritual messages, namely when the way of life they lead makes them receptive to spiritual impartations, that is, when a certain willingness to serve their neighbour.... a selfless activity of love allows the working of spiritual forces, so that bright dreams or clear pictures reveal coming events to them, which the human being can then consciously reproduce as he has received them. And these visions are only observed and valued by those who are likewise of a loving heart, while others reject them as irrelevant and improbable. However, the soul must always have reached a certain degree of maturity, even if it is not outwardly recognizable.... spiritual forces must be able to work, and these must convey the images to them on divine commission, i.e. the giving forces must themselves want to receive and pass on the knowledge about it in God-connectedness. Looking into the future will only ever influence the development of the soul, but should never bring about earthly advantage. In the same way, spiritual vision, the penetration of the material shell with the spiritual eye, will only be granted to man if he no longer strives for any earthly success, if he only tries to penetrate the secrets of creation in deep faith and humble devotion to an all-wise and loving creator and if he wants to pass on the impressions gained to his fellow human beings in order to promote their salvation. Deepest love for God and deepest love for his neighbour can earn him the gift of spiritual vision, but his experiences and knowledge are again only credible to people who are on the same track.... nothing is acceptable to the man of the world that he himself cannot see or grasp. spiritual vision therefore requires a God-pleasing way of life and a willing heart that wants to pass on spiritual gifts.... However, a person is not always able to reproduce the images he has seen to his fellow human being if the latter does not have the same spiritual capacity, i.e. if his state of maturity lags behind that of the person looking.... The beholder must absorb the images completely uninfluenced by external influences, he must be inwardly free of other impressions, so to speak, and thus be willing to allow only spiritual influx to affect him. He must surrender himself completely to it and not allow any external influence to enter. And he does this when his will only desires the pure truth, when he recognizes God alone as the authentic source of truth.... Then the images will also completely correspond to the truth and he will also be able to reproduce the visions in exactly the same way.... But the same condition also applies to the person who receives the account. His own wrong thinking or erroneous thoughts, which he does not want to surrender, also change the image described to him.... Therefore, only the reproduction by the beholder himself is truly valuable, or else the fellow human being must also have a high degree of maturity of soul, so that he cannot receive the image in any other way as it is conveyed to him. spiritual vision refers to both future and past events which are or have been happening on earth but which are always related to higher spiritual development. Things of the future are only predicted by seers if they are to prepare people so that they remember their soul.... while the seeing of past things by seers is, so to speak, only to confirm that a spiritual connection exists between God and His creatures and that it has always and at all times existed.... and that therefore also the traditions may be believed, which are to be displaced into the realm of fables and legends due to the length of time.... What has happened on earth since eternity in order to guide mankind towards realization will be confirmed to people again and again by seers.... and what will happen again in the future for the purpose of spiritual higher development will likewise be revealed by God to humanity through people who are able to see spiritually or who receive His word by way of a direct connection with spiritual knowing powers....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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