2068 Earth life - probationary period.... spiritual riches....
September 12, 1941: Book 30
You only stay on earth for a short time and in this short time you have to decide which life you want to lead in eternity. For your life on earth is decisive for eternity. It is only a trial existence, and it is up to you alone whether you pass the test, whether you use earth life in such a way that it earns you a life in all splendour in the spiritual kingdom or your fate there is a sad one. What you decide in favour of in earthly life will be granted to you after death. Thus every human being will then reap the reward for the work he has done on earth. Earthly labour will already find its reward on earth and will therefore not be valued for eternity. Only spiritual work will bring eternal success, for the soul will take spiritual possessions with it into the spiritual kingdom, whereas earthly work and its reward will remain on earth when the soul departs. And anyone who has nothing to show in terms of spiritual possessions has not passed the test, he has not utilized his earthly life, he has been inactive in a spiritual sense even though he was rich in worldly possessions on earth. He did not realize the purpose of his earthly life and therefore did not live consciously. The purpose of life on earth is to mature spiritually. But if earthly abilities are trained and only value is placed on how man can acquire earthly wealth, then the probationary period passes without bringing realization to man. However, the failed earthly existence can never be made up for, and what a person has failed to do on earth can hardly be made up for in the hereafter. The remorse in the hereafter is indescribable when the soul finds itself poor and meagre where it could experience a bright and radiant entry into the spiritual kingdom. Time and again the human being is informed of his task and his goal, but the words go unheard in people's ears because they are not aware of the consequences of their negligence. As long as they live, they do not think about their task, but in the hereafter they regret every minute they let pass by unused....
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