2029 Compassion for the great need....

August 14, 1941: Book 30

I have no other goal than to end this greatest of all hardships.... I do not want to leave the world in misery, for they are My creatures who are heading for destruction. I want to give them clarity and make Myself recognizable to them; I want to bring them the truth and I want there to be light in their hearts. And that is why I descend to earth, offering My word to those who want to receive it. And I meet with resistance.... For My love and My working is no longer recognized and the world resists the transmission of what it receives. People do not know about My greater than great love, they measure with the yardstick of their own feelings and the hardship on earth is getting greater and greater. For only those who recognize Me as love understand that I make Myself known to them. Yet where there is no love there is still deepest night.... But I want it to become light and inform you that everything determined for writing corresponds to My will, that it is offered to you by those whom I have chosen to instruct you. I hereby announce to you that the hour is not far off when I will call you, for the time is pressing and the darkness is great. Give love to all people who are around you and thus let Me be with you in love and let My strength flow into you, then people will recognize that I speak to them through you and they will believe My words....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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