2043 Abuse of the power of the strongest.... unkindness....
August 26, 1941: Book 30
The spirit of discord dominates the world, and this spirit can produce nothing other than discord and lack of love. Love will never be able to develop where people treat each other without love. On the other hand, hatred and vengefulness will blossom to the highest level. And this means ever greater destruction of what is the possession of the other. It also means that the human being regresses more and more in his spiritual development, which is the purpose and goal of earthly life, that he sinks deeper and deeper and finally departs from the world in a state that can or must be called almost more immature than at the beginning of his embodiment on earth. For unkindness is the opposite of that which leads upwards. Humanity is caught up in a terrible delusion; it believes itself to be called upon to suppress or completely eradicate the weak and sees this as the right of the strongest.... It rages against the divine order, which associates the weak with the strong, so that the latter may test itself against it, but in a different way than it does.... For the strong should be the giver and provide for the weak and needy, he should stand by them in their need and powerlessness; the strong should not abuse his power and strength to oppress the weak, but protect them from oppression. But where there is unkindness, the divine order is no longer respected. Everyone only loves himself, he seeks to increase his own well-being and to enrich himself with the possessions of the weak, who cannot resist him enough. And this state of affairs is intolerable in the long run, for it always has a destructive effect, but never a constructive one, just as everything that is directed against the divine order means downfall. A constant struggle can certainly be observed in nature, which always results in an increase in the power of the strongest. This battle certainly leads to the perpetual remodelling of the external form of the being, but then it is God-willed because God Himself directs the will of the creature and every process is necessary for the higher development of the spiritual in every form. But man has overcome all these forms, and free will is given to him during the time of his walk on earth, which he is now to use for the higher development of the soul. He should fight, but only against himself and the evil instincts within him. He should strive for what is good and noble and try to overcome everything that is low, and this is constant fighting.... And he should help his fellow human being in this fight against himself. And so man must suppress every desire, he must learn to despise what the world presents to him as desirable, so that he does not seek to increase his possessions, but gladly and joyfully gives them away. If he does this, he will soon be able to cast off his earthly shackles and enter the kingdom of light unencumbered.... But what goals are people currently pursuing.... All his thoughts and endeavours are only aimed at increasing earthly possessions; he wants to possess, whereas he should renounce.... He clings tenaciously to earthly possessions and seeks to gain them even by unlawful means, as he exploits the weakness of his fellow human being and overcomes him by virtue of his strength. And this is the result of unkindness, which is now particularly evident in humanity and which is the cause of unspeakable suffering.... for love can only be reawakened through such....
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