2446b Wisdom unthinkable without love.... imperishable knowledge....
August 12, 1942: Book 33
The path of truth can therefore only be found in love, and where love is lacking, a person takes a wrong path that leads them away from the truth. For to be wise means to possess knowledge that corresponds to the truth. But being wise also means having imperishable knowledge, for knowledge is worthless if it sinks into nothingness at death. Imperishable knowledge, however, is only the knowledge of things that lie beyond the earthly, and this knowledge is rarely sought, whereas the human being seeks to fathom everything of this world and sets his honour on being considered knowledgeable. This knowledge can indeed be beneficial insofar as it enables the human being to work with it in love. Such knowledge can be an asset in the hands of the one who possesses it if he utilizes it in such a way that he helps his fellow human beings and is therefore lovingly active.... Then he also acquires goods for eternity with earthly knowledge, and these are imperishable, even if he does not take the knowledge with him into eternity.... With spiritual knowledge, however, the human being can likewise help his fellow human being by directly imparting spiritual possessions to the soul, thus likewise accumulating imperishable possessions, both for himself as well as for the fellow human being to whom he imparts spiritual possessions. And only that person is truly wise who works and creates for eternity, who therefore already gains clarity about spiritual things on earth and then lives his earthly life in accordance with this realization. His knowledge is indestructible and extremely valuable, even if it is not properly valued by people due to ignorance. Worldly knowledge, however, mostly only helps to increase earthly possessions and is therefore overvalued on earth without benefiting the soul unless it is utilized for the benefit of a fellow human being, i.e. it is valued with love for him. And so love must always dominate the human being at the same time if the human being is to be truly knowledgeable or if worldly knowledge is also to bring him spiritual success. Without love, however, all knowledge is dead.... and without love a person's knowledge is usually far removed from the truth....
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