2210 Decrease in the power to resist.... Faith in God's help....
January 12, 1942: Book 31
Worldly events often lead people to assume that they are too weak to offer resistance where God demands it of them. He is timid in his faith because he assumes that such events have already exhausted man's strength and that he will now fail where he is supposed to prove himself. It will certainly cost an inner struggle, man must not allow himself to be defeated without a fight, he must put up a certain amount of resistance, as this will increase his strength. And he must also realize that he is needed, that God has given him a task which he cannot easily evade. Yet to the same extent as he is needed he will also receive strength from God, and therefore he need not despair even if the task seems impossible for his weak strength. For God Himself appears when the human being faithfully trusts in His help; he even has to doubt his own strength at times, for only when he recognizes his own weakness will the human being pray as is right before God. But such prayer is absolutely necessary if a person wants to receive full strength. A prayer born out of man's weakness will deepen his humility, and thus man will now also be richly blessed with divine grace. But as long as a person still has the opportunity to make use of God's grace, he must also allow his faith in increased strength to grow strong, for it is divine grace that the lord stands by all those who are in danger of faltering. He needs strong fighters for His kingdom, and if a person really has the good will to be accepted into the army of His fighters then God will also give them the strength they need for their mission. For this cannot be accomplished without divine help, yet the human being should also struggle so that he will grow stronger and not feel defeated too quickly. God's grace, however, is absolutely necessary, and it will flow to the person the sooner the more humble his heart is. God's infinite love will not let anyone fall, and once it has taken hold of him, his life's destiny will play out as God, in His wisdom and love, deems right and good for the person's spiritual development. And even if it seems as if the strength to resist is diminishing in man.... He intervenes when the time is right, for He does not jeopardise His work and does not allow it to be jeopardised by people. He only demands the human being's devotion so that His work will not be resisted.... He will strengthen the weak will of man but never forcefully change the will opposed to Him.... Therefore, as soon as a person's heart beats towards God, he need not fear that he will weaken. God will pour out His spirit on the one who declares himself willing to serve Him; and where the spirit from God works, the endeavour must succeed. The human being will fulfil the task with the support of divine grace, which will now flow to him in abundance....
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