2736 Thought transmission from the kingdom of light to earth....
May 13, 1943: Book 34/35/36
Through the transmission of thoughts from the kingdom of light to earth, people can be given extraordinary knowledge in a way that does not seem supernatural at all. Nor do people take offence at it because they regard the thought material as having been gained by themselves. And yet the beings from the spiritual kingdom are active, otherwise the human being would be completely without thoughts.... not including purely earthly thoughts, which are merely functions of the bodily organs. The human being does not know what thought is; he sees himself as the creator of every thought and yet he is only a receiving station for the emanation of the beings in the kingdom beyond. Thought is therefore the everlasting stream of power, which can now, however, be of good or also bad effect, depending on the will of man as the source of this stream of power. Just as people on earth exchange their thoughts with each other, so the beings in the beyond also try to express themselves, and they can only do so mentally since thought activity is their actual life. The actual thought from person to person is also first born in the heart before the person expresses it. And it first has to be placed into the heart by those forces, thus the being in the beyond speaks to the person first, albeit not audibly but only mentally, and depending on the person's will he utilizes the thoughts. The content of the thoughts that are transmitted to the person also depends on the degree of maturity of the giver. The beings of light transfer profound spiritual knowledge to the human being, and they enlighten him in all questions and doubts concerning God and eternity; they give him clarification about their actual task on earth. They only impart purest truth full of light because they are in direct contact with God. But beings which have not yet reached this degree, which are still ignorant themselves because they are imperfect, also try to transfer their thoughts to people because the instinct to communicate is inherent in all of them. But these thoughts do not correspond to the truth since they do not know the truth themselves and are in erroneous thinking due to God's opposing influence. Consequently, they also try to push the human being's thoughts in a direction which is more in line with the will of God's adversary; they direct them towards earthly things because this knowledge is closer to them. Thus earthly thoughts are also influenced by the beings in the beyond in a certain sense; they are immediately received and processed by the thinking organs, whereas spiritual thoughts are born in the heart because the spirit of light then speaks to the spirit of light.... because the spirit in the human being, the divine spark, receives the expression of the beings of light and then transmits it from the heart to the brain, where the human being's will incorporates it into his thoughts. It is always an exchange of thoughts from the beyond to earth, but which beings express themselves is determined by the human being himself through his will. In the desire for the world he is accessible to the influence of those beings which are still earthly minded and which therefore have little spiritual knowledge, and when they express themselves about it they only convey erroneous thoughts to man. In contrast, the truth-desiring human being, whose endeavour is directed towards spiritual knowledge, will only be considered by bearers of truth. These will transfer their power to the human being in the form of thoughts, and the human being must become knowledgeable if he pays attention to such thoughts. For they did not originate from him. Thought is spiritual knowledge, thus something immortal which does not cease with the human being's death but continues to exist in the spiritual kingdom, only harbouring truth or error according to the human being's will and way of life. And the beings of the beyond try to transfer both to earth by trying to influence the human being's thinking....
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