2357 With faith in spiritual power, man can do anything....
June 3, 1942: Book 32
The most daunting problems can be solved effortlessly with the help of spiritual strength. What seems impossible for the human being alone he will be able to accomplish if he utilizes the spiritual strength at his disposal; and where there are limits to earthly knowledge there are no limits for the human being who makes use of spiritual strength.... Man can do nothing without the supply of strength from spiritual beings and yet he only rarely recognizes the givers of this strength because, on the one hand, he lacks the knowledge about it and, on the other, he does not want to accept anything that he cannot see or prove earthly. However, this dismissive attitude is a shortcoming that results in a reduced supply of strength, for spiritual forces can only come into action where they are recognized and thus consciously requested. However, the working of spiritual forces cannot be proven to people, they can only be informed about it, but only in such a way that they are not forcibly led to believe in spiritual forces. Spiritual power is a divine influx, i.e. divine emanation, which pushes everywhere where it finds no resistance.... However, the divine emanation must be something effective in itself, i.e. it must accomplish something.... whoever is permeated by it must be able to accomplish something that surpasses earthly abilities, for the power that flows directly from God to His creatures must enable the human being to do something that he would otherwise not be able to do. Consequently, the human being can accomplish things which seem extraordinary and yet can be explained in the simplest way by the flow of strength which God has intended for every human being but which is only very rarely utilized. And therefore there need not be anything extraordinary for the human being, for everything is explainable if he accepts that God gives the human being everything he lacks if the human being wants to receive it. If he believes that God is omnipotent, that He is therefore able to do everything and that God is the most loving being Who would like to give His strength to people, then it will no longer seem strange to him that he, too, can receive strength from God, and then he will consciously desire it, i.e. request it.... Only then can the spiritual forces come into action, i.e. serve as mediators between God and people, i.e. receive the strength from God and pass it on to people who, through prayer, make themselves receptive to this flow of strength again. And as soon as faith is strong, the human being now also uses this power for extraordinary work.... He will be able to accomplish what is otherwise impossible for him, he will penetrate areas of knowledge which are otherwise closed to him and he will be able to achieve things which surpass human strength, for spiritual forces are always at work, a power can always be utilized for which there are no limits to the possibility of implementation. For it is divine power, the emanation from God, which turns God's love towards all His creatures and only their willingness is needed to receive it....
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