
2318 Contact with the spiritual world....

April 29, 1942: Book 32

Contact with the spiritual world is so extremely fruitful that it should always and constantly be established and always be striven for anew. It cannot be sufficiently pointed out to people to put themselves in contact with the giving powers of the spiritual kingdom, for if they abandon themselves to these powers their higher development is guaranteed. Where people lack the strength to do so, they are always ready to transmit it and only require the willingness to receive it, but this can only happen when the person establishes a conscious connection with the giving forces. These beings are also subject to certain laws and certain preconditions have to be fulfilled if these beings are to be able to take action. But as soon as the human being believes that the spiritual forces can influence his way of life, as soon as he wants to let the influence work on him, the spiritual beings have a certain freedom. They are now allowed to consider the human being at their own discretion, and since they are extremely willing and helpful, the human being is abundantly provided for by them and truly does not need to live in want. The forces in the beyond often make themselves known to people and want to encourage them to establish a connection with them. They use every opportunity to direct their thoughts towards the kingdom which lies beyond the earthly, and as soon as a person occupies himself with such thoughts, i.e. he stays with them for a longer period of time, they are already able to influence him through mental transmissions. But if the working of these beings can be made credible to a person so that he establishes the connection with them himself, then a measure of knowledge flows to him mentally which also no longer lets him feel the earthly heaviness in this way, thus signifying strength and grace for the person. And the spiritual powers can hand out unmeasured, they set no limits as long as the human being does not set such limits. They are always and forever ready for the earthly child longing for them because it was entrusted to their protection and they are allowed to consider it for the time of the earthly career according to their desire. And if they maintain contact with those spiritual beings they will never be without assistance, for the spiritual beings are very capable and in their love they are also always ready to give. Yet people have to initiate the contact themselves, for they may only offer their spiritual gifts to those who make contact with them through thoughtful questions or desire them in faith in their strength through heartfelt prayer to God or silent invocation of those powers which God has provided to them for the time of their life on earth....


Translated by Doris Boekers