2163 Connection from the beyond to earth.... mediate in love....
November 23, 1941: Book 31
The pure spiritual exchange of thoughts between the human being and the instructing beings in the beyond produces results which are tremendously informative and impart knowledge to the human being which can never be conveyed to him earthly. And that is why it is far more advantageous to get in touch with these instructing beings than to entrust oneself to earthly teachers, because the latter do not necessarily have to stand in truth and will still want to have their knowledge regarded as truth, while the beings in the beyond convey purest truth to earth as soon as man desires such. Even spiritual truth has to be offered with love if it is to be accepted by the heart.... However, love for one's fellow human being is not always the reason why the instructor tries to impart his knowledge to him. The beings in the beyond, however, are so full of love for people that they want to offer them the truth and only look for people who are willing to receive this truth in order to spread it on earth. Thus, where love for fellow human beings is active, God protects both the giver and the receiver from error, for then God will give the person the realization of what truth is, even if the instructor has acquired his knowledge through worldly study. For if the human being is capable of love then he unconsciously opens his heart to the influence of the spiritual world and this guides his thoughts correctly. Love is always a certain security for right thinking. But the spiritual connection with the beyond is nevertheless preferable to earthly study, for the human being is taught everything by those beings since nothing is foreign to them, instead, their knowledge extends to all areas and consequently they can also impart their extensive knowledge to people on earth. They only need people's attention and it depends on this what wisdom is presented to them. The beings in the beyond are always ready to give but their ability to receive the truth is not always the same. However, spiritual gifts may only be offered where the human being has the sincere will to receive them. And the human being's will will be increasingly more inclined towards the truth the further he has penetrated the knowledge.... i.e., once the human being allows himself to be instructed by the beings in the beyond his desire for ever deeper divine wisdom will also increase, and then his ability to recognize what is offered to him as truth and to accept it directly will also increase. This ability is a great grace that God bestows on the person who believes in Him and recognizes His working. For the powers in the beyond first have to be recognized before they can express themselves, i.e., faith in the working of powers in the beyond allows the love of these powers to become active and they are willing to provide the earthly child with exhaustive information about all questions which the human being now mentally asks them. Hence every human being can become knowledgeable, yet as long as he lacks the belief that God makes use of these powers in order to initiate the human being into His reign and activity, such cannot be revealed....
Translated by Doris Boekers