2735 Grace of embodiment as a human being....

May 12, 1943: Book 34/35/36

Very few people realize that life on earth is a grace for them and that they must make use of this grace, otherwise they will not respect it and lose many blessings. However, they cannot excuse themselves with ignorance and must therefore answer for disregarding grace. It is presented to every person, and every person can use his intellect and think about what he is told, and with a serious will to do good and right he will also have the right thoughts about the purpose of his earthly life. But his will is free and he can also reject the right thoughts, he just has to answer for this wrong will. The grace of embodiment on earth is the conclusion of an endlessly long period of development of the soul. Life on earth is very short compared to this long period of development before, and yet it is decisive for the whole of eternity. Earthly life is a grace, for in it God gives people the opportunity to cast off every shackle and become completely free, and He gives the weak human being every conceivable means to achieve this goal. And this grace is not recognized and therefore not valued as grace, as a gift which God's love bestows upon His living creations in order to lead them to the light out of the night of the spirit. People pass by the graces indifferently. They live their lives, but in a completely wrong way. They desire what they should overcome and they disregard what they should strive for and therefore cannot mature, instead they stand still in their development, if they do not even develop regressively. And the endlessly long earthly progress before was in vain, and the grace of embodiment as a human being has not earned him any progress, otherwise he would thank God beyond measure that he has received earthly life from Him. Only he who recognizes it as a grace will be able to make use of this grace and achieve success for the soul. Life in eternity cannot yet be presented to the human being, otherwise free will would be in danger of becoming unfree. He is to develop upwards completely unconstrained, and innumerable possibilities, innumerable aids are at his disposal, which are all favours to make his life on earth easier. God bestows all these favours upon people in His greater than great love; yet the greatest grace is that the soul was allowed to embody itself in the human being, that it is offered every opportunity, that it now has the opportunity to join God through this embodiment, that it is constantly looked after by beings of light which can help it to reach the goal. But if it disregards this great grace it will lose other favours again and live its earthly life in vain, that is, it will not pursue the only goal, the union with God. It only lives the earthly life, uses the life power flowing towards it for this and leaves its soul completely unnoticed. And thus it abuses the grace of embodiment and therefore has to answer to God....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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