2236 Spiritual freedom.... Uninfluenced decision-making....
February 15, 1942: Book 31
In order to come to the right realization, man must not be denied the freedom of thought. But this is taken away from him if he is given a certain guideline, i.e. he is influenced insofar as that certain views and opinions are held up to him until the person's thinking moves in the same direction. This is a certain compulsion, an elimination of free thinking, which does not remain without effect in people who are unable to resist. Such people can never come to knowledge because they are rendered incapable of thinking for themselves and are therefore also without judgement. The human being should have the opportunity to decide in every direction and he must therefore also be able to move in every spiritual direction until he reaches his own decision. Therefore, he must neither be told nor denied what should be brought close to his train of thought, what he wants to accept or reject. For only then will it be possible for him to come to realization through reflection. He must be allowed to follow every school of thought, otherwise he could neither be called to account nor gain any spiritual advantage if he thinks wrongly or rightly. And that is why it is the greatest injustice to want to exert a determining influence on people in spiritual matters.... It is wrong before God and people to forcibly direct people's thinking towards completely wrong views and teachings.... It is wrong to want to base the education of young people on completely wrong ideas and a completely wrong school of thought. Young people must be given the opportunity to decide freely which ideas they want to accept.... They must be granted freedom of thought and be given the knowledge of different schools of thought so that they can make their own decisions without the determining influence of their fellow human beings. Where freedom of thought is infringed upon, the human being is labelled an unfree being; what has been given to him by God is taken from him by people.... Spiritual influence can only be approved of if unselfish love can be recognized in it, which wants to protect people from harm to their souls. However, where a certain spiritual blindness is brought up out of selfishness, where a person is kept ignorant for selfish motives, fellow human beings who strive for this ignorance or achieve it through coercion are greatly to blame. Spiritual freedom must be preserved for every human being, and therefore he must also be given the opportunity to examine every school of thought, i.e. to take note of it and consider the pros and cons. Only then can a person decide freely and form his spiritual state accordingly...., but this is never possible if his spirit is gagged, i.e. if he is forced to think as his fellow human being pleases....
Translated by Doris Boekers