2261 Another walk through creation.... solid form....

March 15, 1942: Book 31

The stay in the solid form is unspeakably agonizing because the spiritual feels the compulsion and cannot free itself from it. But the resistance against God is so strong in this spiritual being that another outer form would never ever break it, and therefore the solid form, the rock in its most manifold kind, was given to the spiritual being as cover until the resistance is broken and the beingness in it is prepared to cover the way on earth in service. Only this willingness brings relief to the beingness, namely a loosening of its outer shell and therefore a somewhat less solid outer form. Thus it is left to the being itself to decide how long it wants to languish in this agony, for its will alone sets it free, its will changes the agonizing state into a more bearable one. The fact that these solid forms have such an infinitely long duration of existence is solely due to the resistance of the spiritual being inherent in them, which could change its state at any time if it wanted to give up this resistance to God. Consequently, this spiritual substance does not have to endure undeserved suffering but is itself the cause of its torment through its wrong will. And God knows about its will and has therefore incorporated it into those external forms which correspond to its rebellious nature. The beingness, which gives up its resistance against God more quickly, mainly revitalizes those types of rock which dissolve more quickly, i.e. which are repeatedly shattered as a result of natural disasters or earth eruptions and therefore release the spiritual within them in a shorter time. The being's rebelliousness is known to God from eternity and the whole course of development is therefore likewise prescribed to him from eternity, which is why nothing being-like has to endure an undeserved state but, depending on its attitude towards God, is surrounded by the outer shell which is to change its will, even if this is only the case after an inconceivably long time. And such an agonizing stay will be the fate of countless people still inhabiting the earth who, through their complete lack of love, forfeit any right to live in spiritual freedom, i.e., to be allowed to be active. The path was shown to them through millennia and the opportunity was given to them to acquire this spiritual freedom, yet they abused their free will anew in the last stage of their development and therefore also have to cover this infinitely long path to liberation again, for it is their own will and the new stay only corresponds to their actions and thoughts on earth in utter heartlessness....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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