2455 Challenges from the underworld and battle....
August 23, 1942: Book 33
What develops upwards is also exposed to particular temptations from the underworld, for the battle of darkness against everything full of light and striving towards the light is waged with perseverance and requires tenacious resistance. And this is why the human being should regard every spiritual battle as proof that he, too, belongs to those striving upwards and that these battles only test his will and also strengthen it. No struggling person will remain without help, and his soul will be protected by beings of light who well see this battle and are always willing to help because they know about the human being's weakness but also about their will to overcome it. They, too, demand their tribute for their help, but they want to give more than they receive from man.... they only demand attention in order to impart a knowledge that makes them happy. And this knowledge in turn helps them to defend themselves against the forces of the underworld, i.e. to emerge victorious in the battle against evil forces. For the weapons of evil forces are ineffective against a knowledgeable person, because he recognizes their cunning and can take victorious action against them. A certain danger only exists as long as man is seized by indifference and he neglects to fight against it, and this state is dangerous because God's adversary is immediately prepared to seize man's indifferent will and then the fight becomes an ever more difficult one which man has to wage. For this is the human being's strength, that he immediately surrenders to God and appeals to Him for protection and he will also take this path due to the knowledge he has received. This is why God's adversary has little chance of winning over a soul which strives towards God, even if the temptations approach it in the form of spiritual defeats which always occur when the human being believes himself to be strong enough and makes less use of God's help. God always wants to be consulted, He always wants to stand by the human being as a guide in all situations in life, but He also always wants to be called upon, and if the human being neglects this, God seemingly withdraws from him and lets him get into trouble in order to chain him to Himself again, in order to be called upon again from the innermost heart, so that through this call the forces of the underworld are displaced and the ascent upwards can now take place without effort. For God wants to make it easy for people, yet the weakness of will makes the path to ascent difficult....
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