2156 Power current from the realm of light....
November 19, 1941: Book 31
Powers are constantly flowing to people from the kingdom of light and humanity could truly be redeemed in a short time if it utilized the powers flowing to it in accordance with divine will. However, only a few people utilize this power from the kingdom of light, but they progress more quickly in their development. Thus it is also possible to mould oneself into a being of light during one's life on earth as long as the human being has the serious will to do so. He is not incapable, only mostly unwilling. If the unwillingness is now to be changed into a will devoted to God, then the human being must be given the knowledge about the effect of the wrong as well as the right will in earthly life and in the beyond. The wrong will on earth is an obstacle to receiving strength from the kingdom of light, and without strength the ascent upwards is impossible, thus the fate in the beyond after bodily death is a state of hardship and torment according to his state of imperfection, whereas the right will allows strength and grace to be requested from God and this ensures his ascent upwards, thus after death he is granted a free, carefree life in strength and bliss. The knowledge of the consequences of his earthly attitude can determine the human being to turn to the giving beings of the kingdom of light of his own accord and to call upon them for help in his earthly weakness and adversity. And now the strength can be imparted to him. The beings of light only need good will.... the will to do what is right and thereby come closer to God. This will provides the human being with an influx of spiritual strength and he can then accomplish what his will strives for.... he will approach God in thought, in action and in speech. He then cannot accomplish anything that goes against God's will; he can only become weak if the request for strength, the prayer, becomes weaker; but time and again he will find his way back to God and feel that he is on the right path if he abandons himself to God and His grace. The human being's resistance makes the influx of strength from the kingdom of light impossible, for the strength can only become effective where it is accepted without resistance. And this is why the bearers of strength on earth...., i.e. the people who willingly receive the flow of strength from the kingdom of light...., should make people aware of the effect of this strength as well as of the shortcoming of a powerless earthly person, so that he will now make up his own mind and likewise request the gift of strength which is absolutely necessary for the transformation of his nature as long as he remains on earth....
Translated by Doris Boekers