2743 Spiritual low.... denier of God.... teaching them....

May 17, 1943: Book 34/35/36

If you bear in mind people's low spiritual level, which is expressed in increased unkindness, in complete lack of faith and in a purely materialistic way of life, you will also recognize the necessity to remedy this low spiritual level as soon as you are informed about the actual meaning and purpose of earthly life. Consequently, knowledge of this is necessary insofar as that the reign and activity of God then becomes understandable to the human being, that he then recognizes that only God's love underlies all events, no matter how painful and seemingly unbearable for people. The further man himself distances himself from God through unkindness, the more incomprehensible it is to him that a deity should direct world events because, in his opinion, it testifies to neither wisdom nor love. And that is why he completely rejects God, he gives up all belief in an almighty, loving and wise creator. And it is difficult to teach such a person anything else, it is difficult to make him understand the meaning and purpose of divine activity as long as he recognizes nothing at all other than what is visible and tangible to him. The suffering of the present time certainly allows some people to find their way back to God, but far more lose their faith completely, and that out of ignorance, out of a lack of realization of their actual purpose of life on earth. However, they themselves are to blame for their ignorance insofar as they live without love because they are of wrong will and do not utilize their vitality in the right way.... in serving neighbourly love. For otherwise they would be instructed by the spirit within themselves, their thinking would be right, they would be mentally pointed to their actual purpose and also recognize the deplorable state of affairs brought about by people's lack of love. Man hardens himself more and more through his wrong thinking, which dark powers instil in him, and yet he cannot be helped in any other way than by pointing out his wrong way of life, the consequences of this both for him and his soul as well as earthly for the whole of humanity, which is of the same mind as he is. He can only be made aware of these consequences and thereby recognize the truth that the announced earthly events will also come to pass, so that he will now find an explanation for the great suffering affecting the earth and mentally approach the teachings. This is the only way to make him aware of the coming great event, although he can still find a natural explanation for it if he is completely hardened in his mind. However, his wrong thinking cannot be forcibly guided correctly, it must be left to his will to connect the events with a guiding deity. Faith in God can be gained through profound suffering, through an extraordinary intervention by God which manifests itself in the creation of nature. However, everything can also pass by unimpressively for a person who has completely renounced God and then there is no other way for him to recognize Him. He is lost for this earth period and has to start a new epoch of redemption. He is so far from God that he has to go through the course of development again. His will, which he used wrongly in the free state, has to be bound again because otherwise no redemption is possible for him.


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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