
2145 Fear of death.... moment of parting agony or happiness....

November 9, 1941: Book 31

Man can live and yet be dead in spirit, and likewise he can lose his bodily life and awaken from the sleep of death to eternal life. And both are up to him, he decides for himself about the death or life of his soul and yet attaches so little importance to this favour of a free decision during his life on earth. The state of death is an uncomfortable thought for every human being as soon as he is in the midst of life. And yet very few people do anything to make this thought less uncomfortable. They can do it with ease by living in such a way that there is no more death for them, that they are born again to eternal life. And then death has lost its sting for them, and the moment of departure from earth can be the most marvellous moment, without fear and terror or anxious uncertainty about one's future fate. Giving up earthly life need not be painful, the soul can detach itself from the body without any agony as soon as it has not paid attention to the body on earth and the union with the spirit was its endeavour on earth. Then the spirit has already hurried ahead into the spiritual kingdom during its lifetime, for it recognized this as its true home. It will now also describe this home to its soul in such a way that it also has a longing for that kingdom, and thus nothing keeps soul and spirit back on earth. But the body of such people is also in a certain state of maturity and no longer pressurizes the soul. Consequently, the soul easily detaches itself from it and enters the realm of peace.... But where the body has not yet given freedom to the spirit within itself, it will still exert the greatest influence on the soul, and since the body is attached to earth it will also transfer this desire to the soul, and now the soul only sees that it has to leave the stay on earth it has grown fond of, and since it cannot stop or avert the hour itself, it is overcome by a great fear of the 'after'. For in the hour of death it clearly recognizes what it has done wrong and this burdens it extraordinarily, and the hour of death becomes a torment for it, for it enters darkness where bright light could shine for it. And its state now is desolate and full of horror. Man has lived on earth only for his physical well-being, and so he now reaps the fruit of his life. The body and the soul suffer great agony, for the soul cannot enter the kingdom of light, consequently it is condemned to inactivity, whereas the souls in the kingdom of light are allowed to be active without interruption and the activity alone is already infinitely blissful. Life or death is the fate of souls who leave earthly life, and life or death is determined by the human being himself during his earthly life. And blessed if he still lets his will become active in time, that he learns to despise the world and restlessly works on himself. Then the hour of death will also be welcome to him, for for him it means awakening to eternal life.... for him it is not an hour of terror but the final redemption from a bound state....


Translated by Doris Boekers