2554 Becoming and passing away.... death.... entry into the spiritual realm....
November 17, 1942: Book 33
Life and death, becoming and passing away.... is the eternal cycle according to God's wise plan. Only the spiritually enlightened person realizes the great mystery that finds its solution in this eternal cycle. What is must pass away in order to become again, and again and again things are formed anew, because an eternal existence in the material world is not possible. And what is must pass away because it is still imperfect, and it must arise again in order to become more perfect. For only the outer shell disintegrates, but what the shell harbours is spiritual, i.e. imperishable, which escapes the shell in order to enliven a new shell. And this spiritual must become perfect.... This is the basis of all becoming and passing away. And that is why nothing in the material world can remain unchanged, for it harbours nothing perfect within itself, since it only came into being in order to offer the imperfect the opportunity to become perfect. Once the spiritual has reached the degree of perfection, it can leave the material world, the earth, and enter the spiritual realm. Becoming and passing away is therefore necessary for the higher development of the spiritual, and that is why all passing away should be welcomed and all becoming and arising should make people happy.... The passing away of every form means an overcoming of it for the spiritual hidden within, and overcoming is victory.... If the human being has come to this realization then nothing frightens him anymore, then he also only sees death as a bridge into the spiritual kingdom. For now the spiritual, the soul, leaves its last shell in order to be able to enter the spiritual kingdom carefree. But one thing must have preceded.... a conscious striving for spiritual maturity during life on earth. As soon as man's gaze is directed upwards, as soon as he knows the meaning and purpose of embodiment on earth, he consciously strives upwards. He wants to become perfect as soon as he has recognized God and knows about his outcome and his goal. And for him death means overcoming the last form on earth, from which the soul now finally escapes and therefore also from the material world. The shell passes away, but the spiritual awakens to new life, to a life that lasts forever.... (17.11.1942) But people can also lead a life unconscious of the purpose, and this through their own fault.... as soon as they value matter too highly and thereby stifle every spiritual thought within themselves which would make them realize their actual task on earth. Then they no longer use their last external form for the purpose of maturing the soul. And then death is the end of their development on earth, and the upward development in all other works of creation comes to a standstill in this last phase of earthly life, a standstill occurs in the development.... And then the entry into the spiritual kingdom is not an awakening to eternal life but a state of death, a state of lifelessness is the soul's fate from now on. Becoming and passing away on earth has come to an end for this spiritual being, it has gone through all stages in always constant higher development, but in the stage as man it has failed; it has interrupted the development itself because this stage had given it free will and man abused free will. And then, understandably, entry into the spiritual kingdom must mean great torment and disappointment for him, for only the perfect is entitled to eternal bliss....
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