2347 Will to spiritual activity.... power supply....

May 25, 1942: Book 32

The will to serve God is manifested through every preparation for spiritual activity. And God blesses this will so that it can be put into practice, for the human being needs strength in order to realize his will, which is now given to him by God in accordance with his eagerness to serve. Spiritual work is so extremely necessary as the spiritual development of countless people depends on it, for spiritual activity is receiving and passing on the truth from God. Spiritual work is also carried out by the person who spends a lot of time thinking about spiritual things and who shares his thoughts with his fellow human beings.... as soon as he himself has the right attitude towards God, i.e: Anyone who, in faith in God, thinks about His nature, His activity and His works of creation, to which he himself belongs, his thoughts are also correctly guided by God Himself, and every exchange of thoughts with likewise believing people will result in spiritual success insofar as that time and again questions will be asked mentally or expressed which will be answered mentally by the beings of light.... And thus the truth will also find its way into people who are spiritually active. Conscious educational work results in a great blessing, i.e., if a person is willing to have an enlightening effect on earth and shapes himself into a bearer of truth then he will always be active for the benefit of his fellow human beings, and God blesses such a willingness to be active through the flow of extraordinary strength.... He will therefore never lack strength where it is needed. A person who has the will to do what is right before God will always turn towards the light, i.e. he will be truth-seeking. For this will alone gives him the strength to recognize which path he has to take. And this realization soon spurs him into action. It drives him to communicate what he has recognized to his neighbour, and thus the spiritual work begins. God allows Himself to be found by everyone who seeks Him.... He gives an answer to everyone who seriously asks.... He gives strength to the weak and perseverance to the striving.... Only the will must be given by man himself. But God also strengthens this when he turns to Him. And even the intention to place his activity at the lord's service testifies to God that his will is turned towards Him and results in the fact that the human being can now also carry it out, for he will always be able to accomplish what he wants if it serves the salvation of his fellow human beings. Nothing is impossible to accomplish if the strength from God flows to the human being, and the strength from God will always be available to the person who expresses his will to be active for Him. But the activity for Him consists of bringing souls to Him, thus God will always give His blessing to this ministry, i.e. distribute His strength and His grace. For the spiritual hardship on earth is great, and wherever a person wants to control this spiritual hardship, wherever he wants to help his fellow human beings' souls, he can always be certain of God's supply of strength so that he can carry out every spiritual activity for the benefit of his fellow human beings....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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