
2281 Work of the beings of light on willing earthlings....

March 29, 1942: Book 32

The beings descend to earth from the kingdom of light and stay close to people who open their hearts to God's emanation of love. As soon as the human being connects with God in thought or heartfelt prayer, his heart is opened to these emanations and now the beings of light can work and impart the emanation from God to the earthly human being who is willing to receive it. They are animated by God's will, they think and want nothing else than God wants, and thus they will also now provide the human being with light and strength in accordance with God's will. The light beings' activity towards earthly people consists of constantly influencing their thoughts and trying to direct them towards spiritual things, thus spiritualizing their thoughts, i.e. distracting them from earthly things. As soon as the beings of light succeed in doing so a soul is won for eternity, for a person who once occupies himself with spiritual thoughts finds no pleasure in earthly experiences, and thus he has also overcome the desire for matter and his soul is approaching a state of maturity, for it unites itself with the spirit within itself which is constantly in contact with the beings of light as givers of strength and light. The soul participates in the gifts offered to the spirit by the beings of light.... It receives light and becomes knowledgeable. This is a great success which the beings of light achieve when they have spiritualized a person in such a way that his thoughts constantly occupy themselves with spiritual questions, that they strive towards God and attach little value to earthly events. For such a spiritualized person will now likewise try to influence his fellow human beings and thus facilitate the light beings' activity on earth by drawing his fellow human beings' attention to the value of spiritual striving, thereby turning their thoughts towards spiritual things and thus working in cooperation with the beings of light....


Translated by Doris Boekers